Mat on the Spine Corrector<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 781

Mat on the Spine Corrector
Amy Havens
Class 781

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I feel all the exercises very deeply . Your cues are perfect.
I 'm wait for your next class ( any class..)

Love the cues but how about getting us moving a bit more while you give us those cues? It gets things less stagnant. It was a hard to stay inverted on the barrell as you went in lots of detail about things that I'm sure are very important. IMO.
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Thank you so much Monica, I appreciate your comments. Happy to hear you felt the work deep in your body!! I love the Spine Corrector for that very reason!

Pele, thank you for commenting and I do agree, after going back and watching a little of thsi class, I do feel I could have gotten things moving a bit more. I had two gals in my class that night who had never been on a Spine Corrector so I wanted to make very sure I was being clear about the instruction and intent. Part of my approach is giving time and space for people to hear my cues, feel and perceive and translate into their bodies. It can slow things down, but in doing so, it can also build stamina, endurance, strength and deep awareness of the movement. Thanks for your feedback!
Another great class Amy!!!! Thank you! Can't wait to take your next one!
Much appreciated Krista, thank you so much! More classes on the way for sure!
Great class. I suffer from arthritis, disk degeneration of lumbar and cervical spine. These exercises helped me tremendously.
Hi Marcia.....thanks for taking my Spine Corrector class recently. I so value the Spine Corrector and all its benefits. I have a rather straight spine and some scoliosis and find the exercise options available on the Corrector are perfect for really connecting to the optimal curves of the spine. Pat Guyton has a Spine Corrector class on this site as well and I think you'll quite enjoy her class too, check it out. She's one of my mentors.....and an incredible teacher!
Nadine E
1 person likes this.
Great transition from mat to spine corrector. I practiced it with my Pilates Arc.
Thank you Nadine!
Please, they are called SIT bones because we SIT on them. Why do you call them the SITS bones???
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