Day 1: Feet<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 3345

Day 1: Feet
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 3345

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Oksana P
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The stretches were yummy and my feet feel amazing. Thank you, Sara! Looking forward to the rest of the classes.
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Loved this one - feet are so important! Short & sweet - thanks Sarah!
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Amazing class! So many times the feet get overworked or completely forgotten! How nice it felt to give them a little break during footwork and focus on the other areas I felt instead! Can’t wait to implement these in my next class and to see what the other classes in the series hold!
Katie M
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Great all over workout.  My feet are often neglected so this was good for me.
Eleanor P
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thats was fun and lots of new movements to explore - LOVE LOVE LOVE
Love hearing this Eleanor !  Keep me posted:) 

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I just stumbled across this today. Somehow I started with rubbing my toes and before I know it, planking on the footbar. Sneaky! Loved it! ...and those pants! I need them 😂. Can’t wait for tomorrow.
Kim happy to provide you with "sneak attack" challenge! Thanks for playing...Enjoy!
Hildegard V
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This is a great first day. Can’t wait to do the whole challenge.
Veronica E
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That class felt so good.  Thank you!!
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