Day 1: I am Present<br>Kira Lamb<br>Class 4718

Day 1: I am Present
Kira Lamb
Class 4718

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Because it's the best way to start the day.
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Because being present in my body and my thoughts allows me to be present in my life and for my family.
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I’m showing up for my Pilates practice because it’s healing and makes me feel strong and capable.
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Because I like the feeling during and afterwards! Very great cueing of the powerhouse! Never heard it cued like that before. Veeeeery efficient! Do you mind me borrowing?Thank you very much!
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Because  I feel greater space, length and strength in my body!
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Thank you so much for sharing, everyone. A common theme seems to be that, being present with ourselves in our Pilates practice, allows us to be more present in our relationships and daily responsibilities. Love that!
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Barbara L Absolutely! Please feel free to use my cues if they seem helpful.
Rachel M
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Because I want a healthy, vibrant spine!
Erica Young
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Because it feels so good inside and out!
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Because pilates gives me so much joy in my body, mind and spirit and is one of the main ways I can become the best version of myself.
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