Creative Reformer Variations<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 812

Creative Reformer Variations
Amy Havens
Class 812

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2 people like this.
A new reformer class from Amy, what a great way to start the day! So creative! ... Your passion shows. Nice flow and fab cues of course. Thank you so much.
Paola Maruca
Once again Amy has shown how versatile the Reformer can be and as usual she does it in a chrystal clear way, providing lots of cues, info and ideas that are just right and 'make sense'. I am always very happy when she teaches a Refomer class since I know there is always somthing new to learn from her. Thank you dear Amy!!!!!!!
2 people like this.
Great well rounded workout. I like the creativity!! Thanks Amy
Thank you Amy!!! Wonderful class. I look forward to your next class!!
Awesome Amy! I Loved the diversity of the excercises. Especially love the teaser sequence, I have the hardest time with teaser on the mat. Keep up the creativity. ????
The smiley face turned to ???? Sorry!
Thanks so much glad you enjoyed this class! Your feedback means so much to to you all soon!
Amy, goodness, you're sooooo creative. When i was doing the rotation exercises on the box, i was thinking: " how did she think of that?". and boy, did i feel the obliques, and conected. AWESOME class.
I loved the rotational exercises, a nice break from the mostly linear stuff.
Hi Giana! Thank you so much! I learned that seated rotation sequence from a Fletcher program teacher....wish I came up with that myself, but I didn't!. It's a fabulous sequence nonetheless. Thanks for such generous comments!

Still want to talk to you about workshop ideas? Still interested?!
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