Full-Body Mat<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 583

Full-Body Mat
Kristi Cooper
Class 583

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Michael L
1 person likes this.
Great class! I love the stretches in 2nd at the end! Thanks so much
You take SUCH good care of us all Kristi! Love the way you offer lots visual and auditory cues to make certain we truly GET what each exercise is about.
Thank you Joni!
1 person likes this.
The pace of the class is exremely slow but the instruction is thoughtful.
Fantastic** Kristi you rock~ I love my ring..... you just made my evening now I am ready steady to go! :)
I'd like to see more like this!
Fantastic class! So good for abs and lats! Shoulders feel more ease-fully placed now and legs strong.
Thank you Waller McInnes!
Lorie H
Hoping for more of a workout from Kristi. I got bored and forced myself to finish this. Enjoyed the ending stretches.
Great to find this old class.  I feel great after doing it- good mix of stretching and ab work. Thanks Kristi!
11-20 of 20

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