Class #5266

Desk Relief Flow

45 min - Class


If you work from home or sit at a desk all day, then this desk relief flow by Cathleen Murakami is perfect for you. She teaches simple movements with props that you have at home to alleviate tension and stress in your body. She moves in all planes of motion to help you find alignment in your posture so that you feel better than when you started.

Note: Cathleen uses props that you can find at home. For this class, you can use a table or desk, a chair, books, paper plates, and a belt.
What You'll Need: Sliders (2), Yoga Strap, Yoga Block, Table Chair

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Hi everyone, I'm Cathleen Murakami, and I'm here to offer you desk relief. Desk relief, yay. So many of us have been working from home and actually liking working from home. However, we tend to be kind of entrenched in the desk-like position, which can be very contractive in feel. So I'm here to offer you some super simple moves with maybe some props that I know you have at home to alleviate any tension, any stress, get your posture a little more aligned, and your breathing going.

All right, so let's get started. I'm going to first imagine, right, you are been sitting and working away, sitting and working away, and, "Oh, I'm under a deadline, oh, oh." So, why don't you push your chair a little bit back from your desk. I'm gonna move this little laptop. Hopefully you have some space here. Separate your arms, we'll press into the table and press into the feet to get that spine nice and tall.

Take an inhale, and then as you exhale, gently press in your feet, press in your hands, and curve the spine to the back. Breathe in as you bring yourself upright. And then exhale and slightly pull your elbows and lift the chest and almost feel like you're leaning back. Be careful with your neck. Inhale, upright, exhale. (exhales) Breathe breathing out, and see if you can feel (inhales) the breath moving your spine, (exhales) so you're actually not in a hurry to make the end range, you're enjoying the journey.

How many times have we heard that? (laughs) One place I would like to point out for you to be aware of especially is your neck. The neck tends to be mobile, and if we overdo it in your neck, you hear how my voice just got cut off. So you wanna feel (exhales) that you can still breathe and move and talk We're just gonna do one more here. (exhales) I'm actually also by the way, a little pulling with my feet because that is gonna help you pull your pelvis forward and lift your chest, ugh. Let's move on. Let's see what's going on a little bit behind us.

So we're going to do some really great rotational movements. I'm going to have you sit really tall and feel the center line of your body, your central channel, yeah, and you're going to pivot the two sides of your body around that central channel, which is your spine, okay? Come forward, your hamstrings are hanging off, that feels really good, and just start here. (Cathleen breathing sharply) Of course, I'm a little restricted 'cause I have this folding chair. (exhales) So, depending on the kind of chair that you sit in, maybe you don't have anything in your way and you can keep doing this, or you can bring your arms up and something here. Now, one thing I'd like to point out for you is that you do want to let your pelvis move, so your legs are kind of slicing like that, okay?

It's really easy for me to do this on this metal folding chair because my legging slide readily, yeah. Ugh, this feels so good, you're just breathing out each time, we're just gonna do a couple more, last set here, and finish. Yay, all right, let's move in the Las Vegas plane, showtime, (laughs) reach under your chair, let your head get heavy, we'll exhale (exhales) and we'll exhale. Can you allow gravity to help you? So you can think of reaching under, or feel yourself reaching under your leg if you want to.

Or, you could just allow the arm to be heavy. However, one thing to keep in mind is that it's not a collapse because of that workload you have, (laughs) we still wanna feel like you're a garden hose that's bending with the water flowing through, and you're not really putting a kink in the hose. If you wanna feel a little bit more, you can place your hand lightly behind your head and reach your elbow upward, which will lift your ribs and give you a little more space. And if your shoulders are quite mobile, just reach your arm overhead, and you can play with whether you have your palm down or your palm forward or your palm upward, 'cause if you pay attention, you'll notice it feels very different depending on what you choose, yeah. Reaching over and under, and then we'll pause.

So we've worked through three planes of movement, I wanna start rotating and hitting a home run. What does that mean? That means you are feeling weight shift from your tailbone, to a sitting bone, to the pubic bone, to the other sitting bone, like a baseball diamond. And you're running in the right direction, you're not like a confused little leaguer. (laughs) And then you are confused, so you're gonna go the other way. (laughs) Let your arms help you a little bit, breathe in and out. It's a full circle, so half's an inhale, half's an exhale, and just allow whatever breath naturally comes to you.

There you go, doesn't that feel good? You're massaging your back. All right, yay. Now look, we're going to stand up. And I'm gonna actually move the chair pretty close toward the desk.

Step back a little bit. Now, if your shoulders are a little bit temperamental, this might be a little narrow, right, the width of a folding chair, you can certainly place a little wider on the table. In fact, that's what I'll show right now first. Bend your knees, (inhales) take your breath, and then exhale, and allow your belly muscles to just relax. The weight of your internal organs are going toward the floor, (exhales) open up your armpits.

You probably are gonna have some sensation across the top of your shoulder. And then I'm gonna just let my head go, (exhales) okay? Then I'll soften the knees, curl into my lower spine, inhale, and then to be a little safe, step one of your feet forward and go into a lifted lunge, pressing into your back heel. Take a breath in, step that foot back, exhale, and we are again going to allow the belly to hang, let the spine hang. It should feel kind of like a hammock. (exhales) Once you don't go any further, maybe a little tail wag, let your head go. (exhales) Feel like the contents of your brain are tractioning your spine.

Take a breath, bend your knees, roll through that lower back, (exhales) articulate through the vertebra, step the other foot forward, breathe in, (inhales) and then exhale, fire up your back leg. (exhales) Oh, and I feel good. Oh my goodness, yay, feels really great. Take a breath, step back, I'm gonna show it with the chair, it's a little narrower. (inhales) Soften those knees, so soften your knees as much as you need to. If you are a little more mobile and you can do this with the legs straight, (inhales) yeah, (exhales) go ahead, you know who you are. I like to keep my fingers open so the energy runs through my arms.

But everybody, soften the near knees here, curl, and round into that lower back, oh. Breathe in, (inhales) exhale, step that one foot forward, (exhales) and lunge and lifting your chest, I'm almost feeling like I'm pushing my chest upward. And then step back, and we'll just do one more like this, (inhales) and hanging, oh my goodness, (exhales) I love this. I do this on the airplane sometimes if there's space. And take your breath, soften both knees, roll into that lower back, I'm using my abdominals in my breath, step the opposite foot forward, and you're going to soften your elbows, pull the chest upward.

There's a little activity in the back leg, the glute of the back leg, (exhales) right here. All right, now take some books, all right? They're handily on my table, (inhales) and you can place them here at the back of your chair. I'm going to step onto the books here and just lift up and press the heels toward the floor. All right, so giving your calves some lengthening. (exhales) You can practice your balance here, I'm actually not gonna practice right now. (laughs) But oh, doesn't that feel kind of good?

Yes, and then after you finish that, you can alternate one and then the other. So those of you that work on a reformer, you know this is tendon stretches or running or prancing. (exhales) And then because you know you have two sets of calf muscles, one you access when the knee is straight and when you access when the knees are bent, I would go ahead, soften the knees, and press into the heels. You'll feel this a little more toward your achilles tendon, and you can rise and lower here. So your body's not really going up and down, but your heels are. (exhales) I like to exhale when the heels lower and be sure you are on the ball of your big toe, because if you're not and your ankle starts to roll, like so, it's not a healthy position for your ankle. So just be sure that you are really coming onto the ball of your big toe and your second toe there, okay?

So since we're here, I'm gonna move the books a little bit out to the side, like so, bring my chair out just a little bit to help me. Let me get this nice and even since we're doing Pilates and stand up. Outside hand can be on your hip, or maybe you'd like to extend it for balance, and you're just going to lower that hip. You see how my hip is coming out a little to the side and come up? So I'm calling where my foot is on the top of the books "Sea level," So you're going below sea level and coming up to sea level. (laughs) Lower lift, not hiking, okay?

Lower because you're getting the hiking on the standing leg , yeah. This is the action of the pelvis and the hip joint. When you walk, it should feel pretty good. Then can you find that level, neutral place? Swing the leg forward and back, just forward and back, forward and back.

Your knee can bend a little bit if you'd like. (inhales) Yep, just like that. (exhales) You should feel pretty good, right? Yeah, too much of that sitting. Ugh, no, no, no, no. And that'll be it on this first side. Now I'm going to turn around, we will do the same thing.

I'm standing on the inner edge of the books. You can see that, I think. Figure out and feel where your level pelvis is, all right? Hand on the hip, or again, you can have your hand to the side, and a little lowering and a little lifting, a little lowering and a little lifting. You can breathe either way.

You can inhale as you lower and exhale as you lift, or you can exhale as you lower and inhale as you come back up to sea level, your choice. All right, just keep it consistent, really your line, your center line of alignment. We'll do one more here, and then I'm gonna just swing the leg forward and back, forward and back, forward and back, and again, you can soften through the knee, slightly flex it if you'd like. You're just trying to create some really great hip joint movement with stability. Yeah, couple more.

Yep, and we finish it out. Step down carefully. All right, I'm gonna place my books back on the table. Can you see what books I have here? Hypnotic suggestions, you're all under hypnosis. (laughs) All right, next one I have for you, I think this is kind of fun.

Ta-ta-da, paper plates. Paper plates, so if you are on a surface that has a carpet, paper plates that are pretty smooth or plastic ones, not the ones with sections, are gonna be the best, okay? If you're on a hardwood floor, they'll still slide, but you can make it even better if you just get a couple of those little pieces of those furniture protectors, those felt pieces that you put on the bottom of a table leg that will help you glide on the floor, all right? So, here we are, (laughs) something like so. Make sure we can see this.

All right, and you can now, depending of course on the size of your feet, maybe your foot doesn't fit in all the way, or you could just put the ball of the foot on the plate or the heel, which would create some muscular activity in the lower leg compartment, which would be a good thing, all right? And these are kind of big plates for people that want to eat a lot. (laughs) So they sometimes might hit, but do your best to have your leg bone alignment, which you know is your hip socket, middle of your kneecap down about to your second toe, okay? I'm coming forward on my chair, you can hold on a little bit, and you're just reaching and reaching and reaching and reaching. Just nice and slow to warm up. Your leg may or may not fully extend, right?

Just like so, and I'm sitting up, I'm sitting up straight right now. You're just getting little action of pulling with the hamstring and extending with your quads. Breathing in and out. Yeah, that's your first option. Then, you can little bit curl back into your tailbone area, all right?

You're gonna feel your abdominals, I'm gonna put my hands on the frame here. I can brace by pressing my elbows in a bit, right? I'm just in that little sweet spot behind and above my tailbone and you do the same thing. (exhales) So, something like single leg stretch, although there is not the knee coming in toward the chest right now. But you could, you could, (inhales sharply) (exhales) inhale, exhale, (exhales) right? I know you're gonna start to fill your abdominals and fill your hip flexors just a bit, right?

So that's a second option. Then of course, those of you who always want more, you overachiever people, you can take your hands off, hmm. You could just go back to just the extending, right? Just the extending. Or you could go into what I just showed you with the knee pulling in.

(Cathleen breathing sharply) Are you breathing? (laughs) Or, what if you did this and tipped? You reach through the legs, lean back a bit, and float. Reach through the legs, lean back a bit, and float. No need to lift the extending leg really high, but you'll notice there's kind of a counterbalance feel. You'll feel your bending knee come in, and you have to find that little snuggle spot where you can hover your bottom leg, (exhales) right?

All right, what if we did both legs? You could just start at the top and just do both, in and out. Now, I'm just working right now in this sagittal plane, front flexion extension. But we could also work on abduction-adduction. I'm lightly pressing down through my hands to help me feel the uplift position of my spine, feels kind of good, right? (exhales) Maybe I wanna make a circle.

(Cathleen breathing sharply) Maybe I wanna go the other way. You see how creative? You can make stuff up, just make stuff up, give that brain a break from whatever other thing you were up to. Yeah, maybe you can clean your floor, put a little rag underneath. Maybe you wanna have one circling one way and one circling the other.

How about that? Hmm, now your creative brain cells clicking away. (exhales) So there's all kinds of things you could do here, hmm. What about curling back, pivoting a little bit? I'm actually gonna cross my arm to help me, and I'm gonna go out on a diagonal. So I am rotated, I'm looking a little bit down to my right side.

It looks maybe your left side. You can decide how far back you wanna go. Oh, I can go much further back 'cause I have the frame of my chair. So depending on the chair you're sitting in, yes, (exhales) something like that. And believe me, you have to pull your feet back, so it's not just a frontal thigh or quad thing, your hamstrings are gonna have a little action too.

All right, so now you'll see here, I'm just a little bit on a diagonal bracing, Just like that. And I'm gonna look a little bit back 'cause it just feels good to do that. Just back and forth, (laughs) yeah. One more time, good. All right, we're gonna leave the plates alone for right now.

Next thing I have for you. So, I'm gonna assume most of you will have a bathrobe tie or a belt or something that you can use that has it's length. So this is my bathrobe tie, so to speak. And, I'm going to sit and just first, bring it up inhaling and pulling over to the right. Now, when you pull the bottom elbow in, you can kind of pull on the strap, but not let your arm go.

So you feel your lats work, and then you'll come up, (inhales) and then you'll go to the other side. So there's a little side bend, ugh, because now that sitting at the desk, right, we tend to be focused really mostly forward. And it's a nice idea to start to wake up that back body. It's very neglected and it doesn't like to be neglected, (exhales) exhale, and you are gonna feel your ribs lift up on the sides, you're gonna feel the back of your armpit opening. Oh, I just got an adjustment in my spine, you might even get that for free, feels so amazing.

Yeah, oh, good, good. (breathes sharply) From here, I'm gonna turn a little bit more toward you. You decide how wide or how narrow you would like your hands to be for you, a little bit away from that table. And I'm going to side bend and just circle around, (exhales) exhale and side bend and circle around. Exhale, so I'm flexing into my lower back, I'm going into a side bend, I'm lifting up my chest and arching an extension, and I'm side bending to the other side, and then I'm gonna reverse that. (inhales) Now, if you get annoyed by the ends hanging, of course, you could just get 'em out of the way, which I didn't do initially here. Oh, I love this one.

Circling around the world, (exhales) right? (inhales) Last time, as many times as you'd want to, or you could do a couple of sets, really sort of up to you. Now, I'm gonna place my foot in this, and I'm going to extend my leg. So, start out maybe where, can you see? I'm at about my 90 degree angle there, and I like to flex my ankle, be sure my knee is straight, and just give myself that easy hamstring stretch here. Now, if you are looking at this and going, "Ah, no, my hamstrings don't like to do that, I'm not quite there, Cathy," bring your heel to the floor.

Lift up, you can stabilize your heel there, and just gently pull yourself forward here, right? So, tailbone back, sit bones back, hip bones forward, just like so. So you have a couple of choices, lifting here, which was gonna require a little bit of more arm work, a little more stabilization of your trunk, or with the heel on the floor pulling forward, just remembering your alignment. Yeah, I love this one. (exhales) Change sides, put your foot in, it's really easy if you just put your foot in. While the first foot's in, I'm gonna put my straps up out of the way here.

Lift and lower, (exhales) lift and lower. So, you may want to remember your hamstrings cross the back of your knee joint as well as the back of your hip joint. So you really do yourself a favor if you keep your knee straight so you can access all this bit of the hamstring that goes below the knee, right? (exhales) Breathing out, stick that tail out a little bit, and the movement can be tiny, it does not have to be a lot. Also, it's a good idea to remember to have a little pressure into the opposite supporting foot because it just makes a difference on helping you keep your pelvis pretty stable. Yeah, yeah, one more here. (exhales) Okay, I'm gonna leave that alone for right now, and I'm going to go into that hip release we all know and love.

So I'm gonna turn just again, a little bit sideways so you can see this, and cross the leg over, flexing the ankle. Now, I know many times when we go into the figure, it's called figure four stretch, maybe you know it by another name, we're trying to push the knee down. But for today, try it like this, actually support your knee, support your knee, and take that pressure off because gravity's pulling the knee joint down. And then use your other hand and create a little rolling forward action of your calf. And you may notice when you do this rolling forward action, you will feel there is a reaction in your hip joint, we want that, okay?

So stay like so, keep that ankle gently flexed. Breathe in, lift your chest, and a little pressure into the supporting foot, and just bring that belly forward. Remember, you're supporting the knee, (exhales) it's gonna feel really good. You stay here, breathe in, back off a little bit, (inhales) exhale, and again, lead with your belly, keep the lift, keep the rotation so both of your hands are a little bit active. And one more time, (exhales) and coming up.

Give that leg a shake, (exhales) like you have peanut butter on your toe, and we'll change sides. So we cross it over, okay, might be different, right? We are very asymmetric, all of us. A little support at the knee, a little rolling forward of the calf, just feel that action in your hip socket, keep your ankle gently flexed, breathe in to lift and anchor through the bottom foot, exhale as you hinge forward just a little bit, explore the sensation and then back off. (inhales) So I'm not going for a static hold, and I'm also not going for any kind of a percussive action either. I'm kind of creating more an elastic feel, if you may, just stay like that, and you'll come up, (inhales) and then shake it out. (exhales) Okay, we're gonna repeat this, but we're gonna do it maybe in a way you haven't thought about in a while.

We enter the same way, we're gonna cross, but instead of flexing, I'm just gonna point the foot. Either way, it keeps the ankle relatively still. We'll still do the support, we will still do the roll, but instead of lifting and trying to hinge in a neutral spine, I'm actually gonna bow to my leg and come over in a flex spinal position, it's gonna feel very different. So we breathe in, support, and roll. And then as you exhale, start to flex your lower back first, your shoulders are down, you're bowing toward your calf, little pressure into the bottom foot.

So I'm not trying to bring my body really close to my leg, I'm trying to feel that kind of lifted sensation through my lumbar spine. (inhales) Oh, this feels so good, you're gonna love this in your lower back. And then you'll come up, (inhales) and then again, give this leg a little shake just to get the energy through, and we'll switch, okay? So again, cross over. But again, instead of flexing the ankle or pointing, I'm supporting the leg that I'm working with, do my little roll, inhale, and grow super tall, flex my lumbar spine first, bow my head, and let my breath take me over. (exhales) So, not only do you get an opening sensation in the hip joint, you also are lengthening and opening up your lower back, which is going to feel great, super great. That's it, bring your body up, give that little shake.

(Cathleen breathing sharply) Okay, let's come to standing and I wanna share with you a little rolling and action for your hands and wrists, because I know sometimes from so much keyboard and mouse work, (inhales) the whole arm and the neck, everything starts to get a little bit uptight, yeah. So the positioning of the wrists are going to be something like this. See how my arms are straight? So you're internally rotating, the fingers are pointing toward one another. Then, we're gonna rotate and the fingers will be out.

And then it's just a little quarter turn and the fingers are gonna aim toward you. And I'm showing you this way because they're gonna be on your table, all right? So they will be inward and outward and downward or toward you, okay? So your desk, well this is a card table, but whatever height your desk is, hopefully it is comfortable for you. And you will place your fingers towards each other.

And I wouldn't go too narrow, maybe a little bit actually wider than your own shoulders. Soften your knees, and you're going to pretend your hands are like your feet. Your hands are like your feet, your wrists are your ankles, and your elbows are your knees, as though you were jumping. So we're going to roll through, stretch the palms, place the bottom of the palm, the base of the palm on your table, bend your elbows, which are your knees, and roll off, okay? So you're going to breathe in and breathe out. (exhales) And breathe in, (inhales) and breathe out. (exhales) And breathe in, (inhales) and breathe out, and breathe in, and breathe out, okay?

Not too bad, right? We're going to turn them now fingers out. This is going to demand a little more mobility in your wrist. You can decide how far down you can place the base of your palm. If you get there, put a little more weight on your hands.

If you're okay with that, you bend your elbows and then you come off, okay? So you're going to breathe in and exhale, (exhales) and breathe in and exhale. (exhales) So keep your knees soft too that you're standing on and exhale, we'll do one more. Breathe in, keep it outta your shoulders, and exhale. All right, towards you, towards the legs. This is very interesting, okay?

So from here, the fingertips, and you roll through, I'm stepping a little more forward. If you can get to the base of your palm, great, then put a little weight there. And if that's still okay, you soften your elbows and come off. Now, you are in charge. You are in charge with how much weight actually goes down on the base of the palm.

You are in charge of how much your palm comes to your table. So if you are in a smaller range, you're like, "Okay, that is it," stop, and just kind of in turn with your mind a little, and then you breathe. You're almost wanting to feel like the breath (inhales) is what takes you off into the jump, if that makes sense, okay? One more here, I know it's pretty gnarly, right? (laughs) But so many clients and people I've worked with have challenges coming to the hands and knees 'cause, "Oh, it hurts my wrist." This is really gonna increase your wrist mobility. Then, we want to go over the top, over the top.

So over the top means, fingertips, fingernails, fingers, the top of the hand, you're trying to get to that wrist. Oh, you're gonna feel this lengthening sensation, (exhales) in your forearms. Keep it soft, keep it light. Again, you decide how much pressure to put on there, but there is not much, all right? It's just the action.

(Cathleen breathing sharply) For sure, I'm right-handed and very right-hand dominant, I can really feel this in my forearm, (exhales) but it's a good thing, believe me. (exhales) Oh, and then shake it out, yeah. And then just circle your wrists, circle your wrists. Maybe they go the same way, maybe they go the other way. Yeah, good, good, right? Neck, let's work on our necks a little bit.

So come a little forward on your chair, mm, yeah, I think this is a good angle, here we go. And let's take the right hand and you're going to sit on it. Now, if you wanna sit on it right in front of your sit bone, that's fine, but you wanna feel like your weight is anchoring your hand underneath your buttock, all right? Then, we're going to lift up the opposite left hand and hook it kind of above your ear, all right? So, you're making your palm round to fit your round skull.

I'm assuming your skull is round, (laughs) you're not a square. Relax your shoulders, (exhales) take a breath. (inhales) And then as you're ready, let the weight of your arm bring your ear toward your shoulder. Consciously keep your left shoulder relaxed. We're not pulling on our heads, we're letting gravity via the weight of the arm, lengthen the right side of your neck, okay? And I'm gonna face you a little more.

So you see it is a pure side bend of the neck. Then, gently press into the palm under your buttock. (exhales) What that's doing is getting the shoulder blade to depress or go down your back. And all those muscles that are attached there from the neck, they're moving away from their origin. Ooh, wait for it.

So this is one where you really want to take your time, you're not in a hurry. Next move is to kinda walk your fingers around to the hook, and the corner of your skull, all right? I'm gonna stretch the leg out that I'm kind of looking toward and I'm going to exhale, and now let myself create a double chin or triple. Keep the arm relaxed on your head and then lean toward your leg that's slightly extended. And then recommit to pressing the palm into the chair under your buttock.

Oh my goodness, you feel this? This is incredible for the backside of your neck, take a breath there, (inhales) add you imagine you have a rubber band from the palm under your buttock, all the way to the crown of your head, and you're just gently lengthening it. You can decide how far you wanna lean. If you wanna lean a little further, feel free. Press into that foot of the extended leg, just a hair, wow.

And then gently bring your torso upright, slide your left hand off, you're gazing a little bit to your left, bring your foot back, remove the hand from under your buttock. (inhales) And then look to the left, bring your chin down, (exhales) look to your right, and here, again, really take your time 'cause your brain, the weight of your skull, the weight of your brain can help you just release a little bit of your neck muscles. (exhales) Doesn't that feel great? Oh, we have to do the other side. Sit on your left hand, same thing, okay? And I am sitting on my hand in front of my sit bone. But if you like to sit right on the sit bone, right onto the top of your hand, you can do it that way too, okay?

So you're up nice and straight, you're gonna bring up your right arm. Now, we just released the right side of our necks, so please remember to keep it all soft, yeah. Inhale here, and just allow the weight of this right arm (exhales) wait for gravity, just wait for it. We don't often wait to feel gravity, right? So wait for it.

Then, with the next breath, you press into the palm under your buttock, (exhales) you can feel that. So the two ends of the muscle there are moving away from one another. Work mostly to keep the tension out of that right side of your neck we just opened up. Rotate, extend your leg just a little, walk your hands around to the hook. Make your double chin because the weight of your arm is helping you, but your torso still remains upright right now, okay?

And then from here, start leaning, leaning, you're breathing, and then recommit to pressing gently into that palm that's under your buttock, your left side. (inhale) Breath, and then allow the weight of the head and gravity and the position to guide you. Oh, so good. Slowly bring your torso upright, slide that right hand off, release the left hand from underneath you. Rotate your head over there to the right, breathe in, bring your chin down. If you don't wanna do chin down, you can just turn your head side to side. (exhales) Whatever you'd like to do here.

And as you do this, let your chest soften in between. So you're not just trying to, as I say, grind your neck vertebra. Let your chest soften a little bit so there's a little bit of give. (exhales) Okay, (exhales) beautiful. Finish it out. Let's take our hands and reach up, okay?

And pull your ribs up, pull your ribs up. Now, your arms are pulling up and you're lengthening the side of your ribs. Wiggle 'em around a little bit, this is your grand final. (inhales) I know you opened up the neck, but we're not over squeezing the neck area, right? Just as though someone's grabbing your wrists and pulling you upward, (inhales) big breath. (exhales) Come all the way down. You can rest your hands on your legs, you can close your eyes if you'd like, or you can keep them open, I know you can hear me. (inhales) Go ahead and relax your belly, and we're gonna take three easy breaths together, okay?

Here we go, breathing in through your nose. (Cathleen breathing sharply) And the second one. (Cathleen breathing sharply) And this one, let's lift our arms up. Inhale and lift up, (inhales) arch your back a little bit, hold that breath for two counts, maybe squeeze a little more air in, and then, ugh, (exhales) melt your elbows down. (exhales) All right, good, good. You're ready to have at it again.

Thanks for joining me, and I know you feel way better than when you started.


1 person likes this.
Very nice, thank you.  Good break for our spines during a long day in the office, we can divide this class in smaller parts.
Cathleen Murakami
Viera W ..thank you for the being the first to comment. These were fun to create and there will be more added later!
Alex K
1 person likes this.
I loved this Cathleen, the wrist sequence was a great workout and the neck stretches were beautiful. Thanks 🫠
Cathleen Murakami
Alex K  THANK YOU! Wrists need lots of love....more than we realize until they hurt! 
1 person likes this.
What a great class!! Feel totally relaxed and mobile at the same time.
Thank you.
Cathleen Murakami
Patty S ...that's lovely. Thank you for taking the time to drop me a note! 

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