Mat Clean Up<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 351

Mat Clean Up
Niedra Gabriel
Class 351

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Great class, excellent cueing. Thank you!
Great teacher! Thank you!
Thank you! Wonderful class. Loved how you broke the exercises down for your new intermediate student.
Fantastic PURE class...especially liked the breakdown of Swan. Nice class for a beginner/intermediate. Can't wait to see a more advanced mat class from Niedra. thanks
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you all ladies, I am delighted you enjoyed this. I plan to do more classes like this where I spend time reveiwing the mechanics of the exercises and then putting it all back together again. I know I always do so much better when I get the inside builidng blocks first, and then the full picture. do let me know if there is anything specific you would like me to cover in future classes.
Lauren P
Looking forward to your precision - it helps so much. I'd like to see you break down the neck pull the way you did the swan dive. It is an exercise that has given me an enormous challenge and would like to understand to it's fullest.
I enjoyed the video howver found it lacking in coaching points for example on the neck pull
feet were lifting showing an initiation of hip flexors. Also cuing of maintaining abdominal connection and avoiding doming?
This was wonderful! Trying to get my post baby body back in shape and this workout left me feeling energized! I super appreciated the explanations, especially of swan as it was a position/move I had never done before! Thank you
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you ladies, very pleased to know this class was helpful. I am learning too, how to create these classes for maximum effectiveness. Thank you Cherry for your comments . When I walk in to film the class I am meeting students for the first time, and although the class was intended to be intermediate /advanced class, some of the students were new. within the body of the class, I have to weigh how much to stop and review details so everyone is on the same page, and how much to just keep moving. You definitely picked up on the levels within the group and the weaknesses in correct application with some of the students. My vision for future classes is to structure two classes covering the same material, one for review of fundamentals in application and then a continuous class for rhythm and flow with the assumption people know what to do.
Keep practicing - its the best way to keep growing and learning.
Thank you Niedra for this amazing class! Enjoyed both that you've done so far, great cueing, especially enjoyed the swan & all the preps. Definitely feeling the burn in my lats today after that one! Thanks again
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