Dorthe V



Member Since: July 11, 2020
Videos Viewed: 792 (7 past week, 13 past month)
Comments Posted: 143

About me

I'm: a Woman - 52 Years Old
Where I Live: Herning, Denmark
Language(s) I Speak: English
Other Exercise I Enjoy: Hiking (Once a week)

My Pilates Practice

Years of Pilates Experience: 5
Practice Frequency: Daily

My Teacher Training

BASI Pilates® - Mat (2021)

PA Badges

Completed Your Profile
Watched 10 Classes
Watched 50 Classes
Watched 100 Classes
Watched 500 Classes
Watched 3 Videos in a week
Made 10 Forum Comments
Made 50 Forum Comments
Made 100 Forum Comments
Completed Instructor Playlist
Ride The Wave
Return to You Challenge
Spring To Life
Ready, Set, Glow!
Ascend Mat Challenge
10-Day Pilates Reset Mat Challenge
The Hundred
Spine Twist
Rolling Like A Ball
1 Year of Membership
2 Years of Membership
3 Years of Membership
4 Years of Membership
The Pilates Daily: A Class for Each Day of the Week: On the Mat
Rise and Recharge: Live Event
Rise and Recharge: Find Your Flow
Rise and Recharge: Evolution to Your Resolution
Rise and Recharge: Recharge your Practice
Rise and Recharge: Return to Life
Curious Movement: Curious Movement

PA Points

165,942 PA Points
Length of membership Spine Twist
Adding comments Teaser
Completed profile Teaser
Completed preferences Teaser
Viewing videos Saw
Site visits Teaser
Likes on my comments Teaser
Voting in a contest The Hundred

Recently Viewed

Release, Open, Explore, Foam Roller

Jun 12, 2017
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Foam Roller Mat
Sarah Bertucelli
15 min
BASI Pilates®

Recent Favorites

Tuesday, Upper Body, Energy, Power, Productive

Aug 05, 2019
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Upper Body Power
Gia Calhoun
30 min
Studio du Corps
Thursday, Stretching, Expansion, Breathing, Feel-Good

Aug 05, 2019
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Expand and Stretch
Gia Calhoun
15 min
Studio du Corps
Sculpt, Tone, Bone Health, Weighted

Nov 03, 2020
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Sculpting Mat
Amy Havens
55 min
Pilates Conservatory®
Footer Pilates Anytime Logo

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