Unilateral Focused Reformer<br>Courtney Miller<br>Class 5626

Unilateral Focused Reformer
Courtney Miller
Class 5626

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The unilateral work is great! Fun, athletic class. I particularly enjoyed the box pushes straddling the carriage
1 person likes this.
Thank you, Courtney! Unilateral is an amazing way to practice and teach. I love the way you build each exercise making them so much more accessible for multiple levels. Adding this one to my very long list of my favorite Courtney classes!
Shannon H
Such a great workout. I love unilateral work. Thank you as always!
Teri M
Amazing!!! My new fave workout. Thanks so much xx
Gracie H
I am loving ALL these classes! Challenging and super fun! Hard to pick a favorite but will be returning to do them all again. Thank you!
Sandra U
Love unilateral work!  Great video Courtney as always:).  Where are your leggings from ? So cute!
Michele M
I feel balanced and strong after this dynamic practice!  The unilateral exercises are wonderful for the body and I will both practice and teach them often too:D. Thank you for sharing!!
Kim N
What would you have a pregnant woman do instead of being on their belly?
Kelly S
Great class. Challenging and smart 🙌
Natalia G
Hi Kim N - Natalia from the Pilates Anytime team here!

It is perfectly acceptable to skip this section of the movement entirely and move forward to the next section of the class. Especially during pregnancy, safety should always hold priority over performing every single exercise in a class.

However, if the pregnant person is able to get on and off of the reformer safely and with ease, I would recommend the following alternative:

1. Stand on the floor with feet parallel and knees softly bent
2. Fold the upper body at the hips, with the spine now leaning forward at a 45 degree angle
3. With a pair of light dumb bells (or without) perform the same arm movement as the exercises demonstrated in the video, focusing on pulling the abdominals in, sliding the shoulder blades down the spine, and activating the movement through the muscles in the back. 

I hope this alternative is helpful to provide a similar back, arm, and core activation that the original exercises provide. 
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