Day 7: I am Nurturing<br>Kira Lamb<br>Class 4723

Day 7: I am Nurturing
Kira Lamb
Class 4723

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I’m 61 years old and can mostly keep up.
Lina S
I'm proud of my body because... it helps me live a fulfilling and healthy life.
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I am proud of my body because ..... at 68 and with 25+ years of Pilates teaching, it continues to let me live a healthy, active, strong and meaningful life!
Todd H
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I am proud of my body because although it might not work like it did when I was 20 (I’m 53) - it’s bloody amazing in what it achieves daily!
I am proud of my body because…it helps me move through the challenges of each day.  
Erica Young
I'm proud of my body is adaptable and strong!
I am proud of my body because it gives me strength, energy and flow in each part of my day.
Ivana S
Im proud of my body because it is perfect the way it is, healthy, strong, it takes me everywhere with flow and energy. 
I’m proud of my body because it is strong! This challenge is amazing. I've been progressing through the classes daily since session 2 and it’s amazing to experience how that consistency feels in my practice as well as it’s effects throughout my day. Thank you so much!
i am proud of my body because it carries me through our life together, uphill and down.
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