Strength and Endurance Mat<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 1226

Strength and Endurance Mat
Meredith Rogers
Class 1226

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Katherine~ I believe those are actually Studio Sox that Candace is wearing, not shoes. You can click the link above to see them on her site.
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Thank you! I love your classes! I'm having trouble getting strength to do teaser, or roll ups for that matter. I'd love a class for that since you are taking requests! I have had two C sections, they were 9 and 12 years ago, but do you thing that may have something to do with it?

I am challenging myself to take a class every day for two weeks, really until christmas, but I have to trick myself and start small.

:) Thank you Merideth, I plan on taking many of your classes!
Thanks so much everyone!
Maryann, there are a couple of tricks to help with roll up and teaser. My favorites for the roll up are: weighting the ankles or rolling up a hand sized towel and placing it in the spot under your back that you can't feel pressing into the mat. For the teaser: hold a door between your legs (non weighted) as you practice rolling up and down. This will help to stabilize and support the weight of the legs so that you can focus on the mobilization of the spine.
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Love. love love this class !
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I forgot to thank Wendy for her suggestion of positioning the ring between the arms. New stuff that works is always a welcome addition. Thanks Meri for being open to new ideas!
Thanks Joni! I'll tell Wendy. I love new ideas....they keep things interesting. Feel free to share yours :)
In a The flow of this session is amazing. Thank you! Loved lots, esp swimming variation...and the ending...with surprise back end...thigh stretch. WOW
All round brilliant. Loved it!
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great class
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