Joanne Bezzina

From my initial consultation I have been fascinated by Pilates. It is my main form of exercise and also one of my main interests. I think about Pilates a lot! When I'm not doing or teaching Pilates I am spending time with my husband, going out for nice dinners with friends and just generally enjoying life!



Member Since: February 23, 2013
Comments Posted: 123

About me

I'm: a Woman - 42 Years Old
Where I Live: Sydney
Language(s) I Speak: English
Other Exercise I Enjoy: Walking (Most days), Dance (Occasionally)

My Pilates Practice

Years of Pilates Experience: 20+
Practice Frequency: Three days a week

My Teacher Training

Polestar Pilates® - Comprehensive (2009)
Ulysses Pilates Apprenticeship - Comprehensive (2003)

My Memberships and Certifications

Pilates Method Alliance (PMA) - Member
National Pilates Certification Program (NPCP) - Certified (2018)
Pilates Association Australia (PAA) - Member
Pilates Alliance of Australasia - Member - Certified (2009)

PA Badges

Completed Your Profile
Watched 10 Classes
Watched 50 Classes
Watched 100 Classes
Watched 3 Videos in a week
Made 10 Forum Comments
Made 50 Forum Comments
Made 100 Forum Comments
Completed Instructor Playlist
The Hundred
Spine Twist
Rolling Like A Ball
1 Year of Membership
2 Years of Membership
3 Years of Membership
4 Years of Membership
5 Years of Membership
6 Years of Membership
7 Years of Membership
8 Years of Membership
The Teacher's Corner: Studio Tours
The Teacher's Corner: Common Back Problems
Pilates, It's Your Business!: Studio Tours

PA Points

193,762 PA Points
Length of membership Saw
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Completed profile Teaser
Completed preferences Teaser
Viewing videos Teaser
Site visits Saw
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Voting in a contest Saw
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