Foam Roller Movements<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 3197

Foam Roller Movements
Amy Havens
Class 3197

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This was great for working some often-forgotten areas!
Lovely class Amy. It’s incredible how work on the foam roller opens up your body. I don’t have the small band but do practice clam a lot so was able to deepen the movements. Your cues and reminders are perfection to help us maximize each movement. Thank you
Destiny R
Ok now!!! Stop!! This was amazing!  I joined this site about a month ago and I'm still trying to navigate what I like.  THIS was AWESOME! I've never did anything like this.  I've saved it and look forward to more! 
Lina S
I've really enjoyed this workout to end my day. A nice combination of stretching and strengthening. Nice obliques (variation of criss cross) with feet on the roller. A light bulb went on when you explained the pelvis placement (pelvic tilt/neutral pelvis) in open leg rocker. Thank you!
Erika S
A mat class disguised as a roller stretch class. I loved it! 
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