Core Crusher<br>Carrie Pages<br>Class 5553

Core Crusher
Carrie Pages
Class 5553

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1 person likes this.
I always look forward to Carrie's classes - they are so creative, challenging and her energy is just fun. This class was amazing! Got deeply into my abs. Can't wait to try the rest!
1 person likes this.
Consider my core well and truly crushed!! Thank you Carrie 
Sandra B
1 person likes this.
What a beautiful, hard workout! Your cueing is lovely, and full of grace, as are your movements. True inspiration! Definitely among the few of my favorites! Can’t wait to for tomorrow’s class!
1 person likes this.
I loved the core crusher! Your energy is amazing!!! 
Michael Mary S
Great workout!  
2 people like this.
Challenging and Amazing all wrapped up!
1 person likes this.
Loved it!
Olivia S
1 person likes this.
FIRE!! My abs have never fatigued so quickly!
Michele M
1 person likes this.
Woweeee Loved the core connection the entire time!! Thank you Carrie!:D
Marithé Lessard
Holalala, great abs thank you ☺️ lovedit
11-20 of 45

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