Think Outside the Box<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 1023

Think Outside the Box
Amy Havens
Class 1023

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Great class!! Loved the legs in straps. My hips feel so much better after this class!
Hi Anne-Marie....thank you! I always appreciate hearing your feedback on my classes!
Great! Thank you so much. I love every class you did.
Thank you so much Ginette!!
This class was AWESOME!! Loved it! Thanks!
Amazing work and new ways to rethink familiar exercises. Thank you Amy!
Hi Patti....I enjoy 'looking outside the box' and trying to create some new things based on the traditional. Thank you for commenting you found that helpful.
1 person likes this.
Nice and creative. Thank you
Thank you Heather !
1 person likes this.
Kind of amazing how easy you made that look vs. how hard it was in real life! 😀 Very challenging! I loved how the hip rotations felt and was surprised at how hard the weight work was with light weights in that position. Loved it all!
41-50 of 52

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