Elastic Mat<br>John Garey<br>Class 2769

Elastic Mat
John Garey
Class 2769

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Laura Maria
loved using all these different props, time flew by! the small ball especially gets the abs working for me
Sue S
So much fun using lots of props for me too! Thank you for a fun class.
Great class, fast paced and a lot of fun.  I didn't have the larger ball so I did those exercises again with the smaller one as a workaround.  Thanks again, John, your classes are always so upbeat please film more soon!!
Love this is wonderfull, and he is so great and handsome
Claudia T
LOOOVE your classes. Simple and so effective. I love the way you structure them. Thank you!
1 person likes this.
I love this class so much I do it every monday, it’s sooo complete! I wish he’d do more on this level.
LOVE LOVE this class, I start every week with it
Janie J
Great class
Gabriella R
Awesome class !
Thank you John for this exciting class! I loved the variation and the props. 
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