Chest Opening Cadillac<br>Karen Sanzo<br>Class 932

Chest Opening Cadillac
Karen Sanzo
Class 932

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great cues! thank you
Lynn G
Love it, simple but so effective.
That was awesome Karen! One of my fave classes. I will be doing again.
Love this, and have several clients that it will suit! Have enjoyed your classes, Karen. Question: This class, and a few others, you mention that when doing single arm or leg exercises with a spring you are actually putting a rotational force on the spine. My question is, would that make this a good choice for clients with osteopenia or osteoporosis? As in , putting a rotational force on the spine without the actual rotation? It seems that could be beneficial. Or would you say that would be contraindicated ?
Karen Sanzo
Julia Taylor:
You are so correct!! You can use the one arm variations to "apply" a force to create some forces in the muscle. way to go.
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Great to know, and thanks for the quick response!
Christine Lamb
Karen is an exceptional teacher. She gets right to the essense
of the exercise. Please let's have more workshops and classes
from Karen. You're a superstar Karen!.
Gabriela G
Thannkyou so much..I am a baby boomer and feeling constricted as I age m but this made so much sense to me to be able to continue with my practice and specially for my students who need adjustingg for performing some of the exercises that feel so good..thankyou just what I was looking for..
Gabriela G
1 person likes this.
Thannkyou so much..I am a baby boomer and feeling constricted as I age m but this made so much sense to me to be able to continue with my practice and specially for my students who need adjustingg for performing some of the exercises that feel so good..thankyou just what I was looking for..
1 person likes this.
Karen, I am revisiting classes with some of my favorite instructors.  You are the pilates instructor for me.  I love your cueing and explanations.  Thank you.  During this crazy time you brought a lot of joy and my body feels great.  Hope you are well.
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