Day 7: I am Nurturing<br>Kira Lamb<br>Class 4723

Day 7: I am Nurturing
Kira Lamb
Class 4723

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And thanks, Kira. I am becoming more aware of imagery that can help me visualize how to activate and be aware of the different parts of my pilates' box.
Ruth S
I am proud of my body because it works with me to achieve so much
Because it grew two humans and recovered and got stronger…..and it is resilient and I just need to keep reminding myself of that. I am strong, my body is healthy. 
I am proud of my body because it is strong and powerful after 50 years on this earth. 
Elaine O
I’m proud of my body because it has  been faithful and brought me this far even with it’s  limitations  and continues to show me each day that it is strong, reliable and always willing to learn.  Another great class 🌟
I am proud of my body because it never ceases to amaze me at 60 with all its strengths and weaknesses, balances and imbalances, and when I truly listen to it, it’s infinite wisdom over my brain! Thank you so much Kira - I needed this today and loved the use of the box cue. I’m proud to have got to day 7!
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