Special #5877

15 Years of Pilates Anytime

3 min - Special


Take a walk down memory lane with us as we celebrate 15 incredible years of transformative Pilates journeys, unforgettable teaching moments, and the amazing community we've built together. We are beyond excited to step into the future, ready to bring you even more innovative ways to experience and grow through Pilates, wherever you choose to practice.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being part of our 15-year journey - your dedication, passion, and trust have made Pilates Anytime what it is today!
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Jan 01, 2025
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We begin today's class on our vest. Oh, there's a dolphin. How cool? Oh, there's dolphins. Look. There are a couple right there. I'm sorry. I think I see a huge shark.

She'll do anything to get out of working now. Yes. A minor distraction. John Morrison, I'm not done with you yet. Hey. Get out of my line of sight. The star here, you people.

So I have a big feeling of encouragement about the future of Pilates is it comes to us, each of us. We are always responsible. It has to do with sharing, maintaining, keeping alive, our hair teach, which makes us what we are.


4 people like this.
Jennifer E
4 people like this.
I am so grateful for PilatesAnytime! Thank you for all you do!! Thank you for the superior content and care you put into this platform!!  Happy 15th Anniversary!!
4 people like this.
Thank you, Pilates Anytime, for this wonderful community. It has helped me through physical hardships, and you are always there when I need to reconnect with my body.
GraceAndPilates by Carla Bowling
So great!! glad to be here for the last 5 years🙏
Tanya P
4 people like this.
Awwsome! Congratulations! So fun to see this video celebration! 🥳
4 people like this.
Let’s go!!!!!!!Thank you soooooo much💕
3 people like this.
Cristina R
3 people like this.
Congratulations on 15 years!! I love all that you do to keep the Pilates community alive online ✨
3 people like this.
I love this! And I see myself! In the clip from Plymouth , Massachusetts ! In the middle ! So happy to be a very long time Pilates Anytime member 
3 people like this.
Congratulations!!! What would I do without you?
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