Wunda Chair Flow<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 204

Wunda Chair Flow
Amy Havens
Class 204

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Hi Amy!

I love so much your courses, you're dynamic and
your explanations are clear. You are a great teacher. Thank you to share . You work slowly and I really like it. Sorry for my english. THANK YOU SO MUCH Amy!
Hi Ginette! Thank you SO much ... such sweet comments and feedback. Yes, I do like to work slowly most of the time.....it gives me a chance to explain the intention, which I think is incredibly important.
Ive taken this class before. I guess I forgot to comment on it, but I really love this class! I have to work on the standing lunges. My leg on the chair moves inwards as I descend. Also have to work on remaining vertical instead of going forwards a bit. Oy, so much to think about:) Thanks again for being an amazing teacher on here!
Thank you Anne-Marie! The lunges are often a challenge...both phases, going up and down. Something to think about for you while you're decending-----check to see if your hip is hiking. If it is, this may be one reason you're leg moves inward (leaning in), or you may need to ever so slightly think of externally rotating the leg and 'wrap' around the high hamstring/low glut area. Staying vertical, oh boy, more challenge there! Take it slow, it will come! Thanks for your comments on the site!!
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This was fantastic! Love the reps on the lunges and the side line oblique - challenging/fun!
Hi Gaylynn! Thank you for taking class and spending a moment to comment. :)
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Hi Amy, another great class! Tried this with my advanced duet clients. They loved it! Especially side legs on the chair.
Thank you so much Len! :)
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This was an excellent class to do along with the video. It's interesting to watch the old videos, as they seem to be "real time" classes with actual clients, possibly unrehearsed, with cuing and pauses in work to get the alignments corrected, just like in everyday sessions. Well done Amy and thank you!
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Hi Patti--yes, this was a very early class and very much in 'real time'. When I have students join me for filming, even now, they are in real time. But this particular class was particularly fun for me to teach and I remember it clearly. These two gals were in the teacher training and gathering their hours toward completion. We wanted to work on detail, specificity, connection etc. I'm glad that came across and is appreciated. They've both gone on to be incredible teachers....one a PT here in SB and sometimes teaches Pilates, the other gal, works with me in my studio! :)
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