Class #370

Precise Mat

50 min - Class


Enjoy this deliberate and precise class that moves through the basic and intermediate exercises. This is a well-balanced thorough workout that allows you to focus on form.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Feb 06, 2011
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Okay guys, let's actually start standing today if we can and we're going to walk all the way back to the back edge of the mat. Let's take a nice check in of our standing alignment. So this morning if we can start with our feet separated a couple inches apart, sits bones with, there'll be good. So we have a new room to move in. It might, um, you know, be just slightly different than our usual sensation, but so let's just take a check and open up through your shoulders. Feel your weight very centered over the arches of the feet, definitely not back on the back of the heels.

If you can connect to a lift of your lower abdominal zone or your pelvic floor, slight squeeze on the inner thigh and the high rear thigh to bring your energy into your center and just arms nice and loose. Let's just take one nice big breath in through the nose and as we exhale, starting the contraction high in the abdominals, letting your head and your neck, your shoulders and your upper spine around. I'm going to take you all the way down toward the mat and again, remember if you haven't done any movement today and just check in, he might feel tight in your low back or your calves or your hamstrings. Just take it easy check-in. Take a good breath in there. Exhale as you're rolling up. Pulling from the low belly.

Yeah, rounding through that spine can. Reconnecting to that lift of the pelvic floor. A little squeeze in the back of the high thigh. Again, breathe in and exhale as we're coming forward. You mean the weight of the bones hanging almost from the shoulders, lots of resilience or scoop and internal lift of your abdomen. Again, take a breath. Exhale, starting to roll back up.

Maybe think of this as a pelvic tilt to get the low back stretched. Get your pelvis right up over your thighs. We'll take two more times. Nice breath in, standing a little taller and exhale as we're coming down. Let's continuing to round forward. Let's take a second to shift your weight slightly over the balls of the feet.

There you go. And as you're rolling up, seeing if you can keep that weight shift slightly forward, tucking the hips under that pelvic tilt idea. One last time. As we're coming up, let's take our arms out to the side and up toward the sides of the ears. Stretch the sides of the body. Breathing in. Exhale. Here we go. To round over, just start thinking about pulling your shoulders a little lower from your ears. Nice high scoop in your abdominals. Okay. And then from here we're going to go down into some knee bends or some squat movements. So as you come down, you can lift your heels up, keep your head rounded. Also thinking of this, of the scoop of the stomach. And then once again, up to straight legs.

We'll probably do four or five of those and then go ahead again, bend the knees trying to get your sits bones down, angled underneath toward your heels. And then again stretching up. Maybe you're starting to feel a little more limber. You can get your chest closer to your legs. And again, coming down, stretching that lower back and pressing up. Ah, two more times and bending down and lengthening up. Okay.

And one more time to Ben [inaudible] and extend. And then once again from straight legs, weight shifted. Pull your abdominals up, roll yourself back up to standing tall. Once you've reached your standing tall position, that's all. Walk forward to the front of the mat. Hi guys. Come on in. We're gonna just have a seat down here. Roll down onto your backs. We're going to organize our feet, sits bones with the part.

Nice open shoulders on. Continue on into some pelvic tilt and articulation. So as you're in your level pelvis position, take a good solid inhalation. Exhale as you contract your abdominals, squeeze your sitz bones together. Feel your back.

Press against the mat you're rolling up again. Check in on how high you can go. Ideally, we're getting up pretty high. Ribs, hips, thighs, all in one. Nice flat diagonal. Helps to keep thinking of the pelvic tilt. Inhale at the top and exhale as we begin to sink the chest and roll the spine down. We'll be doing a total of five articulation to the bridge. Nice level pelvis. Take a breath. Exhale again, contract curl, and as you're rolling up, focus on the arms also for a moment.

Sometimes I don't have as check-in, once you to reach with them long against the mat. Breathe and exhale as we're coming down, keep the reach and the arms want you to tap into the musculature on the sides of your upper back. We know where our laths are. Here. Again, a full breath at level. Exhale and curliness. [inaudible] keeping that pelvic tilt fundamental or concept through your pelvis as lift of the hips. Perhaps you're getting a little higher. Inhale at the top. Exhale, rolling down. A nice opportunity to check in on your inner thighs. Make sure that they're contracted toward the center line or knees are not touching, but they're working in that direction. Last one, breathing and exhale. Contract and peel that nice lift. Alright, staying up in the bridge position.

Let's reach our arms to the ceiling and then as you're reaching to the ceiling, heavy shoulder blades down on the mat. Four times arms are going to open toward the tee, not all the way to the floor. It's really a stretch of the chest. Exhale as you can track the chest to close the arms. Three more big inhalation. Keep working your pelvic tilt, exhale and close. Two more. Inhale, stretch.

You can open your fingers. Exhale and close. Last time. Inhale, as we open and exhale as we close, I want you just to keep your arms reaching tall and start re articulating the back down to the mat all the way until you're in your level position. Scissor arms. Take your left arm back by your ear, right arm down to the mat without arching your spine. In fact, work deeper into contracting your stomach to get your ribs down. Inhale as your arms pass, X and switch, checking your level pelvis, no tucking. Inhale, switch and exhale. Reach farther. The arm coming back. The more the shoulder blade down the back.

Stretching that lat one more each side. Reach. Contract your abs. Think light feet. Inhale, arms up and exhale the reach of the right arm back. Having energy in those arms and then keep your left arm down. Let's go ahead and take the right arm down. Take a good breath there at level pelvis. Exhale. I want you to take your arms flat, head, neck, and chest. Again to roll up. Reach your hands, your fingertips towards your heels.

Just hold here for a second. So this is a that check in on the lats are. They're really working as much as possible. You should feel the tips of your shoulders, your shoulder blades just barely off the mat reaching strong for the arms. Okay. Level the pelvis. You can look to the pubic bone and see a flat. Now as we roll back down, let's take our arms up to the ceiling. Exhale, curl back up to that same position.

Let's focus on the under our muscles, sides of the upper back. We're going to start pulling the arms here. Two breath cycles. Sure. Three right leg up, left leg, legs to the ceiling. [inaudible] lower the legs just lightly working towards your diagonal of your legs.

Sure. If anyone wants to lower the legs, challenge that point. The higher you're working your chest lift, the better. Strong pumped from the shoulders. [inaudible] five [inaudible] four three sure too. And last breath cycle.

Now I'm going to challenge you guys in a, in a way, bring your right leg into tabletop, single leg stretch, just 10 changes and exhale one and two and three. Get that big reach from the hip and five, seven, eight, nine and last one ten one more in here. The single double leg stretch, arms to ears, legs on the V. exhale, circle around. And an inhale stretch is if the mat were sand, you could sink into it. As you reach out, sink your back down. Two more times. I can see a little neck strain happening. Last one. Sync your back, curl, hug your shins and let's take the head back down.

So as you're holding onto those shins, go ahead and give a pretty generous pull, but at the same time, stretching your sacrum heavy to the mat. Go ahead everybody. Take your head and neck to the right. Just looking to the side and then over to the left. Okay, I'm going to have us keep moving though. Roll up to sitting. Separate the feet hip with the part. Let's do some rollback starting from here. So your arms reaching forward, sitting tall. To start on the exhale, contract the abdominals. We're going to roll back with the knees bent.

Sometimes we look at that as being easier for some of us. That's actually more work to roll back fluidly without losing the connection in the abs. Arms stretch back. Here we go. Let's see where we're at. Arms, chest, exhale and curve. Now keep your curve going. So your chest coming over your thighs. Shoulders are down. Roll up to vertical. Sit. Take a breath and exhale, roll back. It may help to think of squeezing against if you had a ball in your hands or ball between the knees so there's connection pulling into the center.

All right, and again, arms, head, chest, push off the mat. Curl. Use your hands on your legs if you need to. Keep rolling forward in heel, sitting tall. Two more times. Exhale and contract. You're pulling your hips back away from your thighs. Pull back to get that articulation through your lower back stretch. Here we go. Push off the mat, up and over. [inaudible] sitting tall.

Last time. Taking a back, pulling your hips back. Nicely done way from your thigh bones. Now you're going to love it. Hold onto your when you get to your shoulder blades to stay at the shoulder blades. Keep your arms reaching here. Exhale your right leg to tabletop. We're going to do some toe taps. Change sides. If your neck starts to get upset, put your hands behind your head and hold your head.

Want you to work on leveling your pelvis [inaudible] and 10 more, a little faster. One and a two and a three and five. Six. Nice job you guys. Seven, eight, nine, 10. You can take the right foot back down. Lay your head and chest back down and re stretch your legs long.

Let's go into a single leg circle. So as you take your right leg up to the ceiling, slightly externally rotated. We've been working on this, pulling the back of the hip down firmly. Cross it left. Circle around, pull up to center, cross left [inaudible]. It does not have to be a big circle to be effective. Good cross. I really want you to feel as you cross your leg that you feel the inner thighs contraction. Okay, other direction. Now, just the width of your mat.

Open down, over and up. Open down, over, up for last one there five plenty. Bend your knee today. Take your left hand on the outside of that knee and give a gentle twist. If you'd like to turn your head, that's fine. Just give a little twist. Try not to get a chiropractic adjustment. No force it. It may happen.

All right. Okay, back in the center. Stretch that leg back down and let's take the left one up. So all of your body pulling against the mat except this upward leg. Of course, it's reaching up lightly, easily. Cross the left leg against the right down around center, cross around and center three and they don't have to be big to be effective. You're looking to hold your pelvis as steady as possible. All right, five the other way. You may have to make like a basketball size circle until you're ready to increase your range of motion. Keeping your back engaged, your lower back, and your abdominals. Last one.

All right. Bend the knee, right hand to left knee. And once again, a gentle rotation and coming back to your center. And then once again, we're going to roll, uh, bring your knees into chest. Roll up for the rolling like a ball. But actually today, can you all do this way? Hold your hands behind your knees. Let's do it as a group this way today. And just relax your feet. I do have my feet kind of pointed in touch together. Just let yourself find your C curve. Lift your elbows out, away from your legs and press your skirt. Shoulder blades down your back.

So again, tapping into the side of your back. All right, and you're making the C curve shape. Now as we roll back is because we scoop in more to shift the weight back off the pelvis to the lower back, through the spine to the shoulder blades. Come back up and try to lock in that balance. And again, sometimes changing the formats. Good for us. Get out of that usual comfort, familiarity, inhaled as we roll. [inaudible] three more.

You're keeping your thighs equidistant away from your chest. Two more and last one. Inhale, roll back. Exhale. Oh boy and place your feet down. Hands on your shins. Pull your chest forward and up. I'm going to have a high release. We did this last Friday of your upper back.

It's not a push, a release of your ribs or your abs. You're actually engaging more through your girdle of strength around your waistline. Yeah, slip. You're trying to lift your sternum more up to the chest. Long back of neck, neck. Nice Barbara. Good work. You guys fill your lats and that point down. Okay, nicely done. Okay, let's go ahead and go back down to the back. Can rule back.

We're going into scissor and the some crisscross. All right, so start again and he's up to tabletop. I'm going to have you start reaching with your arms to the ceiling. That's what's going to get ready to catch that right shin or calf. Exhale. Here we go. To curl up, stretch the right leg up. Now this morning, up two options. The bottom leg, the other leg you can, you don't have to take it all the way to the mat. I usually teach it that way because I like the hip extension.

But you can also keep your leg floating up a little bit more. Okay? But let's all do. Let the elbows bend out a little to the sides to get your shoulders down your back more. I really want you to zone into your lats. Okay? And then just that gentle double pull. One, two [inaudible]. So check the elbows out. Shoulder blades down.

You're curling into your sternum or your upper back. Rounding it forward. Good. Elizabeth. Let's take 10 more guys. And one the more we keep pulling down on those lats, it is going to strengthen and support the neck. We know the neck gets a little fussy on these up. Chest lift positions, so and nine last one 10. Okay. Stay with me. Knees to table. Top, hands behind head. Alright, don't move your legs yet. On your exhale, rotate to your right. Just rotate. So I want you to think your chest is going toward that right thigh.

You're also trying to open that right elbow back, but not laying back on it, right? You want to stay hooked up into those abdominal muscles. Now as you change side, almost think more chest lift as you find your rotation. She was trying to open a little bit more to the left without falling back. One more slow one. Exhale. Good. Michelle, up and rotation. I said Helen. Inhale center. Exhale less slow one. So let's change left leg. We'll straight and we'll do 10 of them.

One and two. Try to touch your partner with your foot energetically. Reach and reach. There we go. Seven, eight. I'm on the opposite side. Nine last one. 10 guys. Now hold onto it and easier hands here. We'll rock yourself back up. All right, feet together. Let's go.

Knees open today. Little diamond position, some back extension and some spine stretch. So as we're here, arms reaching forward shoulder with the part, sitting as tall up on your sits bones as possible and just take a look for a second. I know right now I'm doing it on purpose that I'm too far forward of my sits bones. I want us to be a little bit more on the back of them. Okay? So it really, really drops you down into your real accurate center. And then Christie, move your feet forward a little more. Okay. And here we're going into flection again. Exhale, rounding the spine, going from the C curve up into the flat back extension, and reach here.

Now I want you to shift your weight on your, your sits bones. Drop that weight forward. Okay. Your arms could either be shoulder level or if you're ready to take them higher, that's okay too. A little bit more work in your back muscles and your shoulder placement. Inhale as you reach higher through your spine. Exhale round over.

Let the head go down. Restack up to vertical. Sit. Remember we're starting back a little on the back sides of the sits bones. Inhale tall. Exhale, contract still over the sits bones. Levelly now shift the weight. Four where? There you go, Samantha. Good to get that. The back muscles to kick in.

We've got to shift the weight a little bit. Alright, lift a little more. Inhale through the sides of the body through fingertips. Exhale as we rounding forward. Let the head relax. Restack the spine. Pull those shoulders down. You're lifting yourself through the arm frame. Two more times over. Full breath for the extension shoe. Lift from your mid back up through the fingertips in heel there.

And exhale. Rounding over restack up to vertical shoulder blades. Heavy last time and Oh, full breath. It's okay to keep your arms shoulder with your guys and shoulder level. That's absolutely fine. I really want more hinge any way with your trunk.

Inhale, hold, and then exhale round over and that's rolled back up to vertical. Arms in line with shoulders and rest. Okay, arms down. Bring your legs together. The transition hands are going to help you lift your hips up towards your heels. The open leg rocker.

So as we are balanced again on the back of the sitz bones, hands holding the ankles. You know work are a one leg extension first. All right, so knees are open about shoulder with your low Belize pulled back. Your chest is lifted. Take your right leg up on a diagonal. No wider than your mat. All right? Part of the challenge is holding your posture as you do these leg movements and gestures. So as you bend that knee back down, almost grow taller in your back as you return.

Okay, left side, we stretch long and exhale as you can track your stomach to pull that leg back in. And again, right side inhale, are you as tall as you can be? Stretched that spine. Keep a tall as we return. Never letting go of those lats guys, they're actually like support straps almost through your shoulder girdle pooling down. All right, and leg back in. Let's do two legs now at the same time. Couple repetitions, lift and return on a, flex the lumbar a little bit and stretch and return. The next one will stay up there for the rolling back. Extend the legs out on the diagonal. Nice, Lisa. Okay, so again, just check your legs should be too wide. They're parallel.

Arms are straight. Now as you roll back, shift your weight. It's a pelvic tilt. If you think about the concept of the fundamental, that's a pelvic tilt articulation through the spine. Roll back up. We lift the chest, so pelvic tilt to roll back. Eyes have to look down to the stomach so your head is in line with the curve coming back up. Look straight ahead and again, pelvic tilt. [inaudible] rolling back. There you go. Pressing up, making hold the position for just a moment.

Make sure your low abs are active so deeply. That's really holding the weight of your femurs in to your low belly. Two more repetitions. I hope that made sense. I think it will. That's it. Barbara [inaudible] low belly is really holding the weight of your femurs, not your arms. It's the low abs. One more time. Roll it back.

All right, and hold a position again. Let's test that theory a little bit. So if you let your arms just release your hands, release. The idea there is you could hold the shape. Yeah, no, your thighs are probably entire. Okay. I've got a couple that can do this. Let's try it for a little challenge. We're going to just heal beat in parallel. Arms up if you can. Keep going for three, two, one and bend and roll back. All right.

Just circle your knees around a few times cause we're going to go next into some sideline work. So I'm in a lie on my right side. How about you on your left facing front move my go kind of classical. So your body back against the back edge of your mat were lying down all the way. I think last week we were up higher on her elbow and take your elbow and can it be in pretty much in line with the mat. So if it's in line with the shoulder, which is in line with the pelvis, pretty pretty much on the back head. Okay. And we're all the way down now and let your legs come forward from the mat.

Hand is in your kickstand. You can be up on fingertips depending on arm length and we really want to pull that shoulder back. Okay. Turning the leg out. We're going up and down. So point to lift, let's flex and lower and inhale. Exhale at all times. Checking at open shoulder. This one, the, the position kind of lends itself to closing. Enrolling in, keep going. Okay. But if you saw off kind of standing up and if you were walking around the room, you'd see open shoulders. Now change your foot. Work flex point, come down constantly at the can you come down all the way on mat there?

It's okay. Collects. Yep. Couple more. Can you get the Lake higher up over your chest and shoulder. Last one. Okay, there we go. Now I'm gonna have you take the hot potato. We haven't done this in long time. Top leg, heel touches in front. Little quick taps. One, two, three, four, five.

It's a big lift behind for five, two, three, four, five. We'd count it down for two, three, four, one and one, two, three, four. Up now three. One, two, three. Lift the little out of control. Two times one, two, lift. Now singles for eight. We have one up, two men to go faster and three and four. Rockettes and six. Did you know your hip could do that? And eight, yes it can. Okay.

Here we are leg staying and turned out to readjust your shoulder. Front kick and back kick. So it's coming forward with a flexed foot. We have double kick and stretch and double kick Zan stretch. Double kick, one straight. We could do a double beat to the back, but I usually just do a kick or a stretch one time. When your leg goes back, look at me. This is not what we should do. I found myself cheating a little bit. This feels easier, but aesthetically not what we're looking for.

Can we control the upper body as we're swinging the leg back? Do more for rent back less time in front and back. Hold it there. Squeeze your Darrier. Stick this arm and just do a little reach on a diagonal. Squeeze that dairy or can it reach back a little bit farther?

Keep your rib cage in. There you go guys. I want you to lift this arm up. Then that back knee, we're going to do a little thigh stretch. Ideally, or thighs are pretty much side to side or thigh to thigh. Unless that bothers your knee. If so, you can float the leg a little higher. Good. Okay. So we're [inaudible] our inner thigh now.

So if you take that leg straight, I'm going to have this, take the head down onto the arm, take your top leg and just stand up onto the ball of the foot. If you can take that love right hand to hold the heel or this is also kind of nice to help you stay turned out. Um, I seem to do this right. You don't again. Okay. That also helped the shoulders stay open. Now with your bottom thigh. Turn it in a little. There we go. Now yes, in towards your body. Okay.

And now pull the file up. We're going to do 10 and take it down. Exhale, pull up and lower. Pull up, down and pull up and down. That's it. Long inner thigh and five. Four still working there and stomach and two last one. Stay lifted. Five circles. One direction. One, two, three, four, five, reverse in, up and two and three and four and five flex. 10 quick pulses. One, two, three, four, six, eight, nine and 10 point. Let's put this hand down.

So your top leg, join it with the bottom leg. [inaudible] hold your place there. Now everybody lift your bottom waist a tiny bit. Most of that series, we were down on it. Now I want you to be a little bit hovered. All right? And just keep squeezing your inner thighs in together.

Little bit of shoulder check. Good walking in place kinda quickly. And inhale. Inhale, exhale, exhale, kind of brisk. Again, your balance could be challenged. It might feel like you're rolling forward. Open your top shoulder, drop it down. Nice connection for three, two and last one. And together, lower the legs. Good. Bend your knees.

We're going to come up and do a nice little mermaid stretch. I think we did it last week too. So holding on to your ankles. Ideally we are relatively or perfectly level on your hips. Um, if we were this way, this way we're not. We have more weight on one side. I caught myself there. Okay, now take your left arm, reach it up as high as it can go.

So you really feeling the stretch from hip all the way up through fingertips and take yourself to your side bend. So can you keep your bicep close to your head? I've talked about this before. Sometimes I feel the need to use my other hand to help. That's an option. It's a nice option.

I think eventually we'd like to be able to not maybe have that other hand help, but it depends on how you're feeling today. Today I feel okay, I can go here. It's a nice deep breaths. [inaudible] leftover. Now come down onto this elbow and then counter stretch. Same counter stretch. I want you to bend this side. So you're trying to make a C curve here. Yeah, open.

Let your head drop a little bit. So although this isn't that extreme of a weight bearing position, we are weight bearing on our left shoulder, left elbow. So we want this lat support underneath. Okay. Now if you come up from here, let's try to come up without such a huge push with this arm. Oh you gotta use your core muscles to get your body up again.

Exhale coming over and coming down. Bring your elbow closer into you as you go over. It's harder. Stretch. Same thing guys. We're going to come up, press off your elbows slightly up with your torso. That's it. Arma one more. Each side, side bend and coming up. Elbow in, shoulders open and all the way up and finish. Okay. Other side.

So when your legs around the front, we're lining up body near the back edge of the mat leg slightly forward. I'll go back shoulder open. Okay. Does that feel? Yeah, we're so patterned. I know. Yeah, it is really allowed this bottom side to be stretched on the mat. I don't have my waist lifted. It's down. It's down on it. Okay. Turning out the top thigh for up and down. Point up, flex down. So bigger ranges of motion in her hip.

I'm trying to get the leg arking over us. If you can get the kick lift. Now let's reverse the foot work. So we have a flex and a point. Flex reaching longer to go down and lift, reaching out, reaching out to more and lift down. That's it. And lift. Okay. Hot potato. Five taps in the front.

One do three, four, five up we go. And back to four. Five, no, four. This might be a new exercise for a couple of us in this room. Three one, two, three. Big kick to three two times one, two up. One, two. Singles for eight. One lift to lift. Three, four, make you work a little different. Speed and see what happens. Yeah.

And seven and eight and center. Ah, front kick and back. Kick. Need to readjust my hips. So leg is lifted. Foot flex. Inhale to get ready. Double kick. We've got front, front one, stretch back. Wow. Reaching back. Kick and kick. Yeah.

So you're really wanting to increase this range forward without toppling the shoulders down. Four more kick, kick and stretch. Kick, kick and stretch. [inaudible] and stretch. Last one. Kick and reach it back and hold. We just held it for a moment. Squeeze into this derriere. Take your left arm forward a little reach and arms in a circle up. Bend that left knee and hold the foot quadriceps stretch.

It's still a pubic bone porous forward rib cage in. All right. Any inner thighs or head comes that footsteps forward. You can have your hand on the top of the knee, ankle, or hip, any of the two. Three turn your bottom flight inward a little bit towards you. 10 pulls up and exhale. One, press up, two and three.

Four still open, shoulder, hip over hip. Most times you have to keep checking him. Press the pelvis forward to get that five and six, seven and eight. Tie in or thought. Two more guys. Nine, hold it up there. Now pick a direction and circle the leg. Five times. Think of the whole leg. Whole leg. Two is if your foot's here, three, four, and five reverse sound. One, two, three. Shoulders open. Four and five. Flex.

The heel squeezes for ten one, two almost like you could go a little higher each time. Five, six, never down. Seven, eight, nine. Hold it. 10 point feet, legs together. Now re lift your bottom waist. Just hold your setup. Keep squeezing in with the inner thighs. Open the shoulder, ribs back, little walking place. Sure.

Four, three, two, one legs together and all the way down. Okay. Mermaid stretches holding onto the left shin bone. So your right arm now is gonna reach high, stretch up through that spine, easy neck and shoulders. So we're taking that side bend. I think it helps to bring the rib Cajun in a little more than you might already be doing and focus a tiny bit more tailbone curl. And if you, again, if you need that extra support for the opposite hand. All right, now taking the breath in as we side bend to the right. Bend the elbow. Kind of think of landing at very close to your bottom hip.

So it's making our side bend more bendy. I think if the oval were out here, it might be more Leni. You know the difference? I feel the difference in see it. Okay. Now when you come up there is a push off the bottom elbow, but we're trying not to do such a kind of a movement. More pull and control. Yeah. Oh, over and over.

IG opening. One more time. Ah, last one. Then we're going to head down onto our abdominals. Face down for some heel beets. So let's just transition into that. Stack your hands either hand on top and then place your head down on the hands. Take a second and squeeze the legs in. Tommy. Up, thighs up externally. Rotate hole your legs. Yeah.

Now hold on just for a second. Stretch your knees, everybody. You can straighten your knees more than you're doing now. I think if you really squeeze into your bottom, your butt muscles, pull the shoulders back down. There we go. Now flex the feet. Heel beats traditionally done with flex feet. They're small, quick and mighty. Here we go.

Yeah. Wrapping those thighs. I'm trying to think my back of my thigh squeezing around into the inner thigh. Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure, sure, sure, sure. To last breath and point your feet.

Keep the thighs up for just a second. Float your head up off of your hands for just a little moment. Loading the back muscles. Inhale and exhale. Let's bring everything down. Head, legs and rest. Okay, we're going to, Aw, how nice to hear that. Oh, we're going to do one more. I'm here not lifting the head off the hands. Staying in.

Turn out with your legs. Lift the thighs back up. We're going to do an open close of the legs. The challenge is to keep them up is once fatigue starts happening, the legs start to kind of and drop down to the ground. You want them lifted, but not so much that your low back is feeling too much stress. So abs up off the mat. Okay, so open your legs. If you can gauge it. They're going about mat width and flex the feet and pull them back in together.

We're going to do 10 you can point to open [inaudible] flex to close [inaudible] and open flex to close [inaudible] almost that you're putting more weight to the pubic bone. Low belly up. We've got five more open flex clothes. Lift the size [inaudible] do more. Last one, parallel and legs down. Okay, one more Quadro step. Stretch here. So if you bend your right knee again, think this is okay for everybody. Your right hand to right foot, okay? Right? So as you're pulling, you know, pressing or pulling on your foot. Also press your foot to your hand. All right, and I want you to think as you're doing this stretch, your stomach is still scooped up.

If it feels available for your knee and your flexibility, try to hover that Phi now up off of the mat just a little bit. Doesn't have to have her too high. Now eventually we were looking for some higher leg. I'm pressing my foot into my hand, actually allowing my shoulder to open my collarbone. Thinking about my right inner thigh.

Continuing to pull to my left one even though I'm hovered up. [inaudible] release the hand, stretch your leg back and bring the leg to the floor. Other side [inaudible] pressing foot into hand. Dominoes up, starting to lift your thigh above the mat if that's feeling ready, thinking of pulling your left inner thigh to right inner her thighs, you're staying in your midline connection. If you're lifting that thigh a little higher, your arm could straight and you may even be able to open that collarbone a little bit. Rotate that shoulder open.

[inaudible] couple more breaths and then as you're letting go, let go. Keep your thigh up for just a second. Then reach to the leg, back and leg all the way down. Okay, let's play two hands here. Right underneath your shoulders, pushing up. Come back into a slight rest pose for a moment this morning for our pushups. I'm going to have us do it with our knees down on the mat. I never do that. I kinda forget to show that even in, sometimes they're known as the girl pushups, which I don't think that's really fair to say. Just a different way to do them. So as your hands are out, you can have your knees close together or hip bones with the part.

As you lean your hips down here to go, those shoulder blade muscles pulling down the reformer. It's a little like our down stretch. You can lift your knees up if you'd like to. Another rock. Yep. And Helen, great. Thank you for showing something else that you need. She's just going to hold an elbow plank. Okay. Now oftentimes when we're down on this, the low back starts to break and the butt sticks up was not so good cause the loads in the low back. So work a little more pelvic tilt, chest forward and up ribs are in. Nice. Okay. Now as you bend your elbows, really think they're close.

Your elbows are close to your body, you're bending. No. When you push, keep those elbows tucked in. Couple more whammy. You know, five to 10 of these maybe. Ah, the lower you go, the more I want you to think of tucking your tailbone under and rib cage in and unsure, Ugh, in your shoulders. Don't have to go too low to get the benefit of the exercise. Four more down and press. You could also just hold the position two last time been, it's good to change it up and reach it back.

I'm not as used to doing them that way. It feels a little odd. Well good OD. Okay, one more little stretch for the back. Let's do a cat and cow. Cat and a horseback. So again, hands are just underneath. Shoulders modification is on your fists. Exactly. Knees are right below hipbones. And let's go ahead and take an exhale to curl the spine.

You're not shrugged up in the shoulders to do the curve. You're actually pulled shoulders way down, but letting the spine do the bend. You want your spine in bones to pull to the ceiling. Now as we reverse the curve, shoulders down the back. You don't have to go all the way to the big arch.

Just sink if you can get more thoracic extension. Okay, so your pelvis level, it's the reach of your chest, forward and up. Nice. Helen, what's your ribs? A little bit, those [inaudible] people of us, us dancers. Okay. And then reverse the curve. Inhale and exhale should directing the sits bones back. Stabilize the ribs, but then continue to extension through the sternum. Collarbones extended. One more time. Inhale, exhale, cur.

And the reverse. Finding the extension. Feel that shoulder blade tug down the back. Chest forward. Okay. Now guys, tuck your toes from here. So our sits bones are ready, right? They're reaching back and up. As you shift weight onto your hands, straighten your legs, dive your chest towards your thighs. You're getting that nice stretch in your hamstrings.

[inaudible] not going to keep you here long cause you're probably sweaty and or your hands don't like this. So let's go ahead and walk our hands back to the feet. Drop that head. We're going to take just a nice one. Roll up. Roll down, roll-up. Here we go. Pooling back up to standing tall. Reconnect to that pelvic tilt concept as you're coming up nice and long.

Tall. I feel taller than I started, that's for sure. Breathe here. So it was a good thing. See how coming over. One more time in heel at the bottom. [inaudible] sail to come up. If you need another breath, please take that and try to also, before we walk away, you know, [inaudible] relates to everyday living. Lots of these exercises are very much associated to our daily life.

We just don't do hot potato on a daily living, but it's for agility. Sometimes the quicker movements are to help sharpen or a coordination and reflexes. The slower work can be more endurance in different strength training. Uh, so it's fun. It's good for me also to watch. You guys played up a little bit now, so thank you. Have a great weekend. You're welcome.


Loved the deliberate pace of your class, Amy. I hope you are going to have more classes with props: like foam roller and stretch out strap (SOS).
The deliberate pace was perfect, yet the flow of one exercise into the other was smooth and seamless. The modifications and cues were helpful. A deep, intense class infused with Amy's playful humor. Thank you!
Thank you Elaine.....I'll get a props class up soon. I've been craving a foam roller class myself so maybe that will be next. Stay tuned!
Hi Kelly! Thanks for taking class with me. I appreciate the feedback and appreciation. Talk again soon!
Wow! this is a great class. I loved it and echo the sentiments of my classmates below. I too look forward to more classes with you Amy."
This was a great class - I loved the pace and the queing was marvelous! Thank you!
Thank you Amani!!! I love meeting new people so thanks for taking class with me. Talk to you again soon!
Thank you Teresa.....I really appreciate the comments and feedback. Take class anytime! Talk again soon!

Perfect cuing and the pace was great!
Thank you, thank you Anita!
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