Fluid and Energetic Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 562

Fluid and Energetic Mat
Amy Havens
Class 562

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Loved your faster pace while teaching this class!
I second Elaine. I assumed it would be another "get out the protracter" very deliberate class with flow breakages (not that those are bad) but boy was I pleasantly surprised! thank you.
Hi Pele, thank you for your feedback, as always-- it's much appreciated! I'm glad I surprised you a little bit with this class and it's pace!
Great class Amy! Loved the extra shoulder stretch in the down phase of the boomerang!
as always great class amy. I enjoyed it. thanks. blanche
Another awesome mat session....loved loved loved the jackknife & modified jackknife. Especially looooved the side sequence beginning with the side roll and ending with rotation in side plank...now known as "Amy's Side Series" Thank you!
Work it! And I applaud your class! They are strong!
Hi Miss Erin......thanks for taking class with me and I'm so glad you enjoyed that extra time with the shoulder stretch! I always love that too!
Thank you Blanche!
Jennifer....as always it's so nice to hear your feedback....it is greatly appreciated. I like it, "Amy's Side Series".....thank you!! The rolling side to side is fun for sure!
1-10 of 27

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