Mat Workout<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 726

Mat Workout
Amy Havens
Class 726

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Hi Sherry! Thank you......these are great straps/props to have.....lots of options to give the Matwork some variety!
Barbara, wonderful....I didn't know that Theraband made a similar strap...good to know, thank you! I too like straps that stretch a little bit (similar to the Fletcher towel!) :)
Thanks Barbara, I will have to look for that too!
It's called the Theraband Stretch Strap. I bought mine on Did the class using it today. Makes the movements a lot more intense -- or at least it did for me.
Loved the double leg stretch with the vertical femurs- it really changed the movement. Excellent class with a fun prop. Always one of my favorite teachers, too :)
Marisa.....the vertical femurs helped me so much long ago too and does change the movement greatly! I remember the 'ah-ha' moment with that change! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave this is greatly appreciated! :)
11-16 of 16

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