Sculpting Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 4126

Sculpting Mat
Amy Havens
Class 4126

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Can I ask what weights your ankle weights are?
Elizna L
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Another very enjoyable class, thank you!
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This class got me sweating, in the EU heat wave! I used two water bottles as I have no weights, but that worked perfectly as well. Thanks for helping us through these times more healthy and more sane, Amy!
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Excellent class Amy! just what I needed for my recovery post surgery, I had to skip the abs on the floor and the prone back exercises, but I've enjoyed very much all the standing work and on the side. Thank you  
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FANTASTIC class! I loved every single bit of it! Thank you so much Amy :))  I'm most grateful. 
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Hilary Debra Kate Laurence  -- thank you all so much for taking this class with me and for leaving such positive feedback for the Tuesday Live classes!  We truly are in this together and knowing you're moving with me... and that my classes are adding to your ability to get through things makes me feel so good!!
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Anne P. Marta Helga Elizna Kate  -- thanks so much everyone!!  Kate , the ankle weights are only one pound, which is plenty!!
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Challenging on four legs but great; this class awakened my muscles I ignore sometimes....thank you so much for sharing your experiences generaously ...
Cigdem I so appreciate your comments.... I hope you know that!!!  Thank you for taking class with me and sharing your feedback so generously!
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Thank you for this fantastic class Amy! It would be nice to see a shorter version of this class as I don’t normally have time for 50mins classes .
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