Class #1812

Flowing Advanced Reformer

65 min - Class


If you're searching for a flowing, fast-paced, and challenging Reformer workout, try this class with Brett Howard. In addition to teaching advanced Reformer exercises not commonly taught (like Horseback), Brett mixes in interesting variations and commands precision in the transitions. Don't be fooled by how easy Alejandro and Tetsuo make this demanding class look!

The use of light Hand Weights and a Fitness Ball are optional for this workout.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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My name is Brett Howard. And today we are going to do a reformer and my body is today our Tetsuo and Outta hand drill. And let's start with the foot. So we're going to cross the arms and you're going to sit down, lie down and then turning around. Yup. Good. So I want you to start in plotty stance heels together, toes two to three inches apart and now zippering up, extending out and bend the knees and come back in. Extending out to pooling in out on three, pulling in on, starting on four springs and in out on five, five more, extending out, pulling in, extending out and in and out an inch.

Twice more in last time out and come back in. Feet together, knees together. Let's go into the arch of the foot. Toes over, heels under, going out and pulling in to puling in n three and in and four in and five, five more out and in. So when you guys are going out and, and make sure that you have weighed on the tailbone, try not to Tuck that pelvis out. And in last time out and coming back. And let's go onto the heel of the foot flex feet, all 10 toes, pulling back, equally extending out and pulling in out on two and then out three and in out four and in out on five, five more and out and in two and in zippering up, lifting underneath the seat, pulling from the crown of the head and last time and in. Now what we're going to do is I'm going to keep you guys on the heels. We're going to do the leg presses. So, uh, let's still stay on those heels.

Feet together, knees together. And you guys are going to go halfway out this time. Now I want you to come in two inches and then go out two inches in for two out, two now low quicker in and out and four and out and five and out and six and out and seven and out, eight and out and nine and out and tenon out and come all the way in so it doesn't look like they're doing much, but a great exercise to build up the file. Let's go onto the arch of the foot. Same thing. Bird on a perch. Get together, knees together. Go halfway out and go into inches out. Two inch in and out and three and out and four and out and five and out and six.

Send out seven and out and eight and out. Nine and out and 10 an outcome all the way in. Let's go onto the toes. Step plotty. Stand skull, feet together. Knees together this time. Good. And now going Tetzel with knees together. Go halfway out. Go in an inch out an inch. Two out. Three out.

Four out. Five out. Out in and out and in and out. Two more and out and in an owl. Come all the way in. Stay the toes. Let's go to Plati stands for the tendon stretch. Extend all the way out. Zippered up. Lower the heels for three counts. Now lift for three, two, one.

Lower, lower, lower lift, lift, lift. Lower, lower, lower lift, lift, lift. Lower. Two, three, lift two, three, five and lift five more. Lower, lower, lower lip lift, lift two and lift two, three, three. Lift two, three, four. One more time. The lower two three lift, bend the knees, come all the way in. Lower the foot bar for the hundred. We're going to do the more advanced version to get into it today. So I'm going to have you guys start with the legs out on the bar. [inaudible] and then you're going to bring your arms down at the head, neck and shoulders rise as the legs go to your working level. Go into position, hold zipper up and pump above the waist as you breathe in with the air and out. Two, three, four, five in with the air for five XL, three four, five, three and XL. Three four five. Inhale, three, four, five XL three, four, five. Draw those inner thighs together and XL.

Five more sets. Pump above that waist. Nice vigorous pumping. Four more sets and XL. Three four five. Inhale, three, four, five. Exhale, three, four, five. Curl that head, neck and shoulders up more. XL, three, four, five. One more. Set. XL three, four, five, and now arms up, legs come down. Take the straps in, one hand, sitting up, take two of the middle springs off, and then you're going to lie down. Lower your headrest and we're going to do the overhead. So arms to ceiling simultaneously. Arms and legs together, arms down, legs go over your head. Jackknife the legs straight up to the ceiling.

Roll down through the spine, massaging her back. And then arms and legs are going to arrive together simultaneously. Arms, legs together, up, and then massage your spine on the way down. And then arms and legs have arrived together twice. More arms down as lace. Go overhead, jackknife up. Good. And then rounding down one vertebrae at a time and arms.

The legs arrived together last time. Arms down, legs overhead, Jack Knife up. Then rounding down through the spine. Arms and legs have arrived to gather. And then we'll do the coordination needs in. Elbows, in head, neck and shoulders up simultaneously. Arms and legs out. Hold Open, close. Pull those knees in. Bend the elbow second and again, front, open, close. Pull the knees in, bend the elbows. Three more out open. Close. Now when you pull in, pull the upper body to the knees. More upper body needs more than the elbows. Bend twice more. Front. Open-Close upper body to thighs, upper body closer to thighs. Once more out and open.

Closed pool knees in Ben Elbows. Take the straps in one hand, sitting up, turning around, taking one spring off. Good. You guys are going to sit and you can either have the legs together or one leg on top of the other. And now two fists are going to go into the sternum for rowing from the sternum. Start with the tailbone. Curling under one vertebrae at a time. Open the arms to the side. Press the arms back, deepening over.

Reach the arms further back. Lift up one, two, three. Circle the arms all the way around and stretch. Nice and relaxing your shoulders, both of you. And again, start with the tailbone curling under. Open the arms to side. Press. Deepening over, reaching back and lift up. One, two, three and circle the arms all the way around. One more time. Tall back ribs closed. Start with the tailbone. Curl under.

Open the arms to the side, press back, deepening over, reach back. Lift one, two, three. Circle the arms all the way around and stretch. And now you're going to cross the other leg on top 90 degrees. Squeeze your bottom, lifting hinge up and back. And then lift up and lengthen over. Pull alongside the frame, fingertips back with the one, two, three.

Circle the arms all the way around. And again, this is your short box flat position. Maintain that length head to tell and lift up, wrapped in the ribs and lengthen up and over pool alongside that frame. Reach back with top one to three. Circle the arms all the way around. One more, 90 degrees. Squeeze, lift and lengthen. Wrapped ribs. Long line from head to tail. Lifting up and lengthen up and over.

Pull alongside the frame or reaching back and lift up. One, two, three. Circle the arms all the way around and stretch. All right, and you guys going to put the handles onto the eye hooks and you're going to turn around. You guys are gentlemen, we're going to add one more spring on to Romano. It always had the guys do the front rowing on two springs. So sitting back, grab a hold of the thumb, elbows in. Inhale, reaching forward and out. Exhale, lower fingertips to mat. Inhale, lift the arms up, lift more, press as you lengthen through your spine. And again, inhale, reach, and exhale. Lower. Inhale, reach forward and up, up, up. Lift more, and then press as you lengthen through your spine. Nice guides.

One more. Inhale out. Exhale. Lower. Inhale, reaching something away at cell press and lengthen rowing from the hips. We'll do two variations twice of the basic variation. Once of the more advanced variation. So flex feet, dive forward and reach. Then you're going to roll up to shoulder height. So you're gonna stop here. Plug the shoulders in without the carriage moving or reach the arms forward and up. Carriage still carried, still carried, still pressing down as you linkedin through your spine.

And again, diving forward, bring the ball of the foot back more, especially the little toilet. Start once again. Plug the shoulders in. Don't hyperextend the elbows. Wrap the ribs. Don't let the carriage move at the arms. Lift. Carrot still cared, still good. And then pressing down this next one, slightly different dive forward and reach and you're going to hold for me in that position. Hold there. Now don't let the body move. Reaching only the arms forward to the ear level and hold. Now roll up, keeping the arms at the ear level without the carriage moving.

Hold their wrap the ribs. Squeeze your bottom. Lift your spine up more than press down as you lengthen through your spine. Crisscrossed the legs for the shave. Reach forward and up and the hands are going to go behind the base of the head. Slight diagonal with the body. So shave up, hold, bend the elbows and come back down.

Shaving up and come back down. Shave up three and come back down to Mars. Shave up taller. Right here. There we go. And come back down. Don't let those needs arise guys. Shave up and down. Last time, shave up and hold. Open the arms as you switched the cross of the legs for the hug. Inhale, hug a big ball. XL, press Romano away.

Inhale, hug and Xcel. Press Hirway. Inhale, hug a big ball. And exhale. Press reverse the breathing. Exhale close. Inhale, open as you close. Head Up. Tell down thighs, down, stomach, back, and open. Last time. Exhale, close and inhale open. Put the handles onto the hook.

Take your long box and I'm going to have you place it on. And we're going to remain on two springs and we're going to do, and you're going to grab your pad on the way back. And we're going to do the swan on the box. Some people do it with the knees on the inside, some people do with the knees on the outside. I prefer the knees on the inside. So you guys are gonna step on hand-foot.

Hand-Foot then you're gonna push the carriage forward. Bring your thighs against arms are going to go forward. Good. Now inhale, lift the upper body up and X. Hell, inhale, open, lower, good. Exhale, close and lift. Inhale, stretch forward and reach. Pull those ribs up more. Draw those inner thighs together guys. And then round up and over. And again. Inhale, lifting up. Exhale, arch. Inhale, open and lower at sell. Close and lip.

Keeping that cared stolen in how now we stretch good rep to the ribs. Pulled up to the thighs and exhale round up and over. One more time. Inhale, lift, keeping the carrot still. Exhale arch. Inhale, open and lower. XL. Close and lift. Inhale, stretch board and reach. Hold there guys. Squeeze those inner thighs together more. Reach out to the head. More down to the Talmar, up to the back of those thighs. More than exhale.

Round up and over. Good guys. Grab a hold. Pike. Take one spring off. Then you're going to lie on your stomach for pulling straps. I'm going to hold up high on the level and then you're going to pull back as you lift your upper back up. Hold there and exhale, lowering down. And again, inhale, pull. Pull those shoulder blades down the back.

Crack a walnut and XL low as Lord. Don't let that head go below my hand here. Good. And one more time. Inhale, pull and lift. Hold their shoulder blades down, the back energy back through the heels and a total over the body. Slide the arms down to the back end of the leather. And we're going to do the T. All right. Once again, pulling back with the palms facing down. As you lift that up are backed up in a hole there.

Make sure the bottom ribs are on the mat. Guys, don't live too high and that to lower. One of my teachers, Bob, he used to say nipples on the box. And again, inhale, pull nipples on the box. Bottom rib on the box, shoulder blades down the back and exhale lower. One more time. Inhale, so it's only an upper back extension. Two palms down still and now lowering down. Take the straps in one hand, standing up, add one spring on.

So we're now we're on two springs for the backstroke then Yup, you're going to step on one hand, one foot other hand, other foot tailbone will be the last thing to come down. Lying on your back. Knees in two fists right above the forehead. Now hold there guys. I want you to curl that upper body up higher now. Arms and legs straight up to ceiling. Open. Circle around and reach in a hold for three, hold higher.

Two. Don't lose that ball and exhale come in, but don't lean on the ball. Make sure the ball keeps its form. Again, arms and legs straight up to ceiling, open circle and reach as easily. Be able to take that away to three and Xcel as you come in. Make sure that ball keeps its form. Don't lean on it. Inhale, lift up. Stay off that ball. XL, circle and reach. There we go. Two, three. As you come in, stay off that ball.

Stay nice and lifted and twice more arms and legs. Straight up. Open. Circle in a reach two, three and come in one. Reverse out in, reach forward and hold for ten nine eight seven six five four three, two, one. Open up together and come in hold once again we're going to reverse the regular direction. Now. Arms and legs up open circle and when you land right arm on top, left, right leg on top. Good. Now the carriage will move open wide and then other on top of the left on top of right, open and cross [inaudible] and again open and cross.

One more on each side and open and cross. Last time. Open, cross and hold there. Now arms and legs go straight up to 90 arms. Open a shoulder with head and arms. Go back. Now hold there. You're going to lift only the head up.

Circle the arms side. Reach forward and up. Palms down and hold for three. Holding those legs straight up to 92 one of the legs won't move now. Arms to ears. Hold now head and arms go back together. Arching your back now.

Headless first arm circle second. Don't let the legs move and reach to other leg on top now arms to ears, head and arms. Go back together and get a nice upper back extension. Headless first arms come up second and circle around and reach for three. Good two. Don't touch either one of my hands, one and then arms to the ears. Had an arms like a head and arms. Go back together.

Now head up first, arms circle around second and reach and hold bear. I want those palms down. I want you to uncross the legs now and then come back into your backstroke position on cross. Yup. There we go. And take the straps in one hand. Hold them. Oh there guys. Now whatever hand, whoops. Go back down. Whatever hand you just took them in. Take them in the other one.

So you're gonna use your less dominant side. Yep, Yep. Because I want you to use your less dominant sides of that. Your less dominant. Know that's your easy side. I went the other side, the up coast. You're not used to doing it on the other side. And now sit up and take one off. There we go.

And that way we can start to correct sidedness or dominance on one side. And we're going to do the teether. All right. So what you're going to do, draw the inner thighs together. Teas are up in a hole there. Make sure you have a nice curve. Lower back, lower the arms are down to the waist. Lift up to the brow as you pull back through the ribs. Lower to the waist, lift to the brow. Let's do one more lower to the waist. Lifting the brow. Hold. Good, nice and controlled.

You're going to roll all the way down. And again, teaser up, pulled there. Guys, I'm gonna have you just a little bit more rounded. There we go. Now those legs are going to be nice and strong. Now open the arms and then pull back to those ribs. Open the arms and back to the ribs. One more time to open the arms. Pulled back to the ribs. As you lift.

Now I want you to open the arms as you roll down through your spine. Now on the reverse, you're going to come up with opened arms. They're going to roll up and you're going to go around, forward and down. Nice guys around, forward and down. Last time around, forward hold. Pull those ribs back more and then roll all the way down.

All right, take the straps in one hand. Standing up for the breaststroke. [inaudible] alright, so you guys are going to grab a hold of the straps. [inaudible] there we go. And then you're going to make sure you guys are on one spring or in a pool. Grab a hold of the front and then you're going to lie down on your stomach with your knees just off of the edge. [inaudible] great.

We're going to do three kicks today. So you're going to kick one kick to kick three reach forward, lift open around and down. And again, kick to three. Reach forward, open around and down. And again, kick to three. Reach forward, open around, down, reversing kick one kick to kick three arms side forward and come back down. Good. And again, kick one kick to kick three arms side round. Forward and down. Last time kick one. Kick to kick three arms side around, forward and come down. Okay guys standing up.

And then you're going to do horseback facing me first. So if you're going to face me, swing the leg around and yes, you're gonna thread the leather through the handles. [inaudible] there we go. That's too low. You don't get on like that. How are we going to swing the leg around?

The Ramada used to always say you have to kick the horse in the head when you get on. So you're going to grab a hold. Now. Nice straight legs with the heels are right in front of the box and really rotated curve point zipper up in hold. Now open the arms out to the side. Keep a rounded back. Press the arms back, then circle the arms. Lift your spine up into starting position. And again, curve point zipper up. Open the arms to the side.

Press back, circle around [inaudible] lower last time. Curve the back zipper up in. Point those feet and then open the arms to the side. Middle Back, back ribs, back. Shoulders down. Press hold guys. Now let the only the arms come forward with straight arms. Oops. Actually still here and press back to that's okay.

And go forward one more time. Press back three. Circle around. As you upright your spine, take the straps in one hand, stepping off and step back on for the horseback. Facing that direction. This time we're going to hold the handles. Yep. And you guys are going to sit in one hands with distance from the back edge. All right guys, elbows in at the sides. Inwardly rotated the legs.

You're going to curve point, scoop up, pull back, and then lower. Just the arms. Lift the arms as you pull back to the ribs, lower the arms, make sure the shoulders don't get involved. Guides pull back, hold there. Flex instead. As you operate your spine. And again, curve, plain scoop. Now find that curve in that middle back. Lower the arms to the waist. Lift up to the browse. You pull back through your middle back, lower to the waist.

Pull up to the brow and flex and sit as you upright, your spine. Last set circles this time so curve points. Scoop up. Circle around and pull back through the ribs around, back through the ribs. One more time around. Back to the abdominals and ribs. Flex and sit as you upgrade your spine, drop the straps in the well behind you. Stand up, add one spring on and then lie back down the on your box.

So two springs and then you're going to lie on the box for a series of five. So knees in right hand on ankle, left hand on knee for the single leg stretch pool. Change. Pool change to to change three and three. Upper Body, little higher and pool. Five more. Pool and pool and two, two and three, three and four and four and five and five both knees in the double leg. Stretch simultaneously. Arms, legs out, hold arm, circle first and the second ride together. Give yourself a good pool. Inhale out at cell and in Pool in health, three at [inaudible] in, in Pool in hell, out XL and in pool in health.

Five exhale and we're going to add an extension of the back. Inhale out in our upper back, circle around in an pool and give herself a nice pool of those legs. Again, inhale out in arch and excelling and pull the, keep those ribs nice and wrapped as you arch. Inhale out and XL and in pool twice. More. Inhale, reach and Xcel and in pool last time. Inhale, reach out and excelling and pull the single straight leg stretch, right leg up, left leg out and pull. Pull and pull. Pull and two, two nice straight scissor blades, four, four and four. Four and five more with the hands behind the head. One, one and one. One, two, two and two to three. Three and three, three, four, four and four.

Four and five in both legs. Up Double, straight leg stretch, lower, lower, lower, lifted. 90. Make sure those carriages don't move. Lower to three up to 90. Lower. How about lifting that upper backup guys? Lift 90 lower two. Three up to 90 lowered to three up lower. Two, three. Hold now lower. Lower, more. Lift a 45 degrees.

Lower to three lifting 45 touch my hand. Good. Lower. Two. Three lift of 45 lower. Two three lift of 45 one more lower. Two three lift of 45 hold. Go right into the Chris Cross. Hold for three. Hold to hold. One change and hold. Now that way. Two, three change to me. Yes. Two, three.

Now away from me. Two. Three change. Three, two, three. Change. Three, two, three. Change. Four to three. Upper body to higher guys. Two, three. See the back wall behind you? Three change. Five. Now quicker time. One. One, two to three. Three, four, four, five. Five. Needs in an arrest. Standing up. Guys. We're going to skip the short box for now.

We're going to do the old order and we're going to go right into the long stretch series. Okay? So you're going to take the box place behind, lift your head rest up, and then lift your foot bar up. Then you step on hand-foot hand-foot be there. That's what Vermont has to say. So you don't go hand foot Hanford, shift [inaudible]. Alright, long line from head to heel, like a piece of steel and going out and pulling in out on two and making sure those heels don't move. Pooling in one more time out. Make sure that you're nice and lifted in hold there. Step your right leg front, take one spring off. And we're going to do the long stretch on one spring.

Be careful not to go out too quickly. Control this as you go out to your control and pull back in. Yes, go out to your control and pull back in last time out to your control and pull all the way in, in, in. Bend your knees down. Add that spring back on. So we're on to springs again for the down stretch. Heels are going to go back, lifted, wrapped, lifted up to the sternum.

Inhale as you go out. This is a breathing exercise. Exhale, exhale, exhale. Exhale as you come in. Inhale as you go out and exhale, wrap, but lift one more time. Inhale out, making sure those fields are back and that cell lengthen. Lengthen. Let's go into the up stretch. So we're going to skip that today. You're going to curve the back. You're going to go back through the heels to a long, straight line and then long to come all the way in, good up through the powerhouse, back through the heels.

Good and long to come all the way in, and two more. Up to the powerhouse and back through the heels. Long come back in and one more. Up and back through the heels and long to come all the way in and then you're going to let the heels go down for the elephant. Nice rounded back. You're going to not let the upper body move on.

Anything that's going to move are the legs to all 10 toes up. You're going to go out, pull under one, two, three out on one and in, in, in, out, in, in, out, in, in n one more time. Out in, in hold. We're going to do the same thing with an accent, like the knees stretch. So you're going to go out accent in one accent into in three. No Bang in that carriage though. And I in hold. All right, you guys are going to step down hand, foot hen, but good.

And now we're going to do the long back stretch. So to, to uh, I'm gonna have you do the variation with a straight back. Alejandro, I'm gonna have you do the variation when your hips go forward. Okay? Just so you can see the two different variations of the lung back stretch. So nice and lifted, going down and out and up and in and down, out, up. So I always teach this variation first out. So then they get the strength and then I work on the hits. Now reversing out and down and in and up.

Go way out and down and up. So this one's like sitting in a chair. This when those hits go forward in and up. Stepping down onto the floor and then you guys are going to put your springs on. So you will have four springs for the stomach massage series and then you'll place your pad on it. Okay, so sitting down.

Good toes on. And then you're going to grab the front. Nice broad elbows out to the side. Good c curve and gold out. Lower. Lift down into good massage. Have those internal organs. Three lower lifting in four lower lift. Done in out lower lift. Done in out. Lower left.

Five more out lower lift done in two. Lower lift. Done in three lower lift. Two more. Lower lift last time. Lower lifting hold. Reached through the legs. Take one. Spring up for the hands. Back. Burrata, elbows and then elbow. Sorry. Broad chest. And now going out. Lower the heels. Lift the heels in. Two lower lift. So here's your teaser.

You have that lower back curve, but an upper back lift. Lower lift out. Lower lift. Let's do five more lower. Lift out, lower, lift you up and you can do the last five without the hands. If you like. Lower lift. Two more out lower lift last time. Lower lift in hold reached through. Take one more spring off. So we're on tooth spring. Hold there. I want you to reach up and hold.

Grabbing a hold of these weights I have. Giving them two pounds. Ramana used to make me do it with five sometimes though. So tall, lifted spine going out. Hold more of a lift, more of a length and now come in and reach. Touch those weights to my hand. Touch me, come on, touch me up above and then fat back and I might get, they're going, going out and I'll come in and reach up. Reach up, reach up, push me away. Yes and inhale and come in. Don't let those knees open wider than the shoulders as you come in. And once again, inhale out. Exhale, come in and lengthen. Lengthen, lengthen.

Hold there. Inhale, lower the arms. Exhale, twist to the right hold. Inhale, come back in and reach. Exhale, twist to the left. Hold and come back in in reach and twist. Exhale, inhale, come back in. And XL. Twist, hold. Inhale, come back in and reach up with the arms. Circle the arms one circle to circle three, reverse one, and each time Ramana want us to hit the weights together. Three. Now lift the arms, hands behind the head.

Stretch the legs as you shave Ben, as you come in, stretch, shave, lift that back and bend and come in. Stretch, shave, hold. Open the arms. Circle one, circle to circle, three crackle, one at one cracker, one, two, three. Come in and circle one. Circle to come all the way in. Reversing one, two, three. Reach the arms forward. I'm going to grab the weights. Then you guys are going to grab a hold. This was a little bit taboo, but I will let you do it. Let's do the monkey. So grab a hold.

Now keep your thighs connected to your torso as you stretch your legs so maybe don't get to full extension yet. Bend the knees and come back in and again, stretch initiating from the tailbone. Now curl the tailbone under to come back in this time. I'll let you get to full extension and now extend even if the thighs come off. Now hold their flex to 3.23 lower two three lift two three lower to three, lift two, three. Bend the knees and come all the way in.

Now those legs are nice and stretch for the our tendons stretch. So standing up. If you'd like to put a pad at the front, you may do so. And then you guys are going to step on hand-foot hand foot and be there. Now this bar, it's going to be right over that bar, so you're never allowed to let your popo go back. So you're gonna press the the heels to go out and come back in and don't touch this Barb or the buzzer goes off and again going out and I'll come back in and there we go. And again and come in. Don't touch your good on the end. And again, going out and coming in. Go forward, go forward, go forward.

Last time going out, hold their go halfway in. All the way out. Yup. Just halfway in though. Go all the way out. Now halfway in. Go all the way out. [inaudible] oh, handrail. Yeah, and Hathaway in all the way out. Good. And I'll come all the way in. N. N. N. Okay, let's not do the one legs today. So stepping down and we're going to do short spine massage. So you're going to lower the foot bar.

If you'd like to put a pad on the foot bar, you may do so lower the headrest and then assemble your short straps. [inaudible] there we go. And then lie down. Before we do short spine massage, we're going to do one of my variations. So I'm going to have you guys just put these on the hooks for now. Romando used to say, if a client cannot lift their hips up, they shouldn't be doing short spine massage.

So what I do for them is I have them grab a hold of the back of the carriage or you can grab the handles, but I think the carriage is better. Bring your knees into the chest. I want you to hug this ball with your heels to bring your heels down. There we go. And now your goal is to not let that separate.

You're gonna route roll like a ball. You're going to bring your knees to your ears so you develop that strength. Now push your heels into the ball to roll down massage or back. Massage your back, massage your back, and again, rolling like a ball. Roll those knees to those ears. Push those heels into the ball.

Press into it. Massage your back one vertebrae at a time. Last time. Roll like a ball, bringing those knees to the year so you develop that strength and you're warming up your abdominals for the short spine massage. So you're not using your legs. You're going to be using your powerhouse. I'll take this from you guys. Take those straps, place them onto your [inaudible] feet. [inaudible] all right, so you're going to extend the legs out. You're going to go up and over. Good. And then you're going to bend the knees.

First one, we're going to roll like a ball. Roll like a ball, massaging your back. We'll do another one just like that. Extend the legs out. Roll up and over. So you bring your body up and over through your hips. Nice. Bend the knees roll down. So we don't want the straps to do the work. We want our powerhouse to do the work. We don't want our legs do the work now, different variation. Extend the legs out. Pelvis goes up and over.

Nice guys. And then Ben, the knees roll down in one and then hold, then roll gestures, spine down, opening up your back, open, open, open. And I give it a little stretch here. And then you're going to pull the heels into the bottom. Hold for one, two, and again, legs out. Power, health springs, you up and over. Nice guys. Then bend the knees, roll down in one piece and then roll. Just your spine down. Opening that back, open, open, open. Would you like a stretch?

All right. And then pull the heels in. Hold for one, two. Now one more time, slightly different variation. Bring the legs out. Go up and over. Once you're over, I want you to bring your souls, the feet flat together in prayer feet. Nice. Why knees? The angle of the knee will not change. You're going to maintain this double attitude position roll down to your spine so you get a nice opening through your sacrum.

As you roll down, it feels good, doesn't it? All right, so once you're down, you're going to close the knees and you're going to take the straps and take the straps off your feet, and let's put the handle onto the eye hooks. So then we'll have them for chest expansion. Then you're going to lift your head rest up, and I'll have one of you do with the foot bar up. One with the foot bar down for semi-circle. Who wants to go up? He's [inaudible]. You're going up. [inaudible]. All right, so you're gonna push forward. Good.

And then you're going to roll down through your spine, starting from the rib cage rippling down to the tailbone, then going out with control hold without the carriage moving. Roll up through your spine control and come in. As always, say, don't come in like a band sheet and now bring your chest away from your chin and roll down rippling down like a wave. Tailbone lasts dust to the springs as you go out and keep the carriage still as you roll up carriage still nicotine from the tail and then come all the way back in. One more time. Rolling down and getting a nice ripple. Nice massage and going out now carriage still as you roll all the way up and then come back in. We're gonna do three reversed and going out. Don't let the carriage move as you roll down through your spinal rippling down and now come all the way in. Start with the knees and roll up.

And again, rolling, going out, rolling down without the carriage you're moving. Come in with control. And then when you roll up, start from the tailbone and slow ripple upward last time going out and then roll down without the carriage moving. Finding that opposition of hands one way, tailbone the other way. Now coming in and knees forward and up. Would you like a stretch, Alejandro? Would you like? Yep. I'll give you a stretch. Then you could grab your ankles and I'll give you a little stretch zippering up as you'd give you us as good stretch of your thigh. Would you like a stretch?

Okay, our right. So scooting back and let's do the chest expansion. So in, and I think both of you lost one of your handles, so you're going to have to pick that handle up. And then you guys are going to kneel with your toes over the edge. I want one line, head over, shoulders, shoulder over hip, hip over knee.

This is all about control. Maintain that alignment as you pull those arms back and crack a walnut in between your shoulder blades. Look to the right, look to the left look center and exhale and release. Inhale, pool, head of her shoulders over hips, over knees. And now look left. Look right, look, center and release and again in helpful, a little bit more. Squeeze here, squeeze here more and more. And now look right local left look, center release.

One more time in help. Pool wrap through those ribs. Look left. Look right, look center. Exhale, release. Take the straps in one hand. Sit back at a spring. You guys both don't have long hair, so I won't put the straps on this specially UL a hundred we're not going to put this drops on the springs. All right, so you guys are going to drop the chin, hinge backwards for five stretch. Now lift the arms and come back up and again hinges backwards and then lift the arms and come back up.

We're going to do one more with an upper back extension hinges back hold up position. Now just the upper back goes, not the pope. Elbow. Chin the chest, lift the arms and come back up. Take the straps in one hand. Standing up. I'm gonna have you take two springs off. Then you guys are going to kneel on for the arm circles. So one hand, sorry, one knee than the other knee. Then from there you're going to still find that head, shoulder, hip, knee alignment. You're going to reach the arms forward and up. Circle around and down. So you control the straps, you control the springs and down.

Last time lifting up annex. Hell. Reverse the circles around and down. One more time. Around and down on the last one around in hold for shave. So bend the elbow, shave up one and again, shave wrap here guys. Two last time. Shave up. Hold. Open the arms for the hug. Inhale, hug XL.

Open. No movement guys. Inhale. There we go. Exhale, reverse the breathing. Exhale. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, arms down. Just the simple bicep curls today. Curl up one and down. Curl up two and down. Curl up three and down. Take the straps in one hand. Standing up. Put this drops in the well. Snake [inaudible] West. Okay. Yup. All right, so what you're going to do is you guys are going to step on one hand, one foot other hand, other foot, pike up. Now inhale, going out. Exhale, arch. Inhale up.

Exhale, pooling in. Inhale and exhale arch. Inhale up. Exhale, pool. And now the twist. Inhale, exhale, twist. Come back through the pelvis, zipper up to come in and again going out, open with your right hip, come back with the left tip. Zipper up from pubic bone to sternum to come in and stepping down.

Now when you guys stepped down on the next side, that carriage won't move. All right, so stepping on hand-foot hand foot. Okay, piped up carrots. Still in hell out. Exhale. Inhale XL and no foot hookin inhale and exhale.

Inhale up. Use that power houser, the twist. Inhale, Xcel carriage still as you twist, come back, zipper up from pubic bone to stern them to come in. And again, inhale, exhale, twist, pull back through the pelvis and zipper up to come in, stepping down without the carriage moving. And then you guys are at much better. You guys are going to add a spring. So we're on two springs, lower the head rest and we will not set up the straps yet. I'm positive. All right, so yup, and the spring will lower the headrest and now corkscrew, so lie down [inaudible] you're just going to grab a hold of those metal arches. Elbows, press down, knees into the chest, legs up to 90 now it's not the legs that are going to bring you over, it's your pelvis, your powerhouse. It's going to bring you over to lift up and over from your powerhouse. Now we're going to do two variations.

One with the low one with the high variation. Roll down through the spine, right side of the back, circle around and then come up to the left side. Pelvis lifts, not those legs. And now roll down through the right side of that left side of the back saris circle around. Come up through the right side of the back and again, rolling down through the right side of the back. Circle around, lift up to the left side. Roll down through the left side of the back. Circle around and now pelvis up and last set. Roll down to the right side of the back, massage that back. Come up, massage the left side of the back and over.

Massage the left side of the back as you roll down around. Massage the right side of the back as you go over. Now write downs for the middle road down to that spine. Elbows down, legs to 90 degrees for the ticktock legs to the right. Head to the left and now pull back rib cage, lower back pelvis to come center legs to the left. Head to the right pool ribs, lower back pelvis to come back to center legs, right head left pool ribs, lower back, pelvis to come. Center legs, left head, right pull ribs, lower back, pelvis to come center. Last set legs, right had left.

Nice sequential sequencing to come back to center legs left head right and then pull rib cage, lower back pelvis to come center reach back, grab the back. We're going to do the controlled stretch. We're not going to do the balance control today actually. So I'm going to have you just stay back there and you're going to grab the back of the carriage. [inaudible] don't move ahead of me now. Knees into the chest. Grabbed right here. There we go. So knees into the chest, legs straight, up to 90 degrees. A little smack is okay every once in a while. Just as long as you don't bruise.

Now what'd you're going to do is you're going to start here for the first one. You're going to lift up [inaudible] now open the legs and you're going a shoulder width and then you're going to reach through as you roll down long spine. Yes. Now legs together, lifting up open. Now push with those heels. Push with those heels as you lower. Good and again, legs together and lift up. Open. Reach those heels as you lower down now legs together where you're going to start from the low position. Reverse open, lift up together. Reach those heels as you roll down energy through those heels.

Ripple down through that spine and again, open and lift up together. Reach to those heels rolling down in a nice sequential sequencing, but keeping that strong. Yes. One more time. Open and lift those toes up to the ceiling. Legs together and reaching, reaching, reaching, reaching, reaching knees into the chest. Hug the legs. Place your long box on for grasshopper. Okay, and a place that long box on. You're going to lie down if you want.

You can put a pad right at the front or you could put a pad on the foot bar your choice so you can either put it here or here. Okay, now you're going to grab the corners. Yup, you can. You have two options. You can either grab the top corners or you could grab the legs, your choice. Now you're going to lift those legs up and hold nice straight legs. Then bend the knees, stretch the legs. 10 claps, ten nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Uh, when it's only rise in the last one, sort of lifting up. Bend the knees, stretch the legs, clap 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one last time, lifting up and then bend the knees. Stretch the legs.

Now you're going to rise to you. Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 all the way up to a full extension scooting back. Let's do rocking. So you're going to bend the knees and you can do rocking with or without the straps. Let's do without the straps today. Grab a hold. Pull the heels into the bottom one. Pull into pull-in three. Rise up to a nice rocker position. Lower down again. Pull in one, pull into Plymouth, three rise up. And again, lowering down. One, two, three.

Rise up and make sure both toes are lifting up equally. So any feel one here? Lift up more. Now, rock fix times, toes, head, toes, head six on your own. When you're done with your six rocks, you're going to shoot forward for swimming and she'd forward and swim. Inhale, three, four, five. Exhale. Make sure you're swimming from your thigh, not from your heel. One more time, and with the air and XL. Three, four, five standing up short box. So there you're going to place that short box on. We're going to take the bar placed in front and we're going to do three of the short box around one half, one, four and then one full with the arms going overhead. Okay, it's are going to place your feet underneath the straps. Arms are going to grab the sides.

Start with a nice rounded back and start with the tailbone. Curl under halfway and then come back up. Now roll all the way this time, but without the arms coming off. Just the upper back goes. Now Chin to chest curl recoil like a tight spring coil rolling down, unraveling a ball of yarn.

Let the arms go back and reach and give yourself a nice pool. And then arms around the waist, Chin a chest recoil, re raveling that ball of yarn. Take the bar below you and we'll do four of this. Short bugs flat. That's okay. I'll give that to you. All right, here you go. You're going to squeeze the bottom. Wrap for those ribs. Lift in, hinge up and back and come up to center. And again, lifting the hinge back. Lift up to center twice more. Lifton hinge back and up center. Last time. Lift in the hinge, back and up center and now side to side. You're going to lift the spine.

Go right over to the right and now lift the center up in over to the left and center up in, over to the right. Try to stay in between two walls. Don't touch either one of those walls and come back to center and go up and over to the right and center. Last time, up in over to the left and center, the twist and the reach. Lift the spine, twist to the right, reach out to the right diagonal. And the lift up to center. Lift, twist your twist and then reach out and come back up. Center lift, twist, reach. No, don't touch me. Don't touch me and go this way.

There we go. And now lift it up. Center and again, lift, twist. Reach out. Up Center one around the world. Lift, twist. Reach to the back to the left. Now left up to center. Now to the left, reach to the back to the right. Lift up to center. Round over. Stretch out your back.

And this is what Romana called the desert. Okay, so you're going to roll up. Take the right leg out of the strap, holding on underneath the thigh. You're going to pull that knee in and extend the leg. Bend the knee one, extend the leg, lift that spine to extend hold. Turn out that leg walking up. Now let's bring forehead to shin. Curl back when the leg gets 90 hold walking down and then let the head go. Exhale, Chin to chest.

Inhale walking up to a nice tall, straight lifted back drop forehead to shinbone. Curling back when the leg gets 90 hand by hand walking down. Let the head go. Let the arms go. Overhead reach and grab the frame. Single leg circle. Go across the body, down and up. One cross down, up two cross down, up stop. Three reverse down across, up in, stop down, across, up in, stop down, across, up in, stop and walking up. [inaudible] nice guys. Lift your spine, flex the foot. Point the foot.

Flex Taller backs. Point, flex and point Alice, sub cones. They're going to grab the side and then bring the leg to the side. As you roll backwards and open, let the head go. Exhale, Chin to chest. Keep the leg side as you roll up through your spine. Now keep the leg straight, cross for the it band. Stretch, twist, and reach. [inaudible]. Then once you've twisted cross number four, stretch, you're going to grab the back of the box around over and stretch, stretching those external rotators. Let's do the other side. All right, so take the left leg out, holding onto the back of that five. Pull the knee and lift through the spine and extend the leg up. Down. One, up, down to uphold. Rotate that leg. Walking up. Job Four.

Head to Shin. No shoulders though. Curl back when the lake gets 90 hand by hand. Walking down and go to full extension. Exhale. Now Chin, a chest coil. Ravo tight ball of yarn and lifting up to nice, tall, straight, lifted back. Job. Forehead to Shin. Curl back, sodas down. Elbows broad walking down. Exhale, reach back for the Ronda Zamar.

Sing leg circle. Go across, down, up, and stop. Cross. Keep those hips still. Let's keep it rated g and now reverse. Go straight down across. Up. Stop down across, up. Stop down across, up. Stop head lifts. Walking up your spine. Once you're up, you're gonna lift that spine. Head over. Tail. Flex the foot.

Point the foot, flex the foot. Point the foot, flex the foot. Point the foot. Grab the leg for the outs of cone. Actually let's do it. Let's do the Alex out there. Delirious, no lump backing them. They had go. Exhale now. Tuna chest, curling up, keeping the leg side. Now we'll do the it. Bend, stretch, cross stretching, open. [inaudible].

Now cross the leg over. The other one. Grabbed the back of the box and stretch over and reach. Yes. Now roll up to your spine. Standing up. You're going to take your bar and your box back [inaudible] and then set your long straps up. And we're going to do long spine massage.

So really use it as a massage guys. So you're going to lie down. Okay, nice. And have you bring your feet into these. Good. All right, so legs out. Ring the legs back and roll up. Now open the legs. Massage your spine. So now we're starting in the cooldown section of the reformer.

So use this to get a nice spine massage and then bring the legs together and then you're going to let the legs go back and roll up. Open the legs, roll down through your spine, massaging your back. Good. And again, legs together, legs up through the pelvis. Open, reached through the heels, energies. So it's a partnering with the Strap Romanis to say you have a pot of do with your reformer and then bring the legs together. Reverse open lift.

So one doesn't take over. It's a perfect marriage. And then reach to the heels as you roll down, massage your back, nice energy through the legs and again, open and lift together, reaching through those heels, massaging your back. Good. One more time. Open and lift together and reached the heels, massaging your back as you roll down through your spine, knees into the chest, and then bring the leg straight to 90 degrees. Bring your hips up and over with control, and then you'll flex the feet and then let the straps drop overhead.

Roll down through your spine, bend the knees and hug your legs. All right, we're going to do a side control. So you guys are going to stand up and you're going to lift your head rest up. Take one spring off, and then you're going to lift your foot bar up. So there's many different variations to this one.

So we're just going to do the simple one. So hand here, thumb with finger. Then you're just going to go out. We can have your foot resting or you can have your foot lifted and then you're going to pull all the way in. Okay. So doesn't have to be a big movement. It just has to be controlled. Movement to stepping on hand. Foot, foot can either arrest or lift. There's other variations to it as well. Now going out to your control.

Good. And now come back in out to nice and strong. Lift that right hip up and again out three and come all the way in, in, in step backwards. And then let's do the other side. Normally if we did the star, we would do that ending. Okay. So stepping on hand and then foot and then lift strong in your left hip guys and go out to your control and come back in through the crown of the head, out through the heel in through the crown of the head, making sure not hyper, extending your elbows and now into the crown of the head.

Step back. Oh, okay. Nice stretch series. So let's add a spring. So we're on two springs. Yes. Now a nice rounded back and now you're going to go out accent in an under, under, under, under. Keep that rounded shade and don't let the legs control the back under.

Hold our chair back and now out and under. Nothing moves on the upper body. Only the lower body moves. Don't let the lower body control the upper body. Little bit more. Lifting the sternum and now pulled in. No banging guys. Round the back for the knees off. Go. Hold on. I didn't set a go yet.

Come back down. All right, lifting up, lift those knees up and go out and under. Two under three under four under five, under six under seven under eight under nine under 10 under. Hold it in. Hold it in. Don't let those knees come down. Don't let those heels come back. What's going on back there now gently lower the knees. Okay guys.

Yeah, that's a great, what's our work of those legs? Actually very good knee therapy. So what you're going to do is you're going to Arlin, I'll be nice. Let's do running on two today. So it's on two. So remember not to go out too quickly. So lying down, feet together, knees together, and now going out and running one and up and up, up, up. Three, up, three, up, four, up. Four up. Five more.

Two to three. Up, three up. Four up. Four up. Five up. Five. Good guys coming in. Feed into the corners for pelvic lift. [inaudible] and now you have a lot of rotations. They'll come in for a second. So Romana used to make me do it here. Okay.

So curling up and going out and coming into, Ramana said there's no one way to do pelvic lift in terms of your feet. Everyone's going to have a slightly different position depending on their body. Let's do seven more an n out and, and you guys are moving through molasses and pooling in and out, pooling, in and out, pooling and twice. More out, pulling in. Last time out. Pull in. I'll keep the carriage closed as you roll down to your spine.

One Vertebrae at a time. Okay. We're on the homestretch standing up. All right. And we're going to move to second gear. Hmm. And we're going to do the balance control. So actually, uh, actually I didn't remove it for you yet, so we'll come down for one second. Yup. There we go. Let's put that gear block here. You moved it for me, but there we go. Perfect. So now you guys are going to step on one hand, one foot other hand, other foot, go out to your nice long straight position.

Then you're going to go out pour under two, pour under three, pool under hold there. Don't hyper extend right leg lifts. We'll do alternating legs out and down. Other leg, out and down. [inaudible] out and down and out and down. Two more. Out and down, out, down in, in whole bear.

Come in a little bit more and then three pushups down, up, one, down, up, two ribs up, down, up three now pike up and stepping onto the floor and then go back to first gear. So remove the gear block first, then the uptake the springs off and moved the gear block and then go to first gear. There we go. Now the reverse hand-foot hand foot facing me tall back. And you're going to press out an n, n two n n n three. Now the right leg, up and down. Left leg, right leg and left. Now fan kick. Right fan kick left. Reverse the fan, right. Reverse the fan left.

Hold in. Tall back. Dip down, up. One, down. Up to down. Up Three. Come in and step onto the floor. All right, side split. Let's go to one spring. Okay. We're not going to do the flour or the salt today. We're just gonna. [inaudible] keep it simple. Okay, so you guys cannot no. Put this a little bit more. Yeah, there we go.

And now stepping on [inaudible], right foot on Susie Q over with the left. Don't let that carriage move and now arms out to the side. Go out for three counts out. Two, three, hold two, three into three. Hold two, three out. Two, three, hold two, three, three counts in, no noise. Three out, two, three. Hold two, three into three hole. Now this is part of the exercise, the transition, so keep the carriage still as you Susie Q and no movement of that carriage. Then you're going to step in in the middle, turn into the springs, and then you're going to bring yes, your left leg on.

And then Suzy Q over with your right foot arms to the side. Press down on two tabletops and go out to three. Hold two, three into three. Hold two, three out. Two, three, hold two, three in, hold one more out. Two, three, hold two, three into three. Hold. Keep that kerogen as you soon as a Cuban, no movement there. Good. Stepping in the middle. And today, let's step backwards. To step off, step off backwards. It's easier on your knee at a spring and then lift the foot bar up. So we'll do Russian split. [inaudible]. All right. Hand-Foot hand foot. Then step one foot back into the corner.

Let's do our left foot back. Right foot goes onto the pad and now I'm go out and then bend the knee and hold there. That's our starting position. I'm gonna have you guys have a nice square pelvis and then you're going to initiate through your right heel. Push forward to the right heel in with the right heel for through the right heel and with the right heel forward through the right heel in. Now on this one, I'm not going to have a rotator leg. Bring the heel in a little bit. There we go.

Now lift the upper body Russian Kazak position and go forward and under two under three good under now arms up and round over. Grab a hold [inaudible] Yup, that's good. And grab a hold of those blocks. Yup. And now come all the way in and I'm going to have you hop the right foot forward and then split and go out to full split and come back in and again, go out and split two in a hold there when both of you guys to bring your left hip forward, right hip, back and come back in. One more going out and Romana is that if you can go all the way down, you have to bring your opposite chic to Shin [inaudible] the other one they ever go and I'll come back in. All right, now I want you to bring the right foot back.

That's not how you learn that. Yes, there we go. Then bring the put forward. Yes. Now. Yep. There we go. Now I'll go halfway out. Bend the knee. Yep. Good. And I'll go forward in one, forward into forward in three. Now hold there, lift the upper body rushing Kazak position. And now go forward in one, forward into nice, strong back leg forward in three. Hold arms up, round up and over. Grab a hold of the shorter blocks. Come in with a straight leg.

And then once you're all the way in, that's when you'll hop the foot forward. Then full split going out and come back in, out onto stretch. Hold there. Make sure that back legs nice and strong, and come back in and again out pooling through that heel. Yes. And now good guys come all the way in. Step the front leg back then the other one on, and then stepping onto the floor. All right, and you guys are done for today. Thank you.


3 people like this.
I love the use of the handweights as well as the fitness ball. Adding the mixture of different adds fun along with challenge to the work! Brett teaches with flai,r and poise great work!
Great flow, energy, selection of exercises, props and preps, connecting with participants, loved your q's! Thank you Brett Howard
2 people like this.
You made my Sunday with this workout! Thank you Brett Howard! The guys are beautiful movers :)!
You guys were amazing!
1 person likes this.
Incredible workout today! I loved it with mixture inside this workout. Thank you for adding the splits at the end of this workout! Super job everyone!
4 people like this.
Love the variations, pace, and energy. Usually I find classical style dry but not with this man.
2 people like this.
I loved this. More Pilates for men. I have been doing Pilates for five years and absolutely love it. Thank you.
3 people like this.
Classical at its finest!!!
4 people like this.
This is a great video, high energy, great form, imagery, cues and more. Rather than having both reformers in the same plane, I would very much enjoy seeing one reformer 90 degrees with respect to the other reformer, so we can see different angles of this beautiful work!!! Thank you for such a great video.
Hi Richard, Thank you for your important feedback about the Reformer position. This particular option was a change from our commonly used 90 degree set up. Is there an exercise you are interested in seeing from another angle, or a question we/Brett can answer for you based on what you aren't able to see in this class? Again, thank you for sharing your feedback.
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