playing the videos

Even using "low" quality and permitting the video to load isn't working today. Checked my internet and connection is excellent, velocity is 11,o mbps
Any other suggestions? Been at if for 30 min now...if I had someone to keep prompting my computer by tapping it then the video continues. I notice from the first moment though that Meridith's actions don't move along with her voice . Video is level2/3 accelerated don't have the class number at hand.
Ted Johnson
Hi Joni,

I would recommend that you try restarting your computer and trying again. It's possible something is running in the background that's slowing down playback.
You are my favorite IT guy. lol You were right of course. I'd only been hibernating my computer for a few days and it needed a restart/reboot to work perfectly.
Ted Johnson
Glad I could help!
The last weeks videos dont play smoothly.They sop all the time-I need 3 hours to watch a 50 min session.I have checked my connection,speedtest etc,still the same :(
Ted Johnson
Hi Maria,

I'm sorry the videos aren't playing smoothly for you. I have a couple of suggestions that I hope will help.

1) Be sure you are on "Low" quality (you can select the quality under the video)
2) After the video starts playing for a couple of seconds, press pause
3) Wait for the progress bar to fill all the way up (this progress bar is an indication of the video downloading)
4) Take the class

This usually solves the problem of videos that start and stop (note this only works in "Low" quality)
Ted Johnson
Hi Maria,

One more idea... Before you do what I suggested above, please restart your computer. That can often also help quite a bit.
Thank you Ted!It worked but it took 50 minutes for the progress bar to fill all the way up.Really slow,isnt it?
Ted Johnson
Hi Maria,

I'm glad it worked, but I'm sorry it's so slow. Our videos are delivered by the world's largest content delivery network, so I don't think the slowness is on their end.

When you run a speed test, what are your results? Be sure to run your speed test in the same location where you take your classes. If you're on WiFi, the speed of your WiFi connection reduces dramatically if you move away from the router. So it might be fast in your office and slow in your bedroom, for example.
Hi Ted!Last time I bother you.Things got worse-I am waiting for a long time to download as I described above with the bar and etc and when the video after all plays it stops after 7 or 8 minutes.Its really strange that the exercise videos are playing excellent (I dont have to wait to download at all and they dont stop).Same goes for the u tube videos.Pls give me a tip-I havent watched a class properly since July
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