Quick Reformer Flow<br>Brett Howard<br>Class 5494

Quick Reformer Flow
Brett Howard
Class 5494

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Taryn Upchurch
Yes! Brett is back!
Sara P
I enjoyed it so much, this quick reformer, just what I needed !!
Shona Croft
Yesss quick with great rhythm and no stops. So happy to have you back Brett and a great little class to fit in xxxxx
I’ve struggled with Pilates push-ups due to shoulder pain in the past. Those Paris Pushups were just what I needed to feel successful with a pushup on the reformer. Thank you for teaching that!
Love your pace! Thank you.
Alexa B
love this quickie
Christina B
Thank you so much for this quick lesson!
Amy W
Great class...thank you!
Michael Mary S
Nice quickie!  Love your cueing.  
1-10 of 21

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