Dynamic Flexibility<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 5224

Dynamic Flexibility
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 5224

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Wow, you have already given me many ways to work on some problem areas!  Looking forward to the other classes as well. Thanks!
Mim S
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first class with you Sarah, really enjoyed the cue-ing and breathing - was less Pilates-y than I expected, but the focus on conscious movement and stretching was just what I needed :) look forward to checking out your other classes!
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So excited to find a new class from Sarah...I felt great after this and love the "permission" to move around in the various positions!
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Wow - this was SO needed. I haven't felt this good and open in a long while. Thank you for the wonderful class Sarah. You are always a wonderful energy for my day :)
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Wonderful class!
Kaisa L
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What a start for a day, THANKS! Could you come to my home every morning?
Hi Lori,  Thank you!  What a treat to know that this class may help you move beyond your current challenges.  More classes coming soon.  Take care!! 
Hi Mim S,  I am so pleased you took this  class and it delivered something your body needed(even though it was not very Pilates-y:). The next 2 classes in this mat series will be a bit more Pilates-ish!! Look forward to "seeing" you again soon.  Take care:) 
Hi Wendy B, Yippee!  letting our bodies move as needed on any given day is so very important.  Thanks for "playing" with me AND there a a few more classes in this series coming soon.  Take care:) 
HI Laura M,  Thank you Thank you!  Revisiting his class felt so good for me too!  "See" you soon and take good care.
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