Class #562

Fluid and Energetic Mat

60 min - Class


Amy starts class by giving attention to opening up the lumbar spine then moves to the Mat for a fluid Mat workout. Taking a few moments to detail anchoring the femur in the hip as a prep for leg circles may help deepen your understanding of where the leg circle can come from. Neck Pull, Swan Dive, Thigh Stretch, Kneeling Side Legwork, Teasers, and Boomerang round out this energetic class. Enjoy!
What You'll Need: Mat

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Nov 13, 2011
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Let's start standing guys. Sorry. Just right when he laid down. I knew that was gonna happen. All right, so we may have one or two more come in and we'll just yet you're going to jump for richer [inaudible] to be front and center. I know it seems to always end up with you. It's good. Okay guys, tonight, let's start with our feet a little bit apart. Sitz bones with, I'm just taking a nice easy scan over your body. Let's have our arms nice and engaged down by our sides. You're feeling the work right in the sides of the back, not a lot of tension. Just feeling this and muscle work underneath the base of the Scapula.

And then I think we'll all take a little weight shift to the front of the ankle, so just forward of our ankles so that we're not swaying our weight back so your heels might feel a little lighter right now on your mat. Take a quick lift of your sternum and make a nice deep breath in. Let's just go ahead and start moving. So we'll take our roll down that head, neck, and chest. I'm going to have us only go halfway this first one. And as you're going forward, just checking in that your kid is still keeping that weight forward of your ankles or how challenging that might be. To do. My temptation is to really sway my weight back, so I'm going to keep working to keep that weight a little more forward of the ankle to help my abdominal stay engaged here.

Then take a nice breath and then use the exhale. Pull those abdominals up, up and up and then round in through that spine. Restack open up through your shoulders and once again, just check where your weight distribution is on your ankles. Let's take a breath in and again, exhale and round knee over and I think we'll go a little farther forward this time everybody just keep letting those arms hang. It's going to adjust a little something. Let your arms go, let your head go.

I'm going to take a quick scan and nice breath in there and then go ahead, exhale and begin your roll up. So very dynamic. Pull up from the low belly. Nice easy hanging arms. Here we go. And once again, let's take a breath in together and exhale and rounding over. Get a little more into those abdominals and squeeze those in. I'm gonna have us roll farther over this time, but in that head, go keep checking that weight. Feel how attempting it might be to sway it backward.

So the farther forward we go, keep lighter heels on the mat. Let's take your breath and again, exhale, pulling up from the abdomen, like you're trying to get those back bones up to the ceiling. Of course, at some point then they start rolling back down the spine, down towards the heels. That's restack and stand tall. And one more time. Take a breath in. You can come in. Yeah, please. And rolling all the way down. That is my precise line there. Okay.

Oh, okay. Now everybody walk out onto your hands as steady as you can. Walking out and standing right on those hands back on those feet. Let's just hold ourself very steady. So some of you who know me well, this old queue that was said, the one piece of steel from head to heel, I guess it was often said in the original studios and he would, Joseph would call that out. It's a nice way to center the mind. Well definitely in center your body and just check that you, if you have temptation of fidget in these kinds of positions. [inaudible] let's take another inhale in on our exhale guys, I want you to pike the hips up.

Fold at your hip joints, pass through a little hamstring stretch. We're not going to push that right away here wants you to walk back. Hands two feet, drop that head. And once again, let's roll ourselves up. Can you shift your weight forward over the balls of the feet, a little lighter on the heels. Let's add a little reach of the arms out from the sides up alongside the ears without lifting the shoulders. There energetically are going taller.

Inhale and exhale. Rounding over light heels, feeling that wasteland. Get a little bit more integrated. Contracted in. Same thing. Four walks out, one, two, three and four. And just once again, hold the strength of your body from your head to your heels.

Your elbows aren't locked, but they're strong. Your low belly is pulled up. Let's breathe in and exhale. Same exact thing, Pike. Those hips up and you might start feeling a little more limber if you want to check and test those heels. Can they get a little closer? Okay, now walking the hands back. Four steps. One, two, three, four. Now instead of rolling up, I want you just to stay down. We've done this before.

Let's crouch down into that a little squatty position. I'm gonna stay here for a second. Drop the weight of the head down your, we're not resting on the thighs, right? Nice correction. So you feel like you're trying to lift your abdominals up away from your legs. You're gonna feel legs. Focus on rounding into the c curve of your low back. Breathing in. Exhale.

Try to pull the tail under little bit more or less. Take two more breaths. Curl that tail under deep abdominal contraction. One more time. Okay. Okay. Staying low. Let's walk back out into the front. Support. Stretching the knees as you go. All right.

Often the transition, we jump or step our feet to our hands. Bring it up. Good you guys. Okay, and let's just right on back without too much delay. Let's roll ourselves back onto the mat. Why don't you to separate your feet, sits bones with the part in. Pull them closer in towards your sits bones. Place the arm solid on your mat and probably contracting slightly in the back of the upper arm. Feeling that connection into the back. Let's take a breath here. Exhale and then contract the abdominals.

Roll our spine of about four times in through the bridge position. Just checking in. The higher you go, guys, more rib cage into the body with those abdominal muscles and a little more shifted. Tailbone under. Inhale here. Exhale, rolling down. So it's very much from the upper spine trying to keep that pelvis in that rotation for as long as you can. That nice curled Undertale bone and lengthen out to a level pelvis. Take a breath in and exhale as much as you can from the abdominals first when you need to start using the back of the legs, not so much your bottom and your glutes, but your hamstrings.

Feeling those feet nice and even no lifting toes. Inhale and exhale. Here we go. Upper back, middle, back. So we're working for the segmental movements. Lengthen the tail. Inhale there, exhale, and again, rolling through the back. Just keep checking. Are you continuing to engage the back of those upper arms to the mat? I want you to connect that. Feel the relationship of that into your back.

Inhale and exhale as we roll down. Explore getting longer with your spine so you're feeling that idea of reaching towards your knees with your vertebrae out, out and farther. Opening up some space for your back to move. Let's go one more and exhale. You inhale there, everybody just stay on the exhale.

Engage the inner thighs a little bit toward the midline. I want everyone to float the arms up, palms facing each other. Take another breath. Exhale. As you roll down your spine, the arms stay right where they are. Your chest actually gets a little broader as you roll through and then lengthen all the way down to a level pelvis. I want you to keep your arms are right where they are.

Walk your feet in and your knees in. Nice. Inhale without arching your back or popping those ribs out. Let's pull both legs up to a tabletop position. Going to go into some heel taps or some toe tap. So we're just going to start a little tap, one foot and then the other.

And tap, tap and tap and tap. So it, yeah. Moving from your hip joint. Uh, alternating legs. Yes. So let's get right side and left side and right side and left side. Lower your arms, palms face up to the mat or to the ceiling. Lift your head and chest. Keep tapping.

Tap and tap. Arms come up. Two, three, four. Head goes back down to three and four. We're going to do it again. Arms come down. Two, three, four. Chest comes up to reach those arms a little longer right there. Guys, arms go up as the chest stays up to three and four arms stay, their chest goes down, two and three and four. Lower both arms to the floor, lower both feet to the floor and hear your mat and stand on light. Light, light, tippy toe light, tippy toe. Cause I don't.

If you put your weight down on your feet, you might relax your abs. And right now I want your abs to continue to be engaged. Really light feet open up your arms. Now just a slight bit away from you. Take a breath. We're going to exhale and rotate the Bonnie laser. You're going to go to the left. Your shoulder doesn't go anywhere.

The upper body stays. Still. Take a breath here. Exhale as you come back to center. So the lighter the feet to the better and our toes are on the mat and over to the right to stay right there. You don't have to go too far. Inhale, it's the old obliques. You guys are pull contract to bring you center. Inhale, exhale. As you rotate to your left to stay there. Inhale and exhale. Contract your waist to bring you center light, toes, light, toes over to the right.

And ideally those knees are the same line in space. Exhale, let's come back to center. I'm going to go one more over to your left. Now I'm going to end up facing away from you, but don't worry, you can hear me roll all the way over to your left side, all the way over to your left side. Now I want you to take, get right arm up off of the floor and reach it to the ceiling. Keep rolling over to your left and your hands will stack on top of each other. Okay? Keep going all the way over. Yeah, make a little weight now opening up through the chest a little bit in some shoulders. I want you to take that right arm. Reach it up above you on your mat.

You're gonna make like a circle. Trace your fingertips on the floor. Open that chest. Now I've got my chest to the ceiling is my arm is out to the side in a, keep that right arm coming down toward your mat, toward the back of your bum. And over your hip. You've just made a big clock circle with your right arm. I'm going to do that again. Up over the head, reached the arm away from you as you're doing this rotation of your spine, and then just down and pause. We're going to do to the other direction.

All right, so the right arm is still out, kind of a to t position and reach their arm. Now back up to the top corner of your mat. Let your spine rotate. You're rolling kind of sideline position. Arm comes down over your hip. Palm faces the ceiling. See if you can rotate the shoulder, open the chest, reach the arm farther away from your body.

If you can explore reaching a little farther away, feel the stretch in your body and then as you bring your arm over arm, I'm just going to have you rotate back to facing the ceiling because we get to do the other side and take a breath versus the knees passing over to your right, another breath. Exhale and reach the arm up toward the ceiling. You're coming into a sideline position. Hand over hand, making a big circle. That arm goes up above you. Tracing your fingers on the floor, open through the sternum, open through the chest. The arm goes down past your bottom, behind your hip, over your hip. We've done one big circle. We're going to go again. See if you can keep those knees and ankles stacked. Reach farther, arm away from body.

Turn the spine and torso and pause when your arm is out to the tee. We're reversing it out. Up to the top corner, overhead and down. Here we go. One more big circle. This way, maybe an objective to think about is keeping your fingertips on the floor the entire circle of that arm, and if you don't get that, that is a okay. Alrighty. Open the Torsa to the ceiling. Breathe and exhale. Bring your legs back to center and make sure you're very light on your tippy toes. Take another breath. Exhale, head and chest. Come up, legs come up to a tabletop position, palms face down.

Now reach a little more through those arms. Extend the legs, slight turnout with the femurs. We're going into the 100 and inhale. Three, four, five [inaudible] five two lower your right leg just a little bit lower. Bring it back. Left. Two, three for fun. Back up both legs, down a little lower where they're going to stay. Two more. Shh. Last breath.

Cycle three, four, five. Hold right there guys. I think tonight, I think this is a strong enough group. If you feel okay, hang out with me. Going to go into a single leg, stretch right me into this single leg position. Left leg long in a way, but before we start changing those legs, we'd need more abdominal work. Come up off those shoulder blades. Squeeze those abs in. Ready changed on the exhale. Just 10 of these two and three.

I'm trying to stop that knee. A tabletop just at tabletop where you're more stable in your pelvis. Eight, nine and 10 okay. Both knees in holding that position. Go ahead and hold onto the side of the thighs.

Come up a little higher using the ABS. Nice read. Stay right there. Three double leg stretch. Inhale, everybody hold your arms and legs out. Don't go anywhere. Go a little higher with the chest lift. Then circle the arms around. Pause just two more open and hold.

Go a little higher with the chest lift and around in ponds. One more time. Stretch. Go a little higher. Chest lift around and pause and lay your back down. Your feet down. Your arms can extend overhead for the roll-up. Let's bring our arms to the ceiling.

Now I want you to just hold this frame for a second and no movement of the arms were on. I'm just going to do a little chest lift, trying to flex your spine through this window frame, this imaginary frame so everybody breathe. Exhale is for mobilizing your thoracic spine, so I want you to bend your upper spine forward through that window frame, and then you get to unroll. Let's use an exhale on that movement. Ready, exhale and cruel. See, we're efforting these upper abdominals, even the, uh, like the sternum dropping into the body to curl more and roll it back. Let me watch you a couple more so your arms are stable. As you curl up, look right down the landscape of your body. There you go and enroll two more.

It wouldn't be a surprise to pass through that feeling in the real roll up and rolling back. So maybe you haven't been feeling that until now. Let's go one more hold now and from here guys, I'm going to allow you to lower your arms a little bit. Okay? Pull your chest more rural yourself up. Feel yourself stuff with your shoulders right above your pelvis in a c curve. Breathe in. I'm gonna change the arm position, palms facing each other.

Let's continue to roll back. We'll do four more roll-ups in our traditional fashion so that meaning arms to ceiling, head and chest, fall, a fee feel. If you can get through that thoracic mobility, you just pass through. Continuous Zale shoulder girdle above pelvic girdle head is above the arms. Inhale and exhale. Roll it back, squeezing those legs in towards the midline and again, two more times.

Pooling those abs back toward the lumbar curl up and over. Inhale that way should be very taught there and roll it back. Nicely done. You guys arms cold back without losing the connection in the ABS. One last time. Arms up head in chest. Exhale, hold right there. Okay. Any more? Seekers, shoulders down. Keep breathing everybody. John, a little bit. Head above your arms.

Back up your thoracic spine a little bit. There we go. Read back up your thoracic spine a little bit. Inhale there, it's it, and then everybody roll back. Roll back and all of the way back in arms can be by your sides. Okay. This is precursor to leg circles and some hip work. We've done this pattern before. Some of you have never seen it and it's okay.

Leg Up to the ceiling. A little turnout is fine. Just a little soft turnout and feel that that half of your pelvis, the right half is lengthening down to your left foot. Okay, and feel the solid work of your abs to keep your hip down. Now we're going to move the hip up and down off of the mat, so a little lift of this right hip and I'm going to have you weight shift to your left bum. Reach your right leg up to the ceiling. If they're like a little tube right here that you were trying to reach your foot to and it's right above you, it's not to the left of you onto the right of you. It's right up above your hip.

Now your abs are going to pull your hip to the mat and let's go kind of percussive and pull it down so we go up. Exhale, pull down. Good. Inhale up. Exhale, pull down. Let me watch and pull up. Good. Pull down. That's very clear. It's up, down. Two more. Straight up. Pull down. Yes. Pull up and down. Bend your knee and thread it down to the mat. Other side. Nice and clear. Hold yourself there.

A little turnouts again so you're not going to drift it into talk. That's too easy. We'd go right up to the ceiling. Here we go. And inhale, stretch the leg up. Exhale, contract and pull down. Inhale hip off the bat. Pull it to the map. You're lifting that half of your pelvis up and Ah, you guys feeling your obliques? Low obliques. Yes, I see a few smiles.

I think you're feeling up and down. Couple more. Up and down. Last one, hip up and hip down. Then the knee and leg down. You know most of you know my next statement. Now we don't lift the hip through leg circles. Okay, so did you bring your right leg back up? Focus on what felt, what it felt like to drop it to the mat and you keep it there? No, we take the leg. Little turnout. Five circles. Now we go tick tock over the left circle. Round Center, cross circle around center.

Feel the foundation in your pelvis. Cross around and lift. Cross around. That was five. Go the other way. It's an inhale. Exhale and up. The foot is soft. The abdominals are not around and up.

Open around and up and it's a precise circle and hold. Okay, stay right there guys. Put the hands behind the thigh, pull it towards you a little bit more for more stretch, just a quick one and then go ahead and lower the leg down. Okay, so left thigh comes up. Soft turnout, soft foot, strong, anchored hip. Here we go. Cross it right around an up. We're more interested in stability. Then range of the circle. It's open around and center. Last one. [inaudible] reverse it out, down around and lift.

Keep finding that heavy hip into the mat. Lift open all round up. And last one around an uphold hands behind the thigh. Give your hamstring a little love. Bring it in. All right, now I want you to tuck both knees into your chest. Pull your low back off the floor a couple times. Just give it a little rock, a little rock. Okay. And then back up to tabletop.

We go scissor. So I'm gonna have you guys work with some flexibility tonight if you're interested in doing that. So cause a lot of you can now, when you're adding a bigger gesture of this leg and you're working to get it closer to you, we, a lot of us could do it and let the pelvis go and rock up too easy. That's not PyLadies. But holidays is that nice flat pelvis and then lengthen the muscle from it goes from here to here, some big hamstring, but you don't want to let it be so that it pulls the pelvis back, right? So you've got that differentiation.

I'm going to say look down at your pelvis and flatten it. Reach it toward the other leg. Okay, we're going to do our double pool. Here we go. In Double Pole change, pull, pull. Okay, so it can be about flexibility, but it doesn't have to only be, that really should be study of foundation of your pelvis. Good. Nice study you guys.

We're going to continue the legs, but let's move the hands behind the head. Open those elbows out. Okay. And four and three. You're doing lovely work at to hold it right there. Hold it right there.

Left leg should be up. Yes. Twist toward the left leg. Now twist and just hold it. I'm going to talk for a minute and breathe into it. So as you twist, you are trying to reach that left elbow back to the top corner of the mat, but not laying back on this shoulder. Curl up and twist your upper spine. That way if I had my hand on your elbow, I'd be helping you twist that direction. Now let's go the other side with hold right?

Both elbows are still open though. There you go, Rachel. Okay, let's exhale. Change for eight and one. Exhale two, three, four. That's right. And twist. Six, seven one more guys. Eight for the news in. Take a little rest. Okay. Not Too much of one. Come on up. Let's go. Just a nice easy spine stretch forward. The classical one, meaning no extension, nice breathing exercise.

Flex your feet really hard. Sit as tall as you can. Now this one, let's to go palms face down. Sit tall on your sits bones and breathe. As you exhale, rounding your spine forward. That same thoracic mobilization as you did enroll up, there's the frame of the arms. You're bending through the frame. Can anyone get down to the crown of the head is touching the mat, right crown. And the head touching the mat without letting your body go stuff. Yeah, so no, go over. [inaudible]. Yes.

Oh, over. Alright. When you roll back up, inhale, exhale. Lower those shoulders. Let's go again. Breathing in and exhale. So you're safe parked on your sitz bones. You don't shift forward to them. You curve right on top of this. This boom drew to bend those spine bones. Ben, Ben, Ben. Inhale. Exhale, roll back up.

Ah, one more time. Sitting. A little taller. Exhale and room. I'm trying to squeeze the air out of those loans. Let's take another full breath and roll yourself all the way up and pause. Okay. Legs together whenever we want to move their hips up. Okay. Put your hands behind your thighs and extend your right leg out so that your knees are bolted together and a soft foot again.

All righty. Now, no hands just holding their breath and exhale. Roll yourself back. So a little single leg teaser, arms are going to go out overhead. Let's breathe and roll back up. This time, your hands are going to end up on the calf, calf and calf, and then round your spine forward. Keep your knees bolted together. Go for more hamstring. Stretch right there. Inhale and exhale. Roll back away from the leg. Just gonna do that one more time. Arms go overhead.

Getting a log of emotion in your spine tonight. XL twist and round up over. Can you shin, get to your head, your head to your Shin and then round up. Put down other side arms first. Inhale. Exhale. Rounding back, arms reach over. Head arch doesn't happen in the spine and we round up the leg, stable to the torso, comes to the leg. Hold on those hands. You can use the hands to help you, but I want you to bend your spine.

Inhale and exhale. Roll back. Arms overhead in Alx sale. Here we go. Battery Yvonne, low ribs in Ben, Ben, Ben. Okay, now let's keep that leg up. Reach your arms out and pull yourself back a little bit. I'm going to work our waistline a little more. Take a breath, twist away from the leg. So I'm going to, my left is up.

Some twisting to my right. Yeah, you're going to feel your waist twist. You don't have to turn your shoulders too much. Still work at a c curve through your lower back. Inhale as you come through. Center and twist toward the leg. Inhale, center. Exhale, twist away. Inhale, center and Exhale, twist toward it and sent your whole place the foot down. Other leg up. Inhale away from it. Twist, left, twist and center.

Exhale and twist and center. Keep pulling back into the belly center and two with and center. Yes, both legs for a second. Breathe. Let's pick a side. I don't care what side you go to because you're going to do it four times and twist. I always find it fun. Who goes where and center and two west and center once again to west and center.

Good and twist and center. Bring it down. Roll all the way down. Okay. Let's give those abs a little stretch and your hip flexors, so put. Place your feet back into bridge position. Heels close to the sitz bones. Once again, engage the back of the upper arms toward the mat without thrusting the ribs away. Breathe. Just let it go guys. I feel you.

Stop in your breath. Ah, there we go. Inhale again and begin. Moving on on. Where do we go through the bridge position that should feel nice across those hip flexors and low abs. I'm thinking that feels good for me. Thank you. Another breath. Now let's take our right leg up to the ceiling and just keep your foot relaxed right now. Just hold it. We're going to load the other leg, aren't we? We're loading that left side and the back muscles.

I want you to get the hips higher, but not by popping those ribs out. You have to do more abs and actually more pelvic tilt. Now the leg goes down and up. Five Times. We'd go down and up. You can change your foot point and flex point and flex to more and lift last one and lift. Now I want you to lower it again. You get a bicycle. That leg, the mat might be sticky, but that's okay. Just do a little bicycle action of four times keeping the hips lifted.

Here's three and four other way for bicycle. Touch the mat. Reach away and up. Touch the mat. Reach away and up. Touch. Reach away and lift. Touch, reach away. Lift. Lower your pelvis and then lower your leg.

All right, inhale, get ready. Over the other side. We roll it up. There's the breath. Sometimes we have to be tired to breathe heavy. Okay. Left leg comes up. Soft foot, strong, right, but strong, right lower back. Everything's strong. Down and up. Down. And remember it's controlled work. It's controlled. Work Shit down. That's better.

Up, down and up. Now, bicycle for times out. Bend and reach. Straight out. Bend and Reesh. Reach out, bend and up. Linkdin, out. Bend and now reverse bend. Touch the mat and lift Ben, touch and lift.

Two more. Reach and up. Down, reach and up. Lower your hips. Oh yes guys, good work. And though are the foot. Take both legs to the ceiling. Shake your legs like really? Just shake them out. Okay. I think you're all okay with space behind you. We're going to go into some Jack Knife. So I didn't do rollover, I didn't do corkscrew. Kind of passing through a few pieces here.

The Jack Knife we've been working on, some of you it's not the best for your neck so you don't have to do the full jack knife. I would say if you're not doing full jack knife, if you don't know what the heck I'm saying, you may Kinda just watch anyway. But the prep is, the purpose of it is the articulation of spine ab work and then in Jackknife if going to be hip extension. So you could actually just stay down with your head and do this with your legs, believe it or not down, which is a great deal of work. Stabilizing the rib and the hip relationship so you don't fall and arch. Okay. And on the going down to the legs, these should be contracted a little bit to pull down to pull up.

Okay, so that might be a modification or a, an alternative. Everybody else who is interested. Let's start legs to vertical. I'm going to have you take a breath. Exhale from the belly. We are going to roll over first rural ourselves over. Okay, so don't look my way cause it'll bother your neck.

I'll try to talk loud. Eventually the legs go up to a very nice high vertical line above your pelvis. Some of you may not be ready for that unless you put your hands behind your hips. So this, I'm going to show it like that. My hands are behind my low back. Now to get the legs up, I'm going to use my hamstrings and my glutes a little bit. Definitely my belly and my back and I'm going to lift up now. Pretty straight line.

Now I don't know if I could do it tonight if I didn't have my hands to help me, but I'm going to try it in the next round. So I'm going to bring my hips down. All right, I'm going to lower my hands a little bit so it's an exhale. Let's go up. We don't need to be labor, the timing and lower and exhale hips up. Inhale, hips down. Let me watch. Exhale, press up. Yes and low. Nice. John, do more guys press up and lower. Excellent. Last one. Press up, hold there. Inhale, roll down your spine and try to keep the gestured legs up.

Can track those back of up. Our arms are going to help you rolling down. Yes indeed. Okay, inhale, let's go over again. Exhale. Now, no more jack knife. I'm going to have you tuck your toes to the floor behind you. Oh, so maybe you have lots of flexibility to go there. Walk your feet wide like the mat. We're going to roll down the spine with the legs wide. Roll down.

I'm going to move through this a little bit more with tempo. The legs are going to swing together, up and over. Legs open, lower down. Bring them together. I'm going to hit the wall up and over. Legs Open. Roll down. Swing together. One more. Up and over. Touchdown Open. I know it's fast. Okay, now the other way. Open. Roll over toes together. Slide in. Roll down. Legs Open. Ah, touchdown in an rural. Down to more open.

Roll over. Touch in and down. Legs Open. Roll over to touch in and roll down and bend your knees and rest. Just hug. So I did not feel at the very beginning of class ready to do that after the roll up where it traditionally goes, I feel like we're all plenty warm at that point to go there.

So that's why I waited. You'll okay. Okay, good. Right? Come on to your side please. Uh, how about your left side facing me and I want everybody to come up onto your elbow and just take your other on your right arm down on, onto your side. I'm just going to stretch your legs. Look down to your feet. See this beautiful straight and long line. And we've talked about this many times. This what's going on underneath here.

Yeah, we could sag that side and that shoulder or we can lift and support herself up so that you have more negative space. Even more John. Pull it in. Yeah. Even more. More. Okay. They've all had that. Okay guys, now I'm about to, I have to shift myself cause I'm going to roll off. I'm going to change sides. We're gonna roll and change and roll.

Just have fun and change. Yes. So do you want to scoot forward too? We had that beautiful setup and then I botched it and said, okay, now we've got it. So the arm on the hip is just kind of designed. You can also go here. This is Kinda nice because this law gets involved and you might be able to help keep yourself lifted. Legs are glued, you might even feel a little bit squeeze. So let's inhale. Exhale, other side.

I fell off the mat and inhale, exhale, sweat, and inhale, exhale, switch. Let me watch you. Oh, role. Yes. Again, you kind of have to keep your abs and everything. Tight, meaning control. Yes. Role and reach. Role and keep looking down in the hand and role. See if you can involve your obliques a little more or more. Good. Julie. Oh and reach. Roll, reach, roll. Coming up on your last one.

Roll and stay right there. Lift your arm. Keep looking down to your legs and your feet. We're going to lift that top leg. Exhale and inhale. Negative space. Exhale and inhale. Exhale. So as you lift your leg, we're trying not to drop the support in the torso.

Good. Four more. And lift, add lower. Lift and lower and down. And last one. Guess what other side. Roll yourself carefully. Here we go. Exhale and lift and lower lift and lower three. You can look down to that. Those feet.

Keep pressing your rib cage up away from the floor. Your elbow into the floor. Good. You guys lift? Yep. This is not conventional. Up and down. Roll back toward me and everybody's ready for sights. Support. Okay. Put your arm down on your hip here for a second. Flex your feet.

You can look straight ahead for a moment. We're going to breathe. Exhale, lift up onto that hip. I'm going ever have everybody take your arm overhead now as you come down with the hip, it's very light too. Remember real light, hip turn and look at the palm. Your palm goes onto that hip. Exhale up and side. Bend over. Look down at your other elbow. Inhale, exhale, and your head is moving. Do more.

[inaudible] last one. It's okay and all the way up. Everybody whole look over that bottom elbow and then look back to facing front. We'll place our hip down. Now I want you to keep your arm overhead. Bend your bottom knee and bring it forward.

Let's keep reaching, keep lifting on bottom side and then hand behind head so the elbow is very high. We're going to go front, kick back, kick. Lift your leg. Flex the heel. Here we go for double kick one, two, back for two. Front for two back for two guys. It look strong front too. Yeah, so the upper body relatively still.

What's moving is that you're at the hip joint, front, good Danny and back and front and back and you respond well and Ben back to Moore and front and back. Last one and front and hold it back. What's holding it back? You can squeeze the glutes now. Doesn't it feel good to squeeze him? Give him a squeeze. You're helping your hip extension. Let's add three spinal rotations.

This is pretty custom. Last week I didn't have the leg behind us. Exhale and torso rotation. Now as you go round it and forward, hold that position for a second. Remember you've got like a tumbleweed here. You don't want to drop down Ontuitive get ya. Lift yourself up. Inhale face forward and exhale and twist. Yes, that's the mobility. We're looking for a twist like back, a little farther, pat. Exhale, twist. Nice you guys.

Inhale front and let's bring our knees in and just a nice easy to do to do over to the other side. We will not need to do all that laterals business cause we just rolled enrolled, enrolled. So let's go into our sidekicks. Excuse me, side planks, forgetting that. Yes, here we are. Feet are flexed, arm is overhead. Let's breathe. Exhale and press up onto that elbow. Okay, now and let's inhale. Exhale, lower this, supporting him. Just a titch. Inhale. Exhale, press up. Change the focus of the head. Inhale toward the hand. Exhale, looking at [inaudible], the hand and up. And so when that hip comes down, it's not a complete, complete drop.

It's barely touches and up. And look over last one and lift down and up and over. No, stay. Looking forward for a second. Look at me. Here we go. Arm overhead. Keep it overhead. Lower the hip, stay in the work. Bend your bottom knee.

There we go. Hand behind heads. So the elbows nice and high. And then lift that left fire. Pull that right scapula down toward the hip. Flex the heel. Here we go. Okay. Front and front and back and back. Good. And back and back. It's a swing.

It's the swing. Very controlled. Swing and back. And Front and back. Can you lift your elbow higher? Good. And Front two more and back. Beautiful guys. Front and back. Three rotations. Thank you. Inhale, exhale and twist. It's a hover. It's a hover. You're going over something, not on it. Inhale, rotate forward and exit. There's a lift inside.

Twist, mobilizing those thoracic vertebra and forward. Last one. And lift. Good summer, twist and facing. Front and rest. Okay. Knee to knee. Let's all come to facing a face down. You can have your heads facing into each other.

And what I'd like you to do is put those hands right by the shoulders, legs glued together. Press your elbows more firmly on the mat and your, um, then your hands since in fact you can kind of float your hands here, right there. Okay. So that focus of getting the upper back drawn down towards your mid back and at the same time open up through the chest. So let's take an inhale. How high can you come in your back extension? Yeah, everybody covered those hands. We'll see this tonight. Lift those hands up. Yep. So you're getting the back. Very isolated, right? Inhale. Exhale.

Lower the head and chest. Two more times. Breathe in and exhale and lift. Get into those back muscles. This is a nice preview for that swan dive and lower down. Inhale, exhale and lift. Okay, now everybody see where we are and gauge your hamstrings and float the legs up. So you've got your legs up, you've got your arms ready, you've got your back ready. Can you thighs go higher?

Can your back go higher? [inaudible] alright, keep the backward is lower your legs. Now we need to put our hands down if we're going to press all the way to full swarm. So as you put your hands down, keep those elbows close to you. Press up to your full swan. Up, up, up, up, up. We're going to do three regular swans before dive. So let's come down.

Inhale broad chest and exhale to the forehead. Full breath to come out and up. Bending the spine backs like a reverse chest lift. Now instead of going forward, we're going back at good front, down and to the mat last time. [inaudible]. All right, so we're swan die real rocking swan.

Open your arms out a little bit away from you and catch your hands. Let go. Catch kind of Lisa, keep going. So when you replace your hands on the Mat, do it quietly. Oh my God. Yes. Three, two has control guys. Last one. Alright, come all the way down. Didn't that sound better? Couple of you that are watching. Did it feel better?

[inaudible] come up to your rest pups more control. Yeah. Yeah. Just a little reminder to check in. Okay. So as you're in your round back, your cat back or child's pose, move into cat's back. So hands again, right underneath the shoulder, knees, right below the hip joints and make a nice c curve, especially with your low back. Just breathe. So interesting for Reed and John. Move your pelvis back a little bit over above your knees and then around your, there you go. Okay, keep breathing. Did you see that? Yeah, it's common. I do too. Yeah, so we're around, around, around, around.

Okay. Get ready for some weight bearing. Guys, I want you to come into a nice flat back. Do either leg, step one back to the ball of the foot. When you go back to the second foot, hopefully nothing changes in that head piece of steel thing. Step back, right back here again. Now let's breed on the exhale. Lift your right leg just a couple of inches off the floor. Another inhale, as you exhale, pull that knee into the chest and make a seeker seeker of secrecy curve and stretch it back on the inhale and exhale. Pull it in. Exhale two more open seeker and stretch and see her and stretch the leg back and place it to the mat. Other side, lift the thigh just slightly breathe Kerlin first he'll stretch so your leg doesn't go too high. Exhale curl and thinky. Long Gate two more lumbar curve.

Stretch. One more lumbar curve and stretch. And then put the foot down. Let's stay there. Breathe. I want you to exhale that right side up again. Now that foot needs to sneak itself underneath the left and put it down on ball of foot. Turn yourself away from that right arm. Put that right arm over your ear again. We were, we were here a minute ago in that side. Plank. Okay.

I know your wrist is bugging guys, so take your breath. If you need to come down. What I'm going to have us do is work some rotation on an exhale. I'm going to lift my hips, but I'm pulling my waist back. Do a little bit of that tumbleweed rotation and the hand is going to come just lightly to the mat. Okay. Inhale, exhale on. Do that twist, so it's not the biggest one we've done before. Exhale, pull more through your waist. Back hand touches the mat and over last one, big strong connection of this right lat to right obliques left.

Oh bleaks back over to the side. Plank. Okay. That arm needs to come down, thankfully to the mat. Untwist yourself and find stability for a second. Ready for the other side. Breathe. Exhale, lift the left thigh slightly. It needs to sneak itself under the right ball of foot and turn, and that arm comes overhead. Okay, breathe here.

Now it's not a real big, big thing. Think waist. I'm thinking. Pull my hips back. Little rotation at hand. Lightly touches the mat. Let the head relax. Inhale, exhale and unwind to more. Feel that strong connection left lat to hip, hips and side. Open that chest. One more. Exhale, n waist. Work those obliques deeply.

Pull them in and open their that are music. Come down to the hip. Little windmill to the mat. Untwist. Find stability for a second. I'm going to go into three pushups, anybody and bend, press, Bend, press, Bend, press, knees down. Please take your weight off your wrist. Let your head drop. Oh, just yes. Fantastic. Take a few breaths.

You can come up for a little size stretch. Now some of you with your knees that aren't really happy with June too much. Um, bending on them. Just modified your real small, someone. Sweaty knees here I me too. And these hipbone with the part that narrow or aspect of your hips, not the wider aspect. Right? Narrower. Okay, so thigh stretch, uh, is a good stretch for your thighs. Good contraction and strengthening. Great work in the hamstrings. Oh, it's pretty tough.

I'm going to have us take our arms here first and just to engage your arms, engage your arms towards your back, towards your hips, toward your button. This brief little shift of your weight, you're shifting back towards your shins. Now some of you might, that might be plenty. So she be really, really warm. Be Mindful not to go too far. And then coming forward, squeeze the hamstrings. Let's inhale. Exhale, go back. So what we're trying to do is not break at the hip joints.

Inhale, exhale, and come forward. Okay. Put your hands here guys. Ready? And back we go. Oh, Nice John. Okay ladies, we've got some competition. Those men, those men are going farther than us. What can we do about that? And take it back. Don't go too far. Once your chest open, squeeze your bum.

Yep. Add forward one more time. Oh my gosh. And hinge. Whew. Yes. And uh, okay. And rest come back down. Yeah. Great. Something we know is boomerang. So let's come back around sitting on her bum facing each other. We've done a lot of rollover.

This is going to be our shoulder stretch. In fact, can we try this real quick? Some of you put your hands behind you and let me see what happens here. If you do this motion with your arms cause some of your wife and I have not seen him do that before. Okay. And do the other side. Okay? Okay. Looks pretty good. That's what happens in a roll over in a minute. Okay.

Let's have our hands here sitting really tall. Breathe here guys. Exhale from the abdominals. Roll yourself back. Arms are going to go to the mat. KIP, pick those legs up. You rollover the legs. Do a quick, open, close. Take a pause. Breathe in, roll down. I'm going to do a teaser with the arms and just hold them there for a second.

Okay. Now I want you to hold your body still. Lift your arms up. Now the hard part is from here behind you without lower. Moving your torso position, arms behind class the fingers. Try to give it that now. Up with the chest down with the legs up with the arms and hold Rizek.

Hold, hold, hold, read scooping that belly and roll yourself up. Let your arm circle around and we go all the way again. Exhale, rounding back up with the legs. Rollover with control. Open. Closed the legs. Take your breath in. Rolling down. You're going to hit a teaser. Helps to spot something. Lift the arms. Now again, this is more challenging. Hold Yourself.

Still contract into those abdominals, so the little changing of your body. Weight challenges those, those that stability muscles. Pull those arms. There you go. Legs down, chest down, arms up and hold. Scoop your abdomen in. Release the arms. Give it a little hamstring stretch. Let's go two more with a little more flow.

I won't stop quite as much. Inhale there. Exhale. Stay with your breath. Rolling over. Little quick change. Inhale, pause, roll it down. Find a teaser, lift open, hands behind you. Pool legs down, chest down, arms go up. Release. Got them around for that little hamstring stretch or big hamstring stretch last time guys. Inhale, roll it up. Exhale, contracting back up and over. Quick. Jane, do the legs rolling down. Hit a teaser, lift open class all and legs down.

Torso down, chest is down, arms are up. Release and come around and give a little hamstring stretch. [inaudible] and then roll all the way up to sitting tall. Okay. I want you everybody just to kind of stagger on the mat here. One front, one back, spine twist, something kind of little less less. Uh, you know, whatever. And he'll here.

When you have you turn your torso to your left, take your arm with you. Now we're going to kind of consider this a little while in the winding down or cool down, but I want you to continue to think of growing taller naturally in a rotation. We actually go down a little in our spine, so don't worry about it too much, but it don't, don't let that happen. Turn your chest, your rib, cage your back a little more. Alright. And as you come back to center, let's bring the arms up above the head. I'm going to pass through and then back to front. Take a breath. So we'll exhale to the right.

Turn the chest a little more easily because it's ready. As you come back to facing your front, lift the back arm up with the front arm, and then arms down. Inhale. Exhale, turn, lift. Cool. It's like you're lifting the air. [inaudible] old [inaudible] one more.

[inaudible] that's fine. [inaudible] seal. Last exercise. All right. Seals. Hands on those ankles. Feet higher tonight. [inaudible] we're not being graded. Don't worry. We're on getting very serious. Now what?

I want us to plaque practice right where we are. Hold Pool your center of gravity back a little. Since you're low abs, pull that back. If you feel like you're gonna Fall, you've hit your spot. That's good. Control that place. Take the legs you're going to do just little open and those collapse. We're trying to loosen the hips.

[inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] it could become a little chuckle in a second. We start to roll and one, two, and three. Okay. That's what we're going to do when we roll back and forth. Here we go. We roll. We come up and we do it again, eh? Yeah. Do more.

[inaudible] last one. Now it gets tricky. Rollback let go. No more. Ha ha ha. Oral yourself up and finish. Yay. Very nice class. Thank you.


Loved your faster pace while teaching this class!
I second Elaine. I assumed it would be another "get out the protracter" very deliberate class with flow breakages (not that those are bad) but boy was I pleasantly surprised! thank you.
Hi Pele, thank you for your feedback, as always-- it's much appreciated! I'm glad I surprised you a little bit with this class and it's pace!
Great class Amy! Loved the extra shoulder stretch in the down phase of the boomerang!
as always great class amy. I enjoyed it. thanks. blanche
Another awesome mat session....loved loved loved the jackknife & modified jackknife. Especially looooved the side sequence beginning with the side roll and ending with rotation in side known as "Amy's Side Series" Thank you!
Work it! And I applaud your class! They are strong!
Hi Miss Erin......thanks for taking class with me and I'm so glad you enjoyed that extra time with the shoulder stretch! I always love that too!
Thank you Blanche! always it's so nice to hear your is greatly appreciated. I like it, "Amy's Side Series".....thank you!! The rolling side to side is fun for sure!
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