Reformer for Men<br>Kevin Bowen<br>Class 887

Reformer for Men
Kevin Bowen
Class 887

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Thank you for this Kevin!
Nice Class Kevin ! :)
Good but seriously overuses the cues "press out and bring it back in"....
This was great! For my male clients and everyone else. One of my favorite workouts yet. So much in one session! Thank you, thank you!
Thanks Kevin, I love your clear teaching style. I'm going to try some of these exercises with my male clients!
Kevin, Thank you for a great class. The functional warm-up is excellent, as well as the many variation for torso and thoracic mobility.Can't wait to try it ...
you certainly crammed a lot into this! thank you some nice new ideas for mobility and stretching - loved the warm up!
Very helpful. Thank you.
Loved this class. loved the many push up variations and the lovely spinal mobilisation at the end of the reformer. Really cool to see what guys can do with Pilates.
Thank you Kevin- the standing leg work and push up series are so inventive- All the variations, modifications and alternatives of familiar movements that can be taught just blow me away. Pilates Anytime is an invaluable resource. Thank you!
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