Mat on the Spine Corrector<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 781

Mat on the Spine Corrector
Amy Havens
Class 781

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Hi Suzanne, they can be called SITZ Bones or sitting bones, as they are a pair of bones. 
Hi Noelle, That explains the 's' on the word bones, but it does not explain why some people call them sitz bones. I've heard of a sitz bath, but I still hold that SITZ bones is incorrect. At least SIT bones can be explained. 
Suzanne thank you for catching this simple mistake
Hi Suzanne, The Ischial Tuberosities can be referred to as sit bones, sitting bones or sitz bones. The word "sitz" comes from a German verb "sitzen" meaning "to sit". I hope this clarifies things for you. 
My point exactly. Hope it clarifies it for you as well.
Suzanne - They’re both colloquialisms, and they’re both easier to say than ischial tuberosities when you’re cueing quickly and for accuracy. Arguing that one is correct is like arguing soda versus pop.
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Great! Can you make a class with a arc barrel as well? Thamks7
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Hi Carolina M , I do have a class on the site utilizing the arc barrel.  You can use one for this class as well.!!
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Terrific class, thank you Amy - fun to return to video many years later and hearing it so differently. A lot more understanding. Thanks again
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Patti S thank you for taking this class again and for leaving this comment.  I agree, and I do the same.  It's always good to go back and re-take, re-listen, feel new connections etc.
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