Jump Board Flow<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 1557

Jump Board Flow
Amy Havens
Class 1557

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Love, love, love this class! First one that I have actually felt an increased heart rate and lots of burn!
Lisa....thank you!! Yes, we're supposed to get that heart rate raised a bit......very happy to hear that this class gave you that opportunity!
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Awesome class with some great variations in jump board- can't wait to try them! Thanks
Thank you Patti Sack, glad you enjoyed some of these variations!
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Amy I loved this. I have been given the ok to start running/rowing again following foot surgery to encourage foot articulation. My surgeon said it's a race against nature so my MTP joint doesn't stiffen up. So I am doing this workout as an alternative and I really love the 3 spring warm up for the feet - I genuinely have to concentrate on my recovering foot to get the articulation. It's also lovely to have cardio back too - something I haven't done in a while!

One question - I noticed the reformer I used (Stott), didn't give me enough room to lay down on with my head supported - I had to remove the shoulder rests which meant the range was limited. Is there a mod for shorter carriages??
Thank you it was fun!
Hi Marta! Glad you're getting back to your movement routine after your surgery. We have many other foot care classes and tutorials on the site so make sure to check those out too. Regarding your question about the shorter carriages.....to be honest, I haven't been on a Stott Reformer in a very long time so I don't think I can give you a clear answer on that. I'm used to Balanced Body and Gratz. I'm 5'3" and I fit just fine on both of these.
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Super enjoyable! Thanks Amy!!
Glad you enjoyed this Clare !
Heather P
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Awesome class. It was my first time with my jump board and the cues/pace were spot on. I look forward to jumping again.
Heather -- thank you and happy to hear you've now tried the jump board, fun huh?!! Keep jumping, it's really good for you! ;)
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