Kathy Grant Inspired Mat<br>Cara Reeser<br>Class 785

Kathy Grant Inspired Mat
Cara Reeser
Class 785

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Always good to hear from you Jennifer!
Hello and wow I am glad you all are liking this class. Thanks for the kind words and keep on practicing and having fun.
2 people like this.
Cara, I freaking love you!! your classes always feel so good to my body. I'm trying to figure out a way to come back to Denver and spend some quality time with you out there...but come back to Paris anyway!
Outstanding commentary throughout the entire class. What fun! Thank you.
I am thrilled that you are on pilates anytime! Not the same as taking your class in Denver but this is as good as it gets in Beijing! More classes, please!
Cara, thank you! Your enthusiasm is contagious!!
Loved the happiness you shared. More please
1 person likes this.
loved this class and the fun you infused into it... would love to see you do a beginners or basic class as i love your cueing and explanations, especially the 10 bands... fantastic and will use in my classes... thank you
Cathy M
Great class! I learned new ways to make exercises I thought I knew more difficult. Cara - your studio got me back in Pilates after being away for a couple years. I took a few classes at Pilates Aligned while in Denver a couple of years ago. The fantastic instructors inspired me to get back into it when I returned home.
This class totally stopped about 12 minutes into it??
Jamie ~ The class seems to be playing fine from our end so I would suggest either refreshing this page (if you use the Auto-Detect video playing option you can immediately fast forward to the point were you were last playing the video without waiting for it to load) to see if that fixes the problem or restart your computer, as this usually fixed most problems. Hope that helps!
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