Mat for Shoulder Mobility<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 3070

Mat for Shoulder Mobility
Amy Havens
Class 3070

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oh boy, did I ever need that! Thanks, Amy!
So happy to hear this Kandie !!
Rachel J
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thank you so much Amy.  my hands never touch the floor and im always being told off for rib flare.  i will be doing this class time and time again.  i feel fabulous! x
Hi Rachel J  -- that was me for a long time too.  Gradually experiment with settling your ribs a bit.  Shoulder blades are shoulder blades, ribs are ribs --- feel the separateness of them.. but also their connection.  Let me know how you progress!  I'm still working on it too, believe me... it's partly structural for me, but I have much more ease and it continues to feel fantastic!
Sandra B
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Thank you for this awesome clip! Can't wait to practice for my shoulder and thoracic issues.
Sandra B let me know if it makes a positive impact!!  
1 person likes this.
Thank you Amy, I just loved. Feeling much better now.
Fantasic!Letícia Z 
Gwen B
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Wow, amazing. I have very tight shoulders and this just hit the spot. This will be a new favourite. Thanks Amy
So glad you enjoyed this Gwen B !  Yes, keep it up... you'll surely receive lasting changes!
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