Creative Reformer Variations<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 606

Creative Reformer Variations
Tracey Mallett
Class 606

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Great class! worked up a sweat :)
great class tracey! you always give great workouts!!! Hope to see more of you on pilates anytime!
Thank you Tracey and Kristi. That was a great class! Train and all........:)
Good class thank you :)
Thank you Tracey Mallett -really enjoyed the unilateral footwork and single leg in strap Work. Great class💜
Energetic and quick. I can certainly feel my legs! Thank you for a great workout! 
Lovely workout!
I am so glad I found this oldie but goodie!  It was a wonderful flow that was just the right balance of challenge and fun.  It felt so good!  Thanks!
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