Eve Gentry Inspired Mat<br>Michele Larsson<br>Class 715

Eve Gentry Inspired Mat
Michele Larsson
Class 715

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I never tire of doing this class. Thanks very much for this.
1 person likes this.
Love revisiting the basics. Great way to start my Sunday morning
It's always nice to go back to the basics. Lovely class. Thank you PA.
After a weekend in teacher training I will admit I was a little star struck! Michele uses beautiful imagery throughout the workout which help deepen your understanding of the movements!
I am new to Pilates and I am currently doing a Pilates mentorship, I really really enjoyed this class, you are a very easy teacher to listen and watch and a brilliant class. Thank you,
Thank you so much--some really great cuing and imagery to remember.
Cynthia G
That was amazing So glad there are teachers who can pass on the baton.  Loved the Feldenkrais influences or is it just the common sense of body knowledge. So great. Thanks
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