Strength and Power Tower<br>Erika Quest<br>Class 3973

Strength and Power Tower
Erika Quest
Class 3973

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Erika Quest
Maryam I'm SO glad! WOOHOO. One of my favorites that I shot for PA. Much love, Erika
Robin S
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I'd like to rename this "the rubble leg workout'. Thank you  Sublet so challenging. 
Erika Quest
Robin S TOO FUNNY ROBIN! Let it be known that Nico and I were both shaking along with you. Thanks for taking class. Much love, Erika
Alina N
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more more more please
Erika Quest
Alina N Oh thank you, Alina! I hope so soon. Thanks for taking class with me! Much love, Erika
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Oh super fun Erika!  Love all types of lunges and squats but now deadlifting with the push through bar too 😉.
Erika Quest
lorily WOOHOO! This was such a fun one for me to teach. I love it and thanks for taking class with me, Lorily!
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Loved this Erika!  Great flow and energy.  Will share with students!
Thank you so much!
Erika Quest
Judy G Yay! Judy, this is one of my faves that I filmed for PA too. So glad you enjoyed! Much love, Erika
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This class was absolutely fabulous! Great flow and queuing! Thank you 🙌🏻
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