Mat Clean Up<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 351

Mat Clean Up
Niedra Gabriel
Class 351

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Niedra Gabriel
Thank you PilateNewBee, by the way I love your name .
Thank-you, Niedra. I haven't taken one of your classes in a while and this is the first intermediate class of yours I have taken. It was really familiar but super challenging. I am, now, thinking of my core differently after all these years of pilates.
Niedra Gabriel
Great to read this Christine, it is always good to revisit basics and I know what you mean about having a new perspective. That happens to me as well.
Thank you for this wonderful class.
So clean, flowing and elegant.
Great class, thank you Niedra. Really feel like I'm in the class with the group. Having slightly different levels works really well as I, as the online participant, can feel I'm womewhere amongst them!
Niedra Gabriel
This is so cool Monica , I love that you joined in and felt at home. Means Cyber classes really are INCLUSIVE. Keep up the good work.
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