Movement in the Feet<br>Ruth Alpert<br>Tutorial 3116

Movement in the Feet
Ruth Alpert
Tutorial 3116

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Thank you . Very wise teaching
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Another great and important tutorial. Your sense of humor is wonderful also. Thanks Ruth!
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Thanks Jakki and Lori!
Valya Karcher
Thank you Ruth! I have a client with limited feeling in her feet and this will be a wonderful addition to her Pilates practice. I also loved your foot stomping! I showed that part to my husband and he joined in the beat :) Thank you for your energy and joy!
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Ruth, your teachings on the feet are inspiring. I trained as a reflexologist before becoming a Pilates instructor and have been advising people for years on the correct way to walk. Just like breathing, we need to be more aware of how we walk. Thank you for your valuable lesson today.
Thank you Valya and Gaylene! I really appreciate your feedback (or should I say feetback?)
Thank you so much Ruth, you inspired me for more! We had a "Liebe Deine Füße" project at our school with different movements. Our pupils, especially the ski racers need this footgymnastik more often! Greetings from Austria! Evi
Trailer from our DVD 😊 few years ago.
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Eva Maria, thank you for your comments. I love your trailer!! Yes!
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Thank you Ruth Alpert you are also an artist! Flirting and caressing foot, love it!
I'm an instructor with a nasty Lisfranc injury rehab in front of me, feet are essential!!
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Charlie Santos: yes, glad you get my humor! I wish you well in your recovery (surgery?) and totally agree: all it takes is having something in our bodies go down to teach us how essential every part is!
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