Oppositional Energy Tower<br>Sharon G.<br>Class 937

Oppositional Energy Tower
Sharon G.
Class 937

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Thank you Jason! Sharon is an excellent guide!
Love this! Feel better all over.
Kim W
1 person likes this.
Thank you, Sharon! I alreaded know some clients I'll be doing the leg work with. Felt great!
1 person likes this.
This was great and powerfull, excellent leg work. Thank you very much.
Sharon Gallagher-Rivera
Thank you Holly and Kim for the comments and I'm glad it felt great on your bodies. Awesome!
Sharon Gallagher-Rivera
Z A,
Thank you for the positive feedback. Yes, the Single Leg Squats require true power and strength. I'm so glad you liked the class.
1 person likes this.
Thanks Sharon I really enjoyed single leg standing work!
Robin S
1 person likes this.
LOVE LOVE this ~ all I can is more please.
Sharon Gallagher-Rivera
Thank you Summer G.  So glad you enjoyed the class.
Sharon Gallagher-Rivera
Thank you Robin for your positive feedback.  I really appreciate you taking the time to comment.
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