Fluid and Strong<br>Tom McCook<br>Class 5111

Fluid and Strong
Tom McCook
Class 5111

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That was beautiful!
Michelle Travick, Thank you so much! All the best!!
I think this might just become my favourite class!! Thank you.
Caroline H, Thank you for your message, that’s great to hear. I hope you continue to enjoy and gain many benefits!! Warm regards 🙏
Rachel C
Great work out! Felt wonderful to align my spine
Rachel C,  Thank you so much, it’s great to hear you enjoyed and feel the benefits!!😊🙏
Louise P, Thank you so much!!🙏
I loved this class and enjoyed the unique spinal warm up!
1 person likes this.
Diane C, thank you for your feedback, I'm happy to her you enjoyed along with the spinal warmup!  Warm regards!!
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