
Member Since: July 25, 2016
Videos Viewed: 38 (0 past week, 0 past month)
Comments Posted: 7

About me

I'm: a Woman - 46 Years Old
Where I Live: Nashville, Tennessee
Other Exercise I Enjoy: Weight Training (Three days a week), Volleyball - Sand (A few times a month)

My Pilates Practice

Years of Pilates Experience: 21

My Memberships and Certifications

PhysicalMind Institute - Member - Certified

PA Badges

Watched 10 Classes
Watched 3 Videos in a week
The Hundred
Spine Twist
Rolling Like A Ball
1 Year of Membership
2 Years of Membership
3 Years of Membership

PA Points

Rolling Like A Ball
44,392 PA Points
Length of membership Rolling Like A Ball
Adding comments Rolling Like A Ball
Viewing videos Saw
Site visits Spine Twist
Likes on my comments Saw
Voting in a contest The Hundred
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