Functional Mat w/ Theraband<br>Tom McCook<br>Class 5101

Functional Mat w/ Theraband
Tom McCook
Class 5101

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Thank you Tom McCook . I really enjoyed it. I love your technique for mechanical movement . 
Maryam, thank you for your excellent feedback! Enjoy and all the best!🙏
Thanks so much. Such clear, friendly, humane instructions. Thank you again.
Kate A, you’re very welcome!! Enjoy and all the best!🙏
A great way to open our body in the morning . Fantastic!
Hung F, Thank you, great to hear you enjoyed!! 
Beautifully clear cueing, lovely flow, challenging and invigorating practice. Thank you!
Vanessa S, thank you for your feedback, It’s inspiring to hear the balance of elements good!😊🙏
Thank you Tom for another excellent workout. I love the theraband - as you said, one can do so much with it and I really enjoyed your variation and especially the precision of each exercise. The shoulder+ explanation is so important - will try it with my clients. 
 Such an informative class, always helping me to understand and benefit from movement.  Any more reformer classes coming? Hope so!!!
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