Class #5735

Full-Body Tower

45 min - Class


Join Melissa Connolly for an invigorating Intermediate/Advanced full-body Tower workout that will challenge and strengthen your entire body. Starting with the roll back bar, this dynamic class incorporates extensive spinal articulation, leg spring work in side-lying position, and a variety of exercises including footwork on the push-through bar, Monkey stretch, Teaser, Swan, Circle Saw, Parakeet, and Airplane. Experience a comprehensive Pilates session that combines fluid movements and precise control, leaving you feeling energized and accomplished.
What You'll Need: Tower

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Hi. My name is Melissa Connelly, and I will be sharing with you a full body tower workout. For this tower workout, we're gonna need the roll down bar. Your safety strap will need 1 red spring. You'll need your leg springs, and I also have set onto the floor some arms springs. Right now, the arms springs are on the ground.

The leg springs are set, and the roll down bar is set. So let's have a seat onto the tower, place your feet up against the upright poles, and hold onto the roll down bar. We're gonna sit up nice and straight. And if you're having a hard time lengthening up through your spine, soften the knees just a bit. And now take a deep inhale through your nose.

And as you exhale, press the bar down. And lift the bar up. Exhale. Press down and raise the bar up. One more time. Press. Lift the bar up. And now press it down in line with your shoulders so there's some tension and start to roll your spine down, curling the tailbone under.

We touch the lower, the middle, the shoulders, and the head. Shoulders are anchored onto the mat and pull the bar to the chest, straight in the arms. Exhale 2, stirring in the arms. Exhale 3, and hold your arms straight, pick up your head, Exhale. Glide yourself up one vertebrae at a time.

Sit up straight and repeat. Press down 1 and lift. Exhale. 2. And lift 1 more. 3. And lift press the bar down in line with the shoulders.

Scoop your stomach in and roll down lower back, middle back, shoulders, head, exhale, pull the bar to the chest, stirring in the arms, exhale to, stirring in the arms. 1 more, 3. Straight in the arms, lift your head, and nice and smooth. Roll the spine up. Sit up tall. Last time through.

Press 1. Breathe out. Press 2. Last one, press 3, and then lower the bar in line with the shoulders. Pull the stomach in.

Curl the tailbone under. Touch the lower back, the middle back, the shoulders, and your head. Exhale pull in 1, and stretch exhale 2, and stretch 1 more 3, and stretch, raise the head, roll up, roll up, roll up now sit up nice and tall. The next one's called the arch and curl. We'll start with a curl.

Scoop your stem again and roll down onto your back. Once your head touches the mat, lift your chest, look behind you and arch the spine up. Again, rounding back, rolling down through your spine, head touches the mat, lift the chest, head back, arch up. One more in this direction. Exhale.

Rolling down. Lift the chest arching up. Now let's reverse. So you pick your chest up, head up, arching the upper spine, tap the head to the mat, roll down through the back, and roll up. 2 more. Lift the chest, arching back. Your head touches the mat, Tuck the chin, roll through the back, rolling up. Last time, lift the chest, arch the spine. Tuck your chin and roll all the way up. Now, place the right hand into the middle of your bar.

Take your left foot across the right foot and then reach your left hand underneath the bar towards the right upright pull. Roll down the left side of your back sweep the arm down, sweep it down, sweep it back, continue coming into a side stretch to the right, and then bringing the arm back in the same direction it came from. It goes down and roll up. Roll down the left side of your back, sweep the arm back stretch, and then come into a side bend to the right, bring the arm back to the left, sweep it down, and roll up. Last one, roll down the left side of your back, stretch the left arm, reach, come into a right side bend, and then bring the left arm down and roll up.

Switch sides. Place your left foot to the upper right, right foot across, and then take your right hand under the bar. Link it up nice and tall, and then roll down the right side of the back. Roll down. Roll down. Roll down. Big reach. Continue. Stretching over to the left and then reach the arm back where it came from rolling up and 2 more exhale roll down the right side of the back.

Reach back. Come into a side stretch. And take the arm down and roll up. Last time, follow your right fingertips with your eyes. Reach down. Reach look back. And then stretch over to the left side.

Take the arm down and roll back up. Now replace your hands. You're gonna place that right hand to the center. Pivoting onto our side, you have the left foot forward and the right foot back to the uprights. Straighten your legs out, push into the balls of your feet, and stretch your left arm all the way down along the mat. Turn the palm of your hand up and exhale side.

Sit up, lift 1. Inhale lower. 5 times lift 2. Inhale lower. Exhale 3. Inhale. Lower. Keep your knees nice and straight for.

And lower on number 5. Hold it here. Take this left arm. Reach and look underneath the bar, and then rush the arm. Look at your hand stretch away.

Exhale reach under and reach the arm away. Exhale 3 and reach and stretch 2 more for reach and stretch Last one reach under the bar, reach out, and lower down. And now lift yourself up and turn around. So the right foot is forward. The left foot is back and the balls of the feet and then stretch your body out nice and long.

Right palm is up to the ceiling. Pull your stomach in tight. Squeeze your glutes and lift 1. Inhale down. Exhale. 2.

Inhale down. Working your waist. Thurry. And down. 2 more breathe out. 4. And down on this last one. Hold it and then slice the arm down.

It goes under the bar, and then you reach out. Look at your hand stretch. Reach it under, and reach out and stretch, exhale 3, and stretch 2 more breathe out 4, and stretch 1 more five stretch and lower down. Make your way back up. We're gonna come up onto our knees for chest expansion.

So holding on to the barn, have your knees hit distance apart. Lengthen your arms forward, lengthen up to the crown of your head, tighten your center, your glutes, your hips, your abs, and then press the bar down towards your thighs. Turn your head to the right, and center. Turn your heads to the left and center exhale. Reach the arms forward. Press the arms to the thighs. Look to the left.

Center. Look to the right. Center exhale reach the arms forward. 2 more. Breathe out to press down. Look right. Center, look left.

Center exhale to control the arms forward. Again, breathe out to pull down. Look left. Center. Look right. Center and reach the arms forward.

Alright. Take your knees back a little bit further. We're going into a five stretch. Tighten up your core, keep your lower back nice and straight, nice and long, anchor your shoulders onto your back. And then with a straight spine, hinge just as far back as you stay straight. And then exhale, lift yourself up.

Two more like this. Inhale hinge back and exhale lift. One more breathe and nice straight back lean back. Exhale lift. We're gonna add a back extension and you lean back from here. Lift to your chest arch back.

And then come back to a neutral position and pull yourself up. 1 more hinge in a straight long line first, then lift your chest and arch back And then come to your straight long line and lift up. Alright. That's gonna take us into rolling in and out. So you tuck your chins, scoop your abs, round forward, push the bar down to the mat, slide the bar in to the knees, scrape it up your thighs, lean back the bars at your chest, and we lift. Reach the arms down press to the mat. Pull it in. It goes up. The thighs keeps scraping against your body to your chest, lean back, lift up, reach a bar down, exhale, pull it up to the thighs, lean back as you bring it to the chest, keep it to the chest, come upright, reverse.

Hinge back. Slide the bar down the legs to the mat. Round your back. Reach the bar forward and roll up. Bend your elbows.

Hinge back. Slide the bar down to the mat. Slide it forward and roll up one more hinge back, pull the bar to the chest, slide the bar down, down, down the thighs to the mat, slide it forward, and roll up Let go of the bar. Turn around. Alright. So we're still kneeling. You don't wanna be too far from those uprights.

Maybe reach back and see how far you are an arm distance. Take a breath and lift your arms to the ceiling. Lift your chest, reach for the upright pulls. You can stay up here, or if you want more backbend, you walk your hands back and then just hold it. They are bending straighten the elbows three times.

Exhale one. And press 2 and 3 and then lift the arms up and come down into a child's pose, lower your forehead down, take a nice deep breath, inhale through the nose, And a nice big exhale. Place your hands next to your knees. Tuck your chin. Let's roll up to seated.

Now sit on to your mat. And then come on down to your backs. Okay. We're, gonna take that bar and place your legs over the bar. This one's called a couple different things. Semi circle is what everybody would call it. So you wanna slide down so your arms distance away from the poles and then give yourself a nice good grip. Alright.

Your feet are down, flat on the mat, pull your abs in, and then roll your hips up into a bridge first. From bridge, lift your whole body up, fold your hips, and roll your spine down, and touch your feet to a ball heel. Rule your hips up into our bridge. And then float your hips and body up. Fold at your hips and roll your spine down. Lower the feet. Tow a ball heel.

One more. Roll up to a bridge. Pike it up. And then fold your hips, roll down, and place the feet down to the mat. We're gonna reverse. So pull your knees into the chest, roll your hips up, and then your hips lift your feet reach down to a ball heel and roll down through your spine.

Knees come into the chest, hips, lifts, and hips go up. Reach your feet down. And roll the spine down. One more lift and hips up, reach the feet down, and roll down upper back, middle back, lower back, and tailbone. Let's take that bar away.

Alright. So let go of your bar and come on up to see them. Okay. Setting up with leg springs next, we're moving into side lying leg springs. So lying on your right side, Line yourself up so you have your head, your shoulder, your hips towards the back of your mat. My right arm is gonna stay out straight with the head on the arm. We're gonna use the front strap. Okay.

So your forward strap rather than the back one, place that foot place your foot into the strap and straighten your left leg straight down. So you have your foot, your knee, your hip, your shoulder, in line. Your bottom knee is bent. Place your left hand down on the mat, flex your left foot. Bend your left knee and press the leg away 8 times 1.

Bend nice and controlled. Push away 2. Bend and push away 3. Bend, exhale. 4. Bend, push the leg away, 5, bend, push away, 6, bend, push 7, bend, and hold it nice and straight on number 8 point your toes. That leg is gonna sweep to the front, and it presses to the back. Inhale to the front.

Exhale to the back. Inhale 3. Exhale back. Forward 4. Prospect. Forward 5. Per us back.

6 per us back. 2 more, 7 per us back. 1 more. Hold the leg to the back. Just for a second, we go into like circles. Take the leg forward.

Keep tension on the straps and circle around. Forward lift circle 2. Forward lift circle 3. Forward up, circle 4, exhale 5, exhale 6, 2 more circles, 7, and 8land reverse lift the leg up. Forward, press back.

Up, forward, press back. 3, exhale, press back. 4, trying to keep your hips really steady. 5, press back. 6, press back 2 more, 7, press back 1 more, 8, and press now externally rotate the leg, lift it up, press it down. Keep tension on the spring. Press 2. Tighten the glue with the inner thigh 3. Lift squeeze 4. Lift, press 5. Lift squeeze 6. 2 more, press 7.

And 8. Bend your left knee carefully remove that strap from your foot and turn around, set up for side 2. So you're on your left side. Left arm is straight. I've got my hand off of the, mat. Hip stretch to the back edge of your mat, bend your knees, and then place your right foot into the sit drop here and push the right leg out to straight.

Okay. Flex the foot. Tight your quad. Tight your glute. Tight your core. Here we go. Inhale.

Bend the knee. And push 1. Bend the knee and push 2. Bend the knee, exhale 3. Bend push for nice and controlled in out 5. Control it in.

Press out 6. 2 more. Press out 7. Last one. Hold it there. Your toes point, and you sweep the leg forward and you press it back. Keep the hips square. Press 2. Forward, press 3. Forward, exhale 4. Forward, exhale 5.

Breathe out, press 6. 2 more per 7. And last one, 8. Go into your, like, circle. Take the leg forward up around. Tension stays on that strap, press back 2.

Forward up around 3. Forward up around 4. Inhale, exhale 5. Forward circle 6, 2 more circle 7. Last one. Now reverse. Take the leg up.

Bring it forward for us. Sit back. Up and forward press 2. Up and forward press 3. Up forward press 4. Exhale 5.

3 more circles, 6, nice and smooth, 2 more, 7. Last one, press the leg back, and then you externally rotate the leg so you can lift it up and press it down. You lift just as high as you still have tension on the spring. 3, press down. 4, exhale down. 5, exhale down. 6, press down. 7, press down 8 and down. Bend the right knee. Remove the strap from your foot and make your way up to seated. Okay. We're gonna set up here with the safety strap and the push through bar.

Safety first. Let's take that strap. And, actually, I'd like to remove the roll down bar so it does not get in the way. So put your roll down bar off to the side. Attach your safety strap. Okay. And then let's take a red spring from the bottom and attach that red spring. Okay. So once our safety strap is set, red spring is set, we're gonna lie onto our backs underneath the bar.

Place your head so it's to the back edge of the mat and then press the bar up with your feet on the bar. Okay. Place the balls of your feet onto the bar. He'll together toes apart, wrap your toes over, and then press your heels up towards the ceiling. Maybe you're feeling that really massive stretch down the back of your legs. Try not to go into a pelvic tilts, but drop your tailbone down. Alright. Bend your knees. Inhale. Bend, exhale stretch. 2 exhale stretch. 10 times.

3 exhale stretch. 4 pull your abs in and stretch. 5 exhale, 6 exhale, 7 and press, 8 and press, 2 more press. Last one. Hold your legs straight. Keep your heels together.

Point your feet and flex. If your toes are too far apart, then, your heels will come apart. So bring them closer together. Exhale 5, 6.7, and 8, 9, and 10. Okay. The feet are flexed. Your endurancey flexion.

We'll move into a combination. Bend the knees straighten the legs. Point the feet and flex. Bend straighten point flex. Bend straighten point flex 2 more straight in point.

Flex, last one, stretch point, and flex. Turn your feet parallel. Take this right foot off of the footbar or the push through bar and then reach the right leg straight down so your foot is in line with your hip, have a peak, make sure it's not off to the side. We're gonna go into the combination on this left leg. So flex your foot to start, bend the knee, straighten the leg, point the foot, flex. 2 straight in the leg.

Point the foot. Flex. 3 straight in the leg. Point the foot. Flex. 2 more straight in the leg.

Point the foot flex one more straight in point and flex. Okay. Bend this right knee. Place it back up onto the bar and take that left leg straight down. Again, checking that your left foot is in line with your hip. Pips are square. Pull your toes back towards you on that right side and start to bend the knee straight in point and flex and bend straight in point. And flex will do 3 more straight in point.

Flex 2 more straight in point. Flex 1 more straight in point and flex. Now bend your knee. Take hold of the bar with your hands and take your leg out of there. We're moving into the tower.

Your hands are gonna hold on to these upright poles, and let's slide on down. Okay. Go arms distance away from the upright, then grab the bar with your hands, lift your hips, and your feet go on to the bar. Take your hands back to the poles and then straighten your legs as much as you can. Now bend your knees, and we're gonna roll up. You bring your knees in the direction of your ears, and then you push the legs up. Pull your stomach in and roll the spine down, upper back, middle back, lower back, you go as low as you can, and the feet do a point, a flex, and a point. And then we bend the knees towards the ears rolling up.

Push straight up to the ceiling. Pull your abs in and roll down, roll down, roll down, the feet flex. They point Bend the knees one more time like this. Rule your hips up. Push the legs up to straight and then tighten your core, lengthen through your back, roll upper back, roll middle back, roll lower back, pause here. We're gonna do a single leg.

Your right foot comes out of that bar, point your toes to the ceiling, press straight up, roll up, roll up, roll up, bend your left knee three times, bend straight, and one Ben Street and 2 Ben Street and 3, keep your legs where they are and roll down, roll down, roll down, take the right foot to the bar. Point your left toes to the ceiling. Pull your abs in, roll up. Bend the right knee. Press up 1. Bend.

Press up 2. Bend. Hold it there on 3 and then roll down. Roll down. Roll down. Place the left foot onto the bar, bend your knees. Take the bar into your hands.

And then scoot yourself back so that your shoulder blades are to the back edge of the mat, and then take your toes back up onto the bar and first position. We're gonna go into a monkey stretch five times. Grab the bar, tuck your chin to your chest, and then press up and stretch, flex, and point, and lower down. Exhale, press up and stretch, flex. Point and lower down.

3 more press up and stretch, flex point and lower down. 2 more press up, flex point and down. One more time, Paris, up, and flex, point, and release down. Alright. Let's make our way out of that. And then from here, we're gonna remove the red spring.

So take that red spring off. Once the spring is off, then we'll attach our safety strap. Okay. We're gonna take that red spring up high. We're gonna go into a push through bar series.

So raise that up. Attach your push through bar. Alright, teasers. Lie down onto your backs. We're gonna do teaser prep, teaser 1, teaser 2, teaser 3, into the can can.

So I like to have the head to the back edge of the mat, teaser prep, bend your knees, and then start to bend your elbows close to your rib cage, and reach your bar overhead. Bend your elbows by the rib cage, lift your head, exhale roll up, legs, lengthen out, bend the knees, and roll down. Elbows, bend, arms reach back. Two more. Bend the elbows. Pick up your head. Exhale.

Roll up to a teaser. Bend the knees. Roll down. Reach the arms back. One more. Bend the elbows.

Exhale. Roll up. And then bend the knees, roll down, reach the arms back. Alright. Bend the elbows straighten your legs up. Chees are 1. Roll up.

Legs go to 45. They can either stay there or lift up in line with your hips roll down. Then the elbows reach back. Bend the elbows. Lift your head. Exhale. Roll up.

And roll down. Bend the elbows. Reach back one more time. Bend the elbows. Ex. He'll roll up and roll down. Keep the legs there if you can.

Reach back. Lift your legs straight up to the ceiling. Bend your elbows. Ties are 2. Lift your chest. Roll up. Keep your chest lifted.

Take the legs down. Lift the legs up three times. Down, scoop your abs too. Down, lift your legs 3, and then roll down. Bend your knees. Reach the arms back. Alright. Teaser 3.

Take your legs straight down onto the mat. Squeeze your legs together as one unit, one leg, bend the elbows, lift your head, and flow your legs and your chest up, and then roll down lower back touches, try to just hover the legs over the mat and reach arms back. Bend the elbows. Lift your head. Exhale. Roll up and then roll through the lower back.

Legs hover over the mat reach back. One more, Ben, the elbows. Lift your head. Exhale. Roll up and roll down. Legs. Hover. Arms reach back.

Bend the elbows. Straight in your arms and release your legs. Alright. From here, bend your knees. We're gonna scooch back a little bit further for the can cam. So your head is off. Bend your knees and roll up to a teaser.

You're gonna bend the knees over to the right. Arms are straight. You lower down to the torso and lift up. Bend the knees to the left. Lower down. Press up.

Inhale. Exale. Inhale. Exhale. 2 more. Exhale. Last one. Exhale.

Bend your knees and roll down to release. Alright, bring yourself up to seated, and then we're gonna turn around, grab the bar with one hand, push it forward. Okay. Lying on our stomach, balancing that out with a swan. Let's do a prep first. So, line this bar up with the uprights. Lower your forehead down to the mat.

Legs are open either the width of your, tower or a little closer, and then just bend your elbows. Bend, bend, bend, bend, wide, and high lift, and stir at and press forward. 2 more, bend the elbows wide and high, lift, and stretch. Press forward. 1 more, bend, and lift. And forward. Now going for the full swan, bend the elbows, start to raise your chest, and start to raise the bar, inhale, look up, exhale, lower the rib cage, Bend the elbows and press forward.

2 more. Bend the elbows, start to lift, reach the arms, look up, and then lower the ribs, bend the elbows, press forward. One more. Bend the elbows. Lift the chest. Inhale. Lift an arch, exhale lower, and release.

Alright. Hold the bar with one hand. Bend that elbow. And then press yourself up to carefully let go. Okay. You're gonna sit on to your tower with your feet against the poles and then go into the push through. Lean back, scoop your stomach, tuck your chin.

Exhale round your spine forward stretch 1, exhale 2, exhale 3, roll back, and then raise the arms up, reach you a high diagonal. Two more. Lean back. Tuck your chin. Scoop your stomach in and press 1. Exhale.

2. Exhale. 3. Roll your spine back. Lift up. One more. Lean back.

Tuck the chin scoop your stomach and stretch 1 and stretch 2 and stretch 3 roll back. And reuse the arms up. Keep your right hand where it is. Keep the arms straight. Reach your left hand to the upright pull on the right side. Look under your right arm.

Give yourself a nice twist. Moving into a circle saw take up some space, reach the soft arm back, look at your hand and stretch, and then lift your chest up, circle around, push the bar through, stretch over the right leg. Take the left hand over to the right, reversing your direct them stretch out, take up some space, bring it across, and twist. 2 more. Reach it out. Lift your chest, archer around, and stretch over the right leg.

Reach the left arm to the right circle around and bring it across. Last time, reach back, lift your chest, circle around, and stretch, and then reach the left arm to the right, circle around, bring it across and twist. Other side, raise your left hand up to the bar, and then take the right hand to the upper right. Look under your left arm. Give your spine that nice twist.

And now, again, reach straight arm, reach, reach, reach, take up them some space, stretch back, arch up, and around. Drop your head down, stretch over the left leg. And then take the right arm to the left. Circle around, bring it across, and twist 1 more. Reach back.

Circle around and exhale. Stretch and then take the arm around all the way around. Big circle, sweep it across. Hold the twist. Coming through the center, let go of your bar.

Okay. Take your feet forward a little bit, arms in front of you, and roll down onto your back. So your feet should be approximately lined up with the upright pulls. Now, place your feet up onto the push through bar. We're gonna move into the parakeet. So I like to do it on the arches of my feet rather than my toes just because they tend to cramp up.

So adjust your feet. What feels good for you, if you need a sticky mat, grab that, and then you'll bend your knees straighten your legs pressing that bar carefully forward. It's nice and light. So you have to control it. Bend the knees and then straighten your legs up towards the ceiling.

Knee is straight. Roll your pelvis up and up and up. Keep your hips square. Take the right leg back just as far as it goes, staying square, and lower that leg down. Switch left foot reaches back.

And lower it down. Keep your pelvis steady. Bend both of your knees just a bit. Straighten out your legs and then roll the spine down. Bend the knees and press the bar forward.

And here we go. Bend the knee. 2nd set straighten your legs up. Exhale. Roll up. And the right leg reaches back two times. Reach 1 and reach 2.

And down now the left leg. Tighten your right glute. Keep stable. 2. Down stay there.

Bend your knees two times. Bend straight in 1. Bend. Straight into and roll down, roll down, roll down, bend the knees, and press forward. Last time, bend your knees.

Straight in the legs. Exhale roll up. Right. Like three times, reach 1 and down. Tighten this left glue. 2, down hips nice and square. 3, and down. Switch, reach 1. Down. Reach 2.

Down 3. Okay. I'm giving options. You can bend your knees three times like we did. Otherwise, the bar will push through. It's much harder. Bend the knees and press through.

Bend the knees. And lift it up. And bend the knees, reach through, bend the knees, lift it up. One more. Bend. Reach through. Bend. Lift it up.

Take your arms back overhead. Roll down, roll down, roll down, roll down. Bend the knees. Take your legs forward. Doing a roll up next, your arms, lift your headlifts, Exhale, roll up, roll up, roll up, reach for the bar, stretch, stretch, stretch, bend your knees, and then just place your feet down. Okay. We have our bar, our push through bar in our hands, feet against the upright.

So we're moving into advanced bridging. So your arms go up. Press forward like we did with a push through. Lean back like we did with a push through, but now curl your tailbone under. Roll down onto your back.

Tuck your toes against the upright. Roll your hips up and lift your chest arch back and then lower the head, roll your spine down one vertebra at a time. Slide your hips back and press the bar up. 2 more. Lean back. Tuck the tailbone, roll down all the way flat, roll up, touch your thighs to the bar, Then lift your chest and arch, then lower the head, roll the spine down, and send your hips back and reach up.

One more time. Lean back. Tuck the tailbone. Go onto your back. Roll your hips up, the thighs to the bar, and our chair back. Lower your head.

Tuck your chin, roll down one vertebrae at a time, and send your hips back and press it up. Whoo. Very good. Let's take that red spring off. Okay. Completely off. Put it on the floor. Okay. You're gonna take your leg springs up high for the airplane.

So as high as you need them to be. Bring them up to the top. Okay. Minor on the top. So lie down onto your back. Arm distance from the upright pulls.

Now take your feet into the straps. Similar to the short spine or semi circle exercise we did earlier, So your hands are holding those upright pulls. I've got my tailbone down, knees are bent. From here, get a good grip with your hands, press your shoulders down. We're gonna start by stretching the legs down and one unit everything lifts up And then you bend your knees, and then we roll the spine down, tailbone touches the mat, feet go down, slide the legs straight out ready. Everything lifts.

Lift up. And the knees bend, and we roll the spine down. One more in this direction. Press the legs out. Lift everything up. And then bend the knees.

And roll down, press the legs out. That's reverse. Bend the knees in, roll your hips up, press the legs straight up to the ceiling, and then one straight long line lower, lower, lower, lower all the way down to the mat. Bend the knee scrape them along the mat. Roll it up.

Press the legs straight. Reach legs away. Lower down. And last one scrape the feet into the mat, roll the hips up, press straight up, reach away, and lower with control. Bend your knees in.

Take the straps off of your feet and come on up from here. Okay. Now, we're gonna use our arms springs. We'll switch out where the leg springs are for arms springs. So let's take off our leg springs. Stand up onto your tower and attach your arms springs. They should be approximately the height of your shoulders or so.

And then hold on to your handles. We're gonna do a balancing up on your toes chest expansion. So bring your feet back. Just feel that you have enough resistance. Feet parallel, hip distance. Stand nice and tall.

Reach down through your fingertips. Now, press the arms down by your hips as you lift up onto your toes. Turn your head, look to the right, center, look to the left, center, press arms back, and enter 2, and then lower and reach. 3 more. Press back, look to the left, center. Look to the right.

Center press arms back and release. Exhale. Left and look to the right. Center. Look to the left. Center, press back, and release one more time, press, lift up, look left, center, look right, center, press, and release.

Bend your knees with a flat back hinge forward. We're gonna pull the arms back. Bend your elbows reach down. 4 more. Press. Bend. Reach, press, bend. Reach, press, bend. Reach 1 more, press, bend, and reach reverse.

Pull your elbows up. Press back straight forward. Elbows up, press back and forward. Lift the elbows 3, press back. Straight forward, lift the elbows 4, press back.

Straight forward, 5, press back, and forward. Stand up straight. Walk your feet back. You want enough tension to do some rowing. So go ahead. Step on back.

Bend your knees just a little bit. Keep your back nice and straight. Bend the elbows wide. 1. Exhale 2. Exhale 3.

Working your arms and your back 4. Breathe out. Pull 5. Breathe out. Pull 6.

Exhale 7. Exhale. 8. 2 more. Pull 9. And 10. Okay. The next one, I always need to step forward a little bit for You're gonna hold a bicep curl. Isometric hold here, and then you go into a squat.

So squat down, lift up straight, squat down, lift up straight. Inhale, exhale. Down, exhale. Try to keep your arms really still. 5 more. Down, press up.

4 more. Press. 3 more, press up. Last 2, exhale. Last one and left straight in your arms.

Walk forward. Turn around. Alright. Next one is upper arms. So heels are together, toes apart, bend your elbows, lean forward so you have enough tension on your straps.

Pull your stomach in, squeeze your glutes. Connect to that Pilates powerhouse and now stretch your arms forward, lift the arms up, press the arms down, bend the elbows, 4 more, press out, inhale up, Exhale press. Bend. Press. Inhale up and lower. Bend 2 more.

Press. Lift. Lower. Bend. Last one. Press. Lift.

Lower bend. Bring yourself up. Turn the palms over your hands forward for reverse chest expansion, leaning forward. Reach your arms. Turn your head. Look to the right and center and left. And center, bring the arms down as you come up and lean forward.

Look to the left. Center to the right. Center. Lift up. Lean forward. Reach and look right.

Center, left, center, and left. Last time, exhale reach, look left, center, right, center, and left take the arms out, soften your elbows, lean forward, and hug a tree. 1, exhale 2, 10 times 3, hug 4, Hug 5, hug it in 6, squeeze your glutes 7, squeeze your core 8, exhale 9, 10, open the arms. Hold it. We're gonna do the butterfly. The right arm goes out. The left arm goes down.

We take this lovely side bend and center and side bend. And center, one more like this, on both sides. Side bend. And center, keep tension on your straps, side bend. And the last thing we do is add a twist, side bend, reach this right arm up and around. Bend your knees a little bit.

And then take the arms out and open. Left arm goes up. Bend your knees. Bring it over. And then open the arms out. One more.

Reach the right arm. When it goes across, bend the knees. And reach it out and open. Left arm goes up and bend the knees, bring it across and reach out and open and release. And we are finished with our full body tower class.


yaaay a tower class!!  That was lovely, thank you Melissa!:) 

Excellent class! Thank you, Melissa. It went so fast.
Was so happy see this new class today!! Challenging as always but oh so good! Love your cues and ALL of your classes-- thank you!
thank you so much!!!!
Angie H
2 people like this.
More tower! More Melissa! More Melissa doing tower! Thank you for this. My spine feels loverly.
Thank you thank you....covered it all.  Quick 100?   Noticing that more & more.  Curious to the reasoning.  Thank you again
Fantastic class, thanks so much!
I agree with Angie H! More tower and Cadillac!
Annalise C
yes to more tower please!
what springs are you using for arm work?

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