Class #5737

Full-Body Sculpt

30 min - Class


Join Andrea Speir for an invigorating Mat class that incorporates her favorite exercises and a Ball to challenge your entire body. This dynamic session encourages you to dive deep into each movement, layering exercises to push your limits and create the change you desire in your muscles. Experience the power of your breath as Andrea guides you through timed sequences filled with ab-focused work, pulses, and endurance challenges for your inner thighs, glutes, and core, allowing you to move at your own pace while fine-tuning your form for maximum results.

NOTE: The second side of the side abs series was initially left out of the edited video. We have duplicated the first side so the workout will now be seamless, but you may notice a little bit of repetitive audio in that section.
What You'll Need: Mat, Overball

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Hey. It's Andrea. In this full body workout, we're flowing through exercises that target strength, endurance, tone, and include some of my all time favorite exercises that are creative, fun, and effective. So all you need for this workout is a ball. Grab your ball. Let's bring it down to the mat to begin.

So come all the way down. We're starting with your course. So get ready. Take the ball. Put it in your mid to low back. Tuck your tailbone Andrea, round yourself down into that.

So I want you to start holding on behind your thighs. Give me a big scoop in of the core, capital c shape. Little bending crunches up and down. Curling up and down. So you're still gently holding on with your fingertips, bending your elbows to round up.

And again, we're just waking up the body here. So anchoring your feet, drawing your shoulders back, and just breathing. As you're moving here, if you wanna bring those arms up, hands behind your head, go for it. So that's gonna increase the intensity just slightly by bringing that weight back towards your head. You have to really zip her up from the core to find that connection.

Couple more seconds like this. Shoo. Now as you curl up, little crunch up to one side, bring it down. Cur up other side and bring it down. So we're alternating to wrap in, not just to the deepest part of the core, those transverse abs, but also the obliques wrapping around the waist.

Feel free to always reach forward or hold back on behind those sides if that felt better for your body today. You've got 10 seconds here. 5 more seconds. Give me one more each direction to even yourself off. And then bring yourself back center. Walk your feet together. Let's do hands behind the head if they weren't.

Tabletop one leg. Extend that leg as you lower your chest. Bend that Andrea crunch up to meet it. Extend away. Big curl up and reach. I want you to try to match my pace on these here. Ben curl 3.

And reach. 2, and reach. 1, and reach out a little twist over, bring it back. Twist, untwist as you extend Okay. Here we go. Give me 3. Bring it back.

2. Bring it back. 1, and back. Set your foot down. Other leg is up. Here we go. Extend the leg. Lower.

Cur it up. And reach in and out 3 more times and reach. 2, 1, adding your rotation, twist over, untwist. Rotate, untwist. 4, bring it back.

3, and back. 2, last one. Whoo. Bring your foot down. Hold on behind your thighs. Reset for a moment.

Walk your feet together. Now your knees dip slightly one direction. Hook your thumbs reach forward. Twist your upper body away from your legs. Shoulders your back.

It's a little pulsing reach up and down. So by wrapping in here, we extra target that oblique. Whoo. I'm sure you're feeling it because I am on fire here. Couple more like this. On your next one, you bring it halfway down. Hold. Little reach away from your body.

Slice and slice. Super easy on this. So let the shoulders pull forward and do the work. So pull them down and twist from the core. You could stick with this, or that top leg kicks as you slice.

You're kicking slightly away from your body at an angle. 10 seconds. Shoo. 5 more seconds. Bring it back down.

Go center. Knees dip the other way. Twist your body the opposite way, and you go down and up. Little reach. And reach. Do a check of those shoulders for me. Draw them down.

On your next one, you're halfway down. Hold it there. Slice away from your body. Twist. And twist. Remember, this is your upper body, your core, your torso doing those little wraps. Option to add the leg here. Twist and kick.

So that kick is helping us deepen in to the oblique, to the core. 5 more seconds, 3 more seconds, and you bring it back. Rock up, open your chest, stretch it out, turn and face me on your mat. Bring your ball with you, bring yourself down onto your elbow and forearm, stack your legs one on top of the other 90 degrees. Take this arm with the ball, reach up toward the ceiling.

Lift your waist up, hold it there. Bottom arm is drawing down, shoulders are open, your hips lower, and they lift down and up. Whew. As you lower, keep your abdominals scooped in Andrea. Keep them engaged.

You could stick with this, right, focusing in on that bottom waistline or add the leg again. Kick it out and in reach and in. So we're layering our work today by taking one leg away. Challenges the mind body connection. It challenges the balance and the resistance, so we're never letting our practice plateau. Always challenging it.

Hold it up on the next one. Stay there. Shoulders stay down. You reach a straight arm with the ball down. Reach it up. Bring it down.

Bring it up. Do a shoulder check for me. Bottom shoulder. Draw it down. Abs are in 10 seconds.

Whew. Whew. 5 more seconds. On your next one, the arm stays up. Your arm reaches up overhead bend your elbow, bend your knee in Andrea extend them away. Pull them in and out. So it's this little active side crunch in.

Your glute supporting you under here should be burning. It should be working. 5 more seconds. After your next one, arm up, hip down, bring yourself up, roll it out. Before we do the second side, let's go into some upper body.

So rock it up onto your knees. Take the ball. Put it between your knees. Bring yourself down. Want you to make a diamond shape with your hands. Thumb and first finger together.

Place that down on the mat, and then send your hips forward open your chest. Shoulders are back and down. Bend your elbows and lower down for 3, 2, 1 quick push up in 1, lower for 3, 2, 1, press up in 1. So you're lengthening out from the top of your head, and as you push up from your arms, you're also pressing up from the core. Shoulder blades hugging back in together. Give me one more.

Let's reverse the rhythm. Quick lower down. Shoo. Press up for 3, 2, 1. Quick lower down. Press 3, 2, 1. Keep it going. Lengthening from the top of your head.

Let's do one more. Shoot. Hold it up there. Take your hands and walk them parallel Number 11 arms here, bend your elbows in towards your waist, scooping your abs in, opening your chest, little pulses down, and down, and down. So these are tricep push ups, working the back of your arm, 10 seconds. Just natural breaths. 5 more seconds. Whoo. On your next one, sit back Andrea just stretch it out for a moment.

You can let your body kinda rest on top of that ball and bring yourself back out. Take the ball, and let's bring the ball underneath one of your hands Andrea your palm. Square yourself off. You're in a quadruped position or like a cat cow position. Slide your arm forward with the ball as you bend the opposite elbow.

Go down, down, down, down, then slide the ball back in as you press up. So once you've got that rhythm, just start to flow through this. What we're doing here, this is such a nice roll out and massage of the forearm, but it's also muscle memory as we reach forward. We're practicing keeping that shoulder down the back, so everything we do in Pilates is a practice, right? It's functional movement training for what we do every day in life. You reach forward.

You keep that shoulder down. You use every part of your body to connect. On the next one, bring it all the way back in. Let's go straight into the other hand. So roll your ball over.

Set it down. Square off. And here we go. Bend in your free elbow as you roll the ball forward. And press back up, roll it in, rolling it out, out, out, and rolling back in. So you know what this movement is now. So the great news about that is we get to fine tune our form forget about the choreography.

So think about lengthening from the top of your head. Think about your abdominal scooping in and up, really focusing in on those fine tune points here. Let's get 2 more in. Still going at your own pace. Rolling back up. Shoo.

After your next one. Whoo. Sit back for a second. Bring your ball with you, bring yourself down onto your elbow and forearm, stack your legs one on top of the other 90 degrees. Take this arm with the ball, reach up toward the ceiling. Lift your waist up, hold it there.

Bottom arm is drawing down, shoulders are open, your hips lower, and they lift down and up. Whew. As you lower, keep your abdominals scooped in and up. Keep them engaged. You could stick with this, right, focusing in on that bottom waistline or add the leg again. Kick it out and in. Reach Andrea. So we're layering our work today by taking one leg away.

Challenges the mind body connection. It challenges the balance and the resistance, so we're never letting our practice plateau. We're always challenging it. Hold it up on the next one. Stay there.

Shoulders stay down. You reach a straight arm with the ball down. Reach it up. Bring it down. Bring it up. Do a shoulder check for me. Bottom shoulder.

Drop down. Abs are in 10 seconds. Five more seconds. On your next one, the arm stays up. Your arm reaches up overhead.

Bend your elbow. Bend journey in and extend them away. Pull them in and out. So it's this little active side crunch in your glute supporting you under here should be burning. It should be working 5 more seconds. After your next one, arm up, hip down, bring yourself up.

Place your ball out of the way. Okay. Some of my favorite most effective movements turn back Andrea face me. Let's do a seat belt push up. These are no joke. So take your top arm, place it down.

Your fingertips are pointing up towards your face. Bottom arm, seat belts your waist. Holding that, open your chest, bend down a few inches. It's a little pump up down, up, down. So it's even pace up, even pace down. This elbow is hugging in towards your body, this bending elbow here.

Give me 15 seconds. Press and press. 10 seconds. Try not to watch the action, lengthen out from the top of your head. 5 more seconds. Andrea then push it up. Shake it out.

It's so Pilates. It looks simple. It is the hardest thing you'll ever do. Speir around. Face me. So let's do the other side. Stack your legs. Top hand comes down.

Fingertips are pointing up. Bottom arm seat belts your waist, queuing your own core in, right, shoulders open, bend lower, here we go, little pulses, up and down. You're never going all the way straight. You're never coming all the way down. Shasta staying open, 15 seconds. Little pulse and pulse. 10 seconds. 5 seconds.

Woo, and push it up. Shake it out. Okay. That was your break from the ball. It's coming back. So grab that stability ball, and let's turn and face sideways on your mat. We're going back into a quadruped style position take the ball Andrea place it behind one of your knees.

Bring yourself down onto your elbows and forearms, tripod your arms, make a fist. The other hand wraps around that fist's shoulders open. That leg that's got the ball, I want you to flex your foot, lift that leg up high, squaring off abs in, let's lower, knee to knee, and lengthen up. Bring it down. Bring it up.

Lower and lift. Keep it going at your own pace. The things you're scanning through and looking for are shoulders pulling down as if you're dragging the mat towards you. Andrea look, just past your fist. So we're not looking down.

We're not looking out. Right? We're finding that length of the Speir. Equal weight in both of those elbows to keep the hips square and make the back of the leg, the hamstring, the glutes work for us here. On your next one, keep it up high, little stamping pulses up and down, lift Andrea lift, actively hugging in on that ball throughout. Up and down. Now I'm the most guilty of this.

As you kick up, watch that you don't swing or arch your back. So your navel's drawing up toward the Speir, then your heel, your glute, Speir lifting might be a smaller range, and that's okay. Right? We want that form. 10 seconds. 5 more seconds. Hold it up high, now squeeze your heel in on that ball. Tiny pulse, pulse, pulse.

Now that you got the movement, take your heel out of it. It is no longer heel. This is all glute hugging. Maybe see if you could lift that leg up an inch higher. Give me 10 strong seconds.

Inertheyes are hugging toward the midline. Get that midline connection. On your next one, hold. Give me 2 pulses now. Puls, pulse, one lift, up, down. Pulse, pulse, up, down. So from that point you are, you're going up back to starting position Once you've gotta go a little faster, flow it in, in, lift, in, in, up, 10 seconds, pulse, pulse lift, 5 more seconds. Lower down, point the toes that have the ball.

Take your knee, lift it up, wrap it across the bottom leg. Open out to the side in a lift, swing it back, wrap across. Open out actively control to the side, bring it back down. K. You're flowing through this. This is the hardest one because your balance is the most challenged, right, as we take that leg away You don't wanna kinda whip or lean your hips side to side.

Use your upper body. Use your core to stabilize. 10 seconds. That bottom glute should be so connected. It should be working.

After your next one, bring it down. Take your knees, separate them. This is your last thing here, and then I'll get you out of this position. Take that top leg with the ball across that ankle on top. Lift that leg up, keep it turned out lower down. Lift it up, down, up, and down. If you've got a little shake in your movement like I do here, that's good. Those are the muscles working.

That's what we're after. We want that change. We want that challenge 10 seconds up and down, wrapping into the corner of the glute, 5 more seconds, and then we're out of it. Push your way up. Come up onto your knees, roll it out, shake it out. Give me some circulation.

Grab the ball. Come down onto your side. So we did hamstrings. We did glutes. Let's get the inner thighs. We're getting a full balance today.

Bring yourself down onto your elbow Andrea forearm. Head resting in your Andrea, your top knee gets to rest on this ball, which is so nice. It's such a treat. Extend your bottom leg out, flexing your bottom foot, chest open, lift that leg up, down, we go into a full range lift. Now as you start to move, if you would rather have that arm flat like a pillow, do it. That's always an option with sideline inner thighs.

As you lift your leg, just bring a little awareness to what's going on down there. Is your toes, are they kind of rotating up? Are you sickling the foot? Square it off. If you're trying to turn out bring it back in. Right? So very telling what our body naturally wants to do. 10 seconds. 5 more seconds. Keep that leg up high little pulses up and up and up.

As you lift here, it's upper inner thigh. It's from your knee up doing all this work. Your foot is out of it. Your knee is not doing the lifting. It's so muscular.

10 seconds, lengthening out from the top of your head. Shoulders are pulling down. Shoot. Keep that leg up high. Hold it there. Point your toes.

Flex. Point flex. So we're getting a little flush of circulation, but mostly we're challenging the endurance of the adductor. The inner thigh. 5 more seconds. 3 more seconds. Keep a point. Lower that leg down, circle it forward to me, up back and around. Forward up and back.

Think about your toes reaching out. Like, you're gonna touch the end of the room your head is lengthening out like it's gonna touch the other end of the room. Keeping that Andrea, make these circles as big as you can. After your next one, change your direction. Go back, lift up, and around. Back up and around 10 seconds.

5 seconds. Hold it at the top. Keep it pointed. Little pulses up Andrea up and up, bring it home here. Lift, lift, lift. Lift. Lift. Give me 10 seconds.

Give me 5 seconds. Whoo. And then bring it down. Okay. Push your way up. You're on your elbow and forearm now.

Take this top knee. Lift it up as you grab the ball. Your foot steps up Andrea behind that bottom straight leg, open your chest, take the ball and put it on top of your knee. You could either say popped up on your toes with this back leg or flat. So once you're in it, see what feels more natural. Chest is open, lift that bottom leg and lower it. Bring it up, down.

The leg that's lifting, I want long toes. Don't give me the hardest ballet point here. Just think length, and then work that upper inner thigh to lift. You're scooping in with the core, rounded back just slightly, chest open, this pressure down into the ball is to help keep your abdominals engaged. 5 more seconds.

3 more seconds, lower down halfway with that leg. Open out. Bring it in. Glide that leg forward. Slide it back. It's a little slice. So back to our theme of playing with one leg extending away, adding these little slices away to challenge the direction of movement, the resistance, the balance.

Give me 5 more seconds like this. Now bring it back. Combination. Do one lift, lower one open close. Go up, down, open, up, down, open, 15 seconds. 10 seconds.

5 more seconds. One more full set. And then you bring it down. Push your way up. Roll it out. Let's start back in our quadruped position.

Hands and knees, we go back to our glutes. So take the ball, put it behind the opposite knee, hook it in there, and bring yourself down to a tripod position on your elbows and forearms. Take your leg, lift it up, and hold. Chest is open, abdominals are in flexing the foot with the ball. Let's go knee to knee, stamp the ceiling up, down Andrea up. Okay. So we're flowing here.

We know what's coming. Right? You know what this set is. So, again, take this moment to just fine tune it. So every time you come back, you do this workout. You get to focus in on a secondary connection. Always challenging the practice, inner thighs hugging toward the center, gazing out just past your hands, and drawing the mat in gently toward you to keep the lats and traps engaged. 5 more seconds of full range.

Meet me at the top little stamping lift. Go up, down, up, down. You hold a gentle squeeze throughout on that ball. Andrea for me, one of the most effective things to think about in this is that midline connection, inner thighs hugging in. 10 more seconds.

Hamstring, smile of the seat to where it meets the glute is our focus right now. Hold it at the top, little pulses in, in, in. This is to work endurance. We're hugging into the glute, working the hamstring, but keeping that maintained height of the leg. 10 seconds, pulse, pulse, pulse, 5 more seconds.

K. Combination, pulse, pulse, lifted, in, in, up, down, pulse, pulse, lift. In, in, and up. So you're pulsing up from that starting point. Try not to go lower than that the entire time. It's just higher, in, in, higher, 10 seconds. 5 more seconds. Shoot. Let's lower it down. Point the toes of the leg that's got the ball.

Wrap that knee around over the other leg. We're opening out to the side. Here we go. Open it out wide sweep and wrap, open out Andrea. So this is a nice moment to get some circulation, some blood flow through the inner thighs, the glutes, the lower body, But at the same time, throw an extra challenge at the upper body, arms core, to keep that point of stabilization. 10 seconds. 5 more seconds.

Andrea let's bring it down. Separate your knees. Cross that ankle on top, the leg that's got the balls on top. Lift up and lower down, lifting up from the corner of the glute. We're in this attitude position, lift up Andrea down. In her thigh is like shining a light down on the floor the entire time.

10 seconds. Lift and lower. Up and down 5 seconds. Stabilizing glutes should be working and bring it down. Alright. Push your way up.

Grab the ball. I'm sweating. I hope you were to turn back and face me if you've got those inner thighs. So bring your head the opposite direction, and let's get that cozy pillow for the knee. Let your top knee rest bring yourself down so your head is resting in your Andrea. Option again to do a pillow with your arm down straight.

Flex your bottom leg, lift it up, and down. No rest for the weary. Here we go right into it. Lift up, down. So remember, knee down, forget about it. Knee up is everything.

It's almost like you've got an ankle weight draped around your inner thigh, and you're lifting that ankle weight. Resist it up. Resist it down as well. Shoulders open and down, abdominals are in. Ribs are connecting to help find that scoop in of the core 5 seconds. Meet me at the top on the next one.

Little endurance pulses up and up and up lengthen out from the top of your head. Link them out from your heel. 10 seconds. 5 more seconds. Shoot. Hold it up there.

Point your toes flex. Point flex. So we're challenging the endurance again. I love getting inner thigh working because Plotties does it best. You really get to target in and get that true strength of working every part of the body and balancing it out with those inner thighs, helping everything in the trunk of the body to connect properly, hold the point, lower down can be big circles up and around, big circles. Top hip is stacked directly on top of the bottom hip.

Keep that still. Now how big can you go with your inner thighs circle? Maybe try to go a little bigger than that first side, see if you can. Challenge it. 5 seconds. Change your direction now.

Go back lift up and around. Andrea. Make your focus be the lift and lift 10 seconds. Oh, 5 seconds. Hold it at the top, little pulses up, up, up, up. I'm gonna be honest with you.

This is gonna make you sore later because it is very targeted. It is so effective. 10 seconds, lift, lift, lift, 5 seconds. Andrea your leg comes down. Okay. Let's bring it up. Let's challenge it just that little bit more. So lifting up onto your shoulder, take the ball out, lift your knee, and take your foot behind that bottom leg.

The ball stacks right on top of your knee, shoulders back, scoop in, balancing back slightly, you lift the bottom leg up, down. Now in this, again, long toes, Try not to give me the hardest point. Take all that energy up into the inner thigh. Pressing down onto the ball to keep the chest open, keep the abs in 10 seconds. 5 seconds.

Bring it down halfway, slide open, and back, bring it forward towards your face, bring it back. Shoo. The challenge of this is keeping that leg exactly at the same level. Shoo. After your next one bring it back, let's do a combo. Go up, down, open. Up, down, open.

10 seconds. Shoot. If you're getting little shakes, great. I love it because I am too. We're getting after all those little stabilizing muscles here as well as those bigger ones. Let's do one more full set. When you finish that, lower it down.

Take the ball, set it down out of the way. Rock yourself up again. We roll it out. We shake it out. Let's stretch it out as well. So flip around and meet me in our cat cow position.

So your hands are under your shoulders, your knees are under your hips. Tuck your toes Andrea. Press up into an elephant or a downward facing dog. Hold that big stretch for a moment. Working toward gently extending the heels toward the floor.

Start shifting your weight forward as you step one foot through your hands, lower the back knee. Bring yourself up, find your balance. Arms reach up toward the ceiling. Open your chest, lengthen back tucking your tailbone under slightly. Big stretch out for the quad, the hip flexor, shift your hips back as you circle your hands around, flex the front foot, chest down, head down.

So here, we're working all down the back of the leg here, that hamstring that we just challenged with those donkey kicks. Shift your weight forward anchor your foot. Press up into a standing split or whatever that looks like for your body today. Just down head down hold. Keep your hands anchored.

Step that foot back. Take a moment in this elephant or this down dog. And then set the other foot forward, bring the other knee down. My back toes are still curled under. You could bring them flat if it feels better for your toes or if you're cramping.

Arms down. Reach up. Open your chest and lengthen back. Andrea come down, straight in the front leg, flex your foot, chest down, head down. When you feel that good, elongation, hold it Don't try to overly press into it. Right? We'd just wanna naturally let this stretch out every time we do this workout.

Let your foot come down, pop up into a standing Speir, chest down, head down. Hold this for a breath or 2. Softening your legs slightly. Take a step forward. Your feet are a couple inches apart holding on around your legs wherever you can naturally reach chest and head down.

Bend your knees and slowly roll up disc by disc. Stacking, we're coming all the way back up, shoulders up back and down, churn back face me. I like to finish with a grounded moment. So just reach your arms up and overhead. Open wide, stand tall, stand proud.

And my friend, we are done today. Great job. I will see you for the next workout.


Beej K
1 person likes this.
Hi dear Andrea loved loved this class especially targeted inner thighs Thank you so very much  .I think you might have missed the kneeling hip dips sequence on the other side  . Looking forward to doing the next one 
Ray H
Great. Tough, I Kept losing my softball, and my left inner thigh kept cramping up. Fabulous! Thanks :)
Monika S
1 person likes this.
Love the seatbelt tricep press-never seen that trick. Yikes!  Missed the second side of side ups-had to back up the video.  
Zara F
2 people like this.
The whole workout was great with wonderful instruction. I felt my total body was worked in a way that challenged me but not so much that I could not do it but not so little that I don't have room to grow. Yes, she never did repeat the 2nd side of hip dips/side ups but now that I know I will just repeat it on my own however I will make sure to repeat it right after side 1 because today I did it at the end and it felt much harder...ha-ha! All jokes aside though, I am sure making a video is challenging so I give my heartfelt thanks to Andrea for sharing her obvious talent and enthusiasm!
Chanda Hinman
Beej K Monika S Zara F Chanda Hinman at Pilates Anytime - thank you for the feedback! We will make note of the second side in the class description.  
2 people like this.
Great class, thanks for for the flag about the second side, I went back at the end and did that.
1 person likes this.
Nice challenge! I certainly found some of my weak spots and will go back and do this class again to improve.  Your cues were great and I now know how very long ten seconds really is! I’m feeling invigorated!
Chanda Hinman
Hi All. Chanda Hinman from Pilates Anytime here! Thanks all for the feedback on the missed section of the second side. We have edited the video to duplicate the first side so those watching the video will get both now. I will add to the class description that it might feel a bit repetitive because the audio cues will be the same for both sides. 
Mel S
1 person likes this.
Literally every time I think I have reached a new level of muscle hypertrophy I take a Spier class and it's lights out lol LOVED!
1 person likes this.
What an imaginative and intense workout.  I loved it.
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