Class #5823

Full-Body Athletic Reformer

45 min - Class


Join Ed Botha in an invigorating athletic Reformer class that emphasizes upper body strength while fostering a full-body connection. This intermediate-level session guides you through innovative, functional exercises, including Ed's favorite Forearm Side Plank series utilizing the Reformer box. Throughout the class, Ed offers modifications inspired by his student Sarah's post-knee surgery journey, making this a versatile workout suitable for various fitness levels.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Hi. My name is Ed, and today I'm gonna be teaching you an athletic conditioning reformer session with probably a little bit more focus on the upper body and full body today. And I'll be teaching my friend and colleague Sarah. Alright. So I hope you enjoy the class. Let's get started, Sarah. K. Alright. Sarah, so what you could do is you could face forward for me. Alright? And standing with your feet parallel, good hip distance apart.

And what we'll do is, Sarah, we're gonna do the roll down twice. And then after that, we're Botha do a little variation on the single leg. Okay. Just for a little bit of balance. Alright. So think of really straightening through the arms. Beautiful. So you just go ahead and do 2 roll downs for me. As you exhale, you're letting your head be heavy.

Good. Sarah, bend the knees for me a little bit more. So, yeah, don't be afraid to sit into those thighs a little bit. Good. And then exhale. Now keep the thighs bent, Sarah, as we start rolling up, She's pressing her lower back up to the ceiling for me, and then pelvis can stay where it is when we're about there, and then just stacking the spine back up tall. Good.

And inhale and exhale. Good. And see how she's bending the knees. That's great. Keep using the inner legs there for me. Scapula back slightly on this one and exhale as we come up. Good.

Alright, Sarah. So what we'll do is I'll possibly just scoot you a little bit forward just to give you a little bit of space away from the reformer, and we'll start. So you wanna keep your feet in the hip distance apart. Right? So the temptation is Botha be to narrow your legs, so try not to. And then your left leg, you're just gonna slide it back a little bit and just touch the toes or the ball of the foot likely on the mat there for me. Mhmm. Right? So we're standing upright. So from there, we're gonna do the same roll down. Okay. So you will feel the wobble. You will shift, and that's okay. You'll feel your ankles working and the stability around the knee and the hip. Alright? So we take a breath in. And exhale.

So you can binge your knee. And, of course, you feel free to use that back leg as much as you can. So it feels really good in a strange kind of way. And exhale as we come back up. So you can see how Sarah's ankles working really hard. And I'm just gonna tell you Sarah has had knee surgery in the last couple of months. So, we we're gonna see what we can do with Sarah to help her with some stability. So challenging the upper body as well as the lower limbs.

Uh-huh. And exhale. Yeah. Excellent. Good job. Alright. So you take a step forward. Good. So we'll do 2 on the other side. And, you know, you explore. You feel free to take more weight off or add more weight as you need to. Alright?

So this is I often do this as I start my sessions. So my students at at home know that I do this, and it's kind of gives me a good good feedback on my body and tells me exactly how I'm feeling and where my instability is sitting. That's it. Awesome. Good. And exhale. Good. The side's looking good, Sarah.

And inhale and then exhale. And coming up tall. Great. Good, sir. Sarah, what you could do is if you could walk to the foot by side, I'm gonna just walk around this back here.

And so you probably know this exercise. A lot of people do this is where we stand quite close towards the footbar there, and then you're gonna roll down and place your hands, and then we'll go into a flattening of the back. So she's gonna place her arms down there. So you're in this round position. And now from here, she can push the carriage out a little bit. Flattening the back has the resistance fee.

She's on a one blue. Yeah. So a little bit less neck, but I like the extension there, and then we'll roll it back up. So press up through the lower back. Good. Okay. So that's pretty simple, but so, Sarah, what we're gonna do is we're gonna do that on a single leg. Alright? So we're gonna roll up all the way again.

Good. And this time, let's see if we can take the leg off the mat completely. Alright? So we started on the right leg. So we'll we'll do the same. So from here, you're gonna bring your left leg off, and then you're gonna roll down, bend your knee. So and place both palms on. Good. And then we're gonna press out flattening. So we're gonna inhale there. Good.

That's it. Just watch the ribs. And then exhale, we're just going into the rounding. So nothing nothing in particular has to be done with this back leg. It just floats. And then we push out again, inhale. So we're just gonna go in and out from there.

So length, just there. And exhale. So we're drawing up. We're really using that posterior chain and the abdominals to get us back up. So we go inhale. That's the and exhale.

Good. Let's do 2 more for me, Sarah, there. And inhaling. So watch the neck, not too much neck extension, and exhale. Good. Yeah. I love it. This is looking good already.

And one more time, inhale. And then exhale. Good. And then see if you can roll up without the left leg touching the mat. So you find a bit of balance. Beautiful.

Good job and change. Well done. Alright. You nailed that. Okay. I'll decide. So we're gonna exhale.

We find the roll down. And the roll down with a single leg the back, you'll see doesn't articulate as much as when we do a regular roll down, and that's no drama. And inhale, it's really about the stability on the single leg that we're looking for and here, and then the change of the spine position here when we have the help of the carriage. Good. And inhale. Mhmm. And exhale to good.

Let the head go heavy there. Beautiful. And inhaling. Ed the ribs. And exhale. Good, Sarah. Let's do 2 more on the side.

So we're going inhale. Just today is good. And exhale. So she goes into that posterior tilt. She's drawing from the hamstring, the glute, the adductor, and inhale. Her back extensors are working.

And exhale. Beautiful. And, Sarah, we're gonna try roll up, staying on the one leg. Good. Yes. Beautiful. And relax. Awesome. Good job. Sarah, you can come have a lie down on the reformer. I'm just gonna add our springs on here. So what I'll do here for Sarah is I've got all the springs on.

And, Sarah, you can go into your back. We'll go parallel on the heels. So, Sarah, we're gonna go neutral spine bridging up. Alright? So we'll just see if this you know what? I'm gonna drop the foot bar for you a little bit because you got long legs. The yeah. So that looks better for me for giving you a little bit of feeling and opening through the hip. Alright? So you're gonna just take a breath in, and then staying neutral. So no posterior tilt now.

Just pressing up. So we're actually hinging up at the hip joint. There. Good. Hold it up there for me. Come up a little bit higher. Beautiful. And then hinge to come down. Good.

And we go up again, exhale. God. And then back down. Good one more time up. Good. Try use the arms a little bit into the mat. Beautiful. And then coming back down all the way. Awesome.

So Sarah from there, we'll do single leg. So you can lift your left leg up to the tabletop. Good. You can softly flex. Staying in neutral, and then we're gonna press good. Neither, okay, when we do this, and then we come back down. So we're just gonna do 3 of them.

That was one already. And exhale to good. And down one more time. And beautiful use the arms there. Don't be afraid to use those arms good.

And all the way down, change legs for me. Excellent. And 1 and 2 go to hip extensors. And down one more time. Last one. And all the way down, Sarah, you can keep this leg up.

Bring the other leg up for me as well. Then you can bring your arms around and you can hold the frame if your shoulders allow that there. Good. Perfect. And just let your elbows relax. Cool. You can slide your arms up a little bit higher along the carriage. Is that okay for you along the frame? Yeah. Good. Alright, Sarah. So we'll do spine to supine.

So allowing your legs to come towards me and just relax. Let me take you. Is that okay for you? Good. And then exhale as we go back in.

I'm just gonna hop around this side just for a second. I'm gonna take you just to give you a little bit of range. Good. And exhale to bring it back. We'll do a couple more by yourself, so we're going inhale. As long as your opposite shoulder blade is down, I'm happy and exhale. And you're doing a good job with that.

And here, and we're not allowing the back to unnecessarily arch. And exhale. Good. We'll do one more on each side. They're in. So just so we have a little bit of rotation happening, and exhale. Good. And one more time, please, Eric.

So we press across inhale. And then exhale, bring it back into the center, and you can give the knees a little hug. And you can stay exactly where you are where you have that little bit of gap between you and the shoulder rest. And then could you reach back? So you might not know where these straps are, but they're short straps over there. So I've got Sarah on 1a half springs now.

She's gonna create tension. Mhmm. Good. Scapular or drawing down. So you're putting them into your back pockets.

So Sarah, we're gonna do the 100 prep three times. So as we exhale, she's gonna draw forward Ed she's reaching into that resistance, straightening the elbows for me. And then we're gonna wait for the arms to float up and then go back down. And exhale as we go up, exhale. So we're pressing good.

So start thinking about your scapula and the elbows straightening, arms float up. That's it. And then coming back down. And one more time, so exhale to come up. Good. So opening that right shoulder. Beautiful. Let the arms just float just above the knees.

That's more or less 90 degrees at the shoulder, and then she can come back down. Good, Sarah. Would you be ready to go into the hundreds? So we're gonna exhale. We're gonna lift up. And so a great shoulder stability exercise.

So we're looking for that disassociation in the shoulder, so she's gonna take a breath into prepare and out to 3, 4, 5 in tooth. 452245. Keeping the elbows nice and straight. Beautiful, Sarah. So keeping the tension. So all the time, Sarah, I want you to think of moving the bed backwards another inch or centimeter.

Alright? So continuously moving that bed back and holding it back. Good. We'll just do a couple more. So I'm not counting That's it. Yeah. You are good, and you can remind me when I lose count. So last in cycle here for me, and then hold. So there, good. Keep reaching the arms, so it moves the Ed, and then bend the knees and exhale as we take it all back.

Good. And, Paul, it's good job, Sarah. You can bring the legs down. I'll show you the foot bar. Awesome. So, Sarah, what we'll do is we'll get you into a little bit of sideline. Alright? So if we could face that way first for me mhmm. And what I might do is change the footbar for this. So if you could just lie their bent legs, I'm gonna pop this up.

I'm gonna go up. We're gonna lock it in, and Sarah, I'm gonna put you on two and a half springs. Alright? So we're gonna use the bottom leg against this platform just to push you out. And I'll just make sure that stays stable. So I've got Sarah in a nice straight line. Sarah, do you are you able to lie on your right arm on your bicep?

Is that a possibility? Good. Yeah. Great. So that just gives her a really nice long position. So I can line her up. I can see that she's in a neutral position.

You can drop this heel for me. Is that okay? Boom, and bend your bottom leg. Perfect. Alright. I would even bring this leg a little bit back. Good. Now, Sarah, from there, just allow this leg to slide up a little bit, bend your knee, and Botha, and we're in a nice long line so that knee can stay there. Are you comfortable?

Cool. So, Sarah, what we're trying to avoid is rolling the pelvis. So we're just gonna bend the left knee as far as you can keep your heel connected to the bar. That's it. And then exhale as we press 1. So just a little bit of a warm up for the ankles, 2, and the lower body, 3, and really just finding a good spine position there. That's okay. Fine.

This is a very difficult position to get a lot of range. And so you it's really nice for ankle mobility. Good. 2 more. I'm gonna reach out of this hip and one more time and then 10. So what I'm gonna ask you to do is to stay there, Sarah, and to really create more space here. So we're thinking about this here. Alright. Now, Sarah, we'll do a few hip hikes.

So we keep this leg straight. We allow the pelvis to hike. So the waist flattens, and then we just push out of the hip there 1 and in. And we go, 2. Good. And in.

And 3. So this is a great exercise for if you have a little bit of, asymmetry in the pelvis. And if I Good. And 6. Beautiful 4 more times. 1 and 2. Good. And reaching out of the state 3 and one more time.

And 4. Good, Sarah. We'll hold there and then come back in for me. Good job. Cool. Let's turn you around at the side. Awesome.

Okay. So remember, we use the bottom leg to press into the platform, and then we use that to line us up. So you could scoot your pelvis a little bit forward Yeah. Good. Yeah. So straighten this leg first for me. Yeah. They were yeah. Good. Perfect. So the tendency normally is for people to push their pelvis back and to stick their bottom out slightly in this exercise. Alright.

In the setup. Good. Now from there, we can start flattening and bending. Good. Slide this leg up. Cool. Just a comfortable spot. I would Sarah, could I bring this foot a little bit forward? I feel you've just gone a bit behind you.

Good. And now we're reaching, we're keeping our space in the waist, and then you can bend the right leg, getting that flex in the ankle there, and press 1. So be very disciplined about keeping this connection here. And 2, and don't worry about not going very far. 3. That's it. Excellent. 4. Driving away. 5. Good. And 6 good reach.

7 and 8. It's good. 2 more. And go reach 9 one more time, and then press and hold to reach out a little bit further for me if you can. Yeah. So that's the top of the hip hike position that we're gonna do. And then we allow the pelvis to hike, and then we reach away 1 and in.

And 2, good and in. And 3, beautiful and inhale. And 4. And inhale for 5. Good. Let's go 5 more times.

1. And 2, reaching away. Good. 3. Oh, good. Last one. Last one. Last one. And reach away.

And 5 and then hold that good reach the leg out a little bit further. Yes. Beautiful, Sarah. Now from there, you can bend and come back in. Good job. Okay, Sarah.

So we'll have you hopping out. We are going to do an IDL on the box. So an IDL in fitness stands for Romanian Ed, so a single egg one. Alright? So what I'm going to do is keep you on a blue spring, alright, and I'm just gonna lower this foot bar a little bit for you. Cool. And then I'm gonna bring a box, and we're gonna place it along the side of the reformer. So you do need a a box for this exercise? Great. Okay. So, Sarah, we'll have you standing on the box.

Mhmm. And I'm gonna pass you some straps there. So, Sarah, could grab the straps herself. So what we're gonna do, Sarah, walk a little bit forward with the left leg first. Yeah. I think that's gonna be good. And in the right foot, we're gonna place that foot on the bar.

Good. Yes. And then we're gonna hold just with your right hand. Yes. Now I want you to retract that scapula for me a little bit, so that creates the tension. Good. And right here, Sarah, standing up as straight as she physically can. Pull that shoulder blade back. Yes. Beautiful. Right. Now from there, Sarah, we're gonna create a hinge.

So from here, this leg is going to bend slightly and the spine leads forward, but I never lose the scap, on that side. And then we come so let's go down, down, down, down, down. So we're going into that hinging position there. Good. I'm really looking for this flat thromboid connection over there, and we go up one. Pullback even more. Good. And if. Is the resistance okay for you? Yeah. Good.

I just need you reading this thing. Absolutely. And too. So we wanna get the load on the gluteal on the left. But I'm thinking about the shoulder all the time.

So if we lose this, we're gonna lose that. Good. Pull back with the right arm. There we go. Yeah. So this back leg is just a guiding leg. All it's doing is helping us with our balance.

So you can try and do this without your foot on the bar, but I wouldn't recommend it today. It is possible, but it's pretty challenging, and the weight needs to be a little bit lighter. So let's do about 3 more here, Sarah. So That's it. Oh, and so I think a little bit less squatty and a little bit more hingey.

So lean a little bit, yes, less bend in that front. Yeah. Good. And then that that was great. Okay. So we'll do 2 more like that. So a little bit less squatty, a little bit more hingey. And cool.

Good job. And then you'll feel the back working as well. And that's, you know, the goal of this exercise as well. So it's the posterior chain, but the back extensors and the lats. Good. Right, Sarah. Now we're going to get you to lean all the way forward till you completely lose tension.

Yes. Are you okay to do that? Alright. I'm gonna do a quick spring change for you there. So, Sarah, you were on a blue. Now I have Sarah on a yellow. Now, Sarah, could you stay there? And first thing you could do is retract your scapula. And then you're gonna bend the elbow and do a row.

1. Good. Now hold here. Now let the scapula come forward. Yes? Now retract the scapula and then yeah. Good. Now we're talking to.

That's it. So there, now let the scapula come forward, protract, retrain even further retraction there, and then good. That's looking good. And yeah. It's good. So every time and then We'll do 2 more times. Beautiful. One more. She's doing a great job. You can see the shoulder blade coming forward, then it draws back, and then we're ready to roll. Cool. Sarah, so to let go, you could just lean forward, and slowly.

Beautiful. Just bring it to the stopper and then hook the straps here. So I'd like you to do that by yourself so everyone who practices at home knows how to do that. Perfect. So I'll bring the box around that I can do for you. Alright? The heavy lifting. Okay. So, Sarah, we're gonna go back to the blue spring.

Yep. On the lower gear. Awesome. And then we'll have you standing up by yourself again. So before you put your left foot on the carriage, Alright. Just try reach those straps for me. Cool. And then you can stand up both feet on the box for a second.

Uh-huh. Awesome. Alright. See, then you don't have to put the foot on the carriage to to get the strap, and then you're gonna reach with your foot back and just find your position there. Awesome. So we're gonna hold just with your left hand. Awesome.

Scapular drawing down and back. So here, you're in your upright position. So remember how we did it the last couple? You really got it with a hinge So your right leg is gonna bend, but not much, but allow your body to tip forward. So there. There. Yes. Awesome. And exhale. Good.

And you wanna feel that you're really connected to the resistance. So you're not pulling from your lower back. You pull the shoulder back and the whole spine or the back extensors the muscles that surround the scapula and the hip extensors, they all work together to pull you up. So mhmm. Looking good. Excellent.

Keep the shoulder pulling back. And Good. So you just think of making your arm as short as possible all the time. Okay. Let's see if we can do 3 more on the side. Again, I'm not counting. I'm just watching.

That's it. Good. Yes. Great. One more. Okay. So so we're gonna go all the way forward so you lose tension, and then you're still okay on that right quad. Yeah. And, yeah, right, glued. Nothing wrong with that.

So Okay. And then we're gonna row. So let the scapula protract slightly, then we re retract and then bend 1 ish and forward. Let it go. Yeah. Without rotating necessarily. And to we could add rotation into this exercise, but it's a little bit unstable 3 when you're standing up so high.

I would rather do that when you're on the ground. Mhmm. Mhmm. 4 more. Good. This is the sling of the side of you too that needs to work.

And good. Let that arm come forward and then pull back. Okay. Awesome, Sarah. I'll slowly take those feed before that Glude gives in. Good. Yeah. Great. Okay. You did great. That is awesome.

It's not easy. It's a lot of overload. Alright. Okay. So, Sarah, we're gonna have a seat on our reformer. So sitting right at the edge here, and the legs are gonna go straight through. So we'll do a little exercise.

It's this is really nice for the serratus anterior. Okay. So we're gonna take the arms, and we'll reach them. I'm actually gonna use the long straps because of where they positioned over the shoulder risk. Cause if they're too short, this exercise becomes really tight. So we're gonna cross the straps.

So one is here, and see you're at the wrists, not at the crease of the elbow. Alright? We're gonna bend the elbows. Mhmm. Perfect. Bring the arms in over here. And then create a little bit of a V position there, slight external rotation of the shoulder. Beautiful. So all you what you're gonna keep that tension for me. Are you okay there? Mhmm.

So try bringing your elbows in and you're so bring your arms in this way. Is that okay? Slip? Oh, okay. Then press out a little bit for it. Okay. That's cool. Now from this area, keeping that little bit of tension, just allow the shoulder to flex a little just sit there. 1 And then, Ben, just before you feel that slippage and trying to keep that external rotation there.

Good. And yeah. Beautiful there. So we're keeping the scapula wide. And good. And, oh, beautiful keeping the tension. Keep external rotation.

That good. Yeah. She's doing a great job of keeping that elbow forward. 8 thirds are the last 2. A little bit more rotation. Good. One more time and press.

Okay. And then bring it down. Okay. Awesome. Okay. So, Sarah, what we're gonna do is we're gonna do, a shoulder external rotation single arm. Right? So if you could sit and face that way for me right against the shoulder rest and scoot yourself back a little bit further, can you do that with, yeah, a little bit more? Perfect. Good. Alright. So this leg, we're gonna bend the knee and place the foot on the carriage. Mhmm. Is that okay for you?

Cool. Oh, sorry. Could you change legs for me? That one. Yeah. Perfect. Alright. So what we're gonna do is you're gonna take the strap in your left hand, long strap again, elbow resting on the knee. Perfect. Mhmm. Yep. And for this exercise, you can use the the strap as well to take you into internal rotation, a little bit of a stretch.

And then from there, we're gonna press up into a little bit of external, just there. One And then we're drawing in. Gonna try bringing this a little bit inwards there. Yep. And we go to so, again, I'm I'm on the lighter spring here. I'm on the yellow. You don't wanna go too heavy with this.

Good. And oh, nice. Really good. Could I bring that a little bit forward? There we go. And fix the gears. There we go. Right there.

Good. We'll do 2 more, Sarah. Beautiful. Good. Excellent. And release. Okay. Cool. So that's a great exercise for the deltoid posterior, the rotator cuff muscles. Mhmm. Nice for any of your, you know, clients who do any kind of throwing activities.

Alright. Yeah. So the leg is bent. Cool. And then we're gonna hold over there. Yeah. And I'd like to pop that even if you took your foot a little bit wider out, yes, so you adapt to your shoulder. That's it. Good. And one. Yeah. Beautiful. And 2.

Good. Should the blade back slightly first. 3. 5, and obviously challenging just to set up right for 6. And, you know, with people who really struggle, because this is This is a tough exercise. You can always just guide the rope a little bit for them if they feel that it's too heavy, or you could use a very light dumbbell, you know, small little, the pilates weights we use. You don't wanna go heavy for this exercise. Maybe 2 more. Let's see.

1. Good. And one more. Good work. Nice, sir. And then we'll take that out. Perfect.

And you can hop out there for me. So, Sarah, from there, we're gonna go onto hands and knees, hands pressing against the shoulder rest. So this position over here, Mhmm. So my toes are folded in under the plank, under the foot plate. And then from there, just slowly press yourself out into that position there, and then I'll cue you into our front plank position. So this, we're gonna work on a little bit of an isometric.

So, yeah, so, Sarah, what I had my feet on here, but if you feel more confident hooking your toes to create resistance, You can, but the weight's not very heavy, so you shouldn't slide off. Alright? So but I'll I'll I'll watch you here. So if you just press your legs out straight, knees off, good. You feel good with your feet. Awesome. Okay. So, Sarah, what I want you to do is take a good belly breath for me. So breathe into your belly good, and then just tighten the abdominals from there. Hold that. And I'll just slowly press the carriage out for me a little Botha little bit more, a little bit more until you feel you're under load and hold.

We're gonna hold for 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, good, 4, 3. Oh, okay. Bring it back home and then come back in. So I do want to repeat that one more time. So I bring your feet to the edge there. Is that okay?

Or last resort, we can go onto the foot bar, but the it does change the angle a little bit. So I prefer you to be horizontal. Okay. So you do you notice what I said to you? I want you to take a belly breath in. So fill up your with your your belly. So use your diaphragm, maximum diaphragm, and then contract your abdominals to hold.

How the feet there? Okay. Good. So belly breath in. That's it here. We want complete security error. Now press the carriage away a little bit. A little bit more.

There we go. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Yeah. It's good, sir. And then bring it back home. Well done. And all the way in.

Alright. Good. So, you know, after doing that serratus exercise, I can see the serratus and how it's helping to stabilize the scapula. Your left one still has a little bit of a wing, but much better. Okay. Great. So just carefully come in. And then we'll do a little bit of side work. So this exercise for, you know, for people who know me know how much I love this exercise, alright, the Copenhagen, adductor protocol, great shoulder stability, but lots of inner thigh work as well. Okay. So we're gonna connect all the springs here. And so, Sarah, you know, this depends on you know, the person's height where we place the box. So I would love you to lie on your forearm.

Mhmm. So here, this position here, you're gonna have one foot in the box. And then one foot on the box. Right? Okay. So we we can do it with a let's start with your good leg first and just see how we go. Yep. If we can't, we won't do the resist. We won't lift the the leg up. Yep.

So start with your left leg up for me, please. Yeah. So Good. There. So Dorsey flex the feet. So number 1, to protect your knees is your Dorsey flex. Alright. So this is the good side. Alright? So we're gonna use this top leg, bottom shoulder.

Just make sure you don't come off the edge there. You're okay with that. And then you're gonna press yourself up into that side position. Good. Bring this arm up to the ceiling for me. Good. A little bit of abdominals.

And now can you bring your bottom foot up to touch? Hold there for one. 2, 3, 4, and 5, and come back down for me. Alright. Good. Okay. So we're gonna do one more. Okay?

So the same side. One more set of 5. Alright. So first thing is get that scapula depressed and stable. Feel this adductor flex your feet. Yeah.

Botha sides flex, dorsey flex. It's gonna keep the knees safe. Alright. We wanna get that left adductor is gonna stabilize. Right adductor needs to mobilize. Let's see at work. Go. 1. 2, 3, 4, 5. Well done. Okay.

Good job. So, Sarah, on the other side, we'll set the position, but what I want you to do is use your left leg against here to lift you up Alright. So we're gonna use the a deduction of the left to your advantage. And then when you feel re we're not gonna lift it off, but I want you just to start putting a little bit of weight on the right leg just so you get that adductor to to work. Alright? So great for the stability. So we're gonna dorcey flex, dorcey flex. So if you want, are you okay with that foot over there? Great. So really be active.

So I'm doing is I'm really getting Sarah to flex that left foot of hers, right, and then Sarah, press with your bottom leg and then lift yourself up. Yes. Good. Good. Good. So we're gonna hold for 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Good. And then come back to how they feel.

Good. Looks kinda easy, though. Okay. So on the next one, I mean, obviously knee dependent. Yeah. Put a little bit more pressure on that top leg. Yep. Okay. Because that looked really easy. Okay. So let's go up. So we're gonna lift up, and nothing should be easy. Right?

And, yeah, so a pressure over here. Uh-huh. Obviously, safety 1. 2, 3. Yes. 4.

That's looking a bit more challenging. Good. Well done. And let's take that one out. Awesome. Very, very good. Okay. So, Sarah, I'm gonna put the, the box along for us. Football is gonna pop up, and we're gonna go into a breaststroke prep position. Yep.

So we'll pop that up there. So it's gonna beyond one Ed. So that's one full spring. Push yourself away if you feel that this is too close, chest, off the edge. Mhmm. And then hands our shoulder width apart.

How does that feel there? Cool. Okay. Great. So, Sarah, this is just the the equivalent of doing a shoulder push. So we're just gonna push that box out horizontally there. 1, Good. And then gliding in for me. Just today.

And exhale pressing out to So really think about your obliques here, just keeping the spine stable, extending the elbow from the triceps. And then obviously, our deltoids for and pecs are working to push us away. Drop your Botha slightly. So I don't want you to be too much extension yet. And good.

Sarah, what are we gonna do? So that's what's on a red. I want you to think to me what spring could we use for you that you could do single arm 5 repetitions. How about that red? Let's give it a go. Right? So let's start with your left first because that would might be the more difficult one. This arm might like you to aeroplane it out to the side there.

Okay. So just five repetitions. So we're working in that that really in that strength range there. 1. Good. Looking good. I think we got a winner here. And just to there, and to good. So allow the scapula to draw down and back slightly.

And now let it upwardly rotate 3 as good. Let the body drop a little bit there for me. Oh, good. One more time. One more time. Go. Let's challenge the range.

Last one. Oh, and back and then pause the side. Good. Might be a difference in the 2. And one. And inhale. And 2.

3. Very nice, Sarah. Good. Obliques. And I have a whole they're good. Laterally flexed to your left slightly with your worry there.

Good. And I'll see if you can control yourself in like that. Keep control. Keep control. Keep control. Go in in in in in in. Yeah. Beautiful. And Awesome. And then you can stay. So, Sarah, what we're gonna do, we're gonna do the actual breaststroke. So if you could hop off for a second. So this is the full one. And, again, we're gonna use the long loops of the straps because the, otherwise, the straps will be a little bit short.

And I think maybe a blue spring for you. So that's a half a spring. If it's too heavy, we can go lighter. Okay. So you're gonna hook your thumbs and you're gonna reach over. Good. Alright. So we have your hands under your shoulders.

So I would even bring you in a little bit closer that position there. I like it to feel like you're a little bit hugged in there. Beautiful. So, Sarah, what we wanna do is keep those palms horizontal to the mat right now, and then we're gonna start pressing and extending. Good. And then circling around. Think of the little finger coming towards the hip joint.

And then exhale. Alright. So we'll go again. So we're gonna reach without internally rotating the shoulder. They're beautiful there. Palms are parallel.

And then we're reaching back a little finger towards the hip joint, but we're gonna end up stopping because of this, which is fine. Now think of palms high elbows low as you sweep. So we go again, we press out. We reach out with the arms. They're good. Straight elbows. We bring the arms back.

We wanna hug. The upper arm towards the Botha, get it nicely connected. Now think of elbows staying low palms high and then lower the bodies, try to do that in one movement. So we go again, we reach. We press out both arms. I mean, this is one of the most challenging exercises for the upper back and here, and we get that beautiful external shoulder rotation that we worked with earlier.

So we bend the elbows, sweet palms high, elbows low. We'll do two more and reach and circle, good error, and sweep, scheffler Elbows came up a little bit on that one. So we go one more time. We're gonna press out, We reach. So here we maximize. I'm gonna be a little bit of assistance to keep the head down slightly. Head down a bit.

Head down a bit. Head down a bit. Head down a bit. Head down a bit. It's a little higher.

Last one. It's a little higher. Yes. Good. Beautiful. Then bring the arms around. Good. Now keep the elbows low, and I'll try sweep your palms as high. And very good. Now, Sarah, you could just slowly reach behind you, careful your head on the bar, and I want you to release the straps back.

So these straps haven't got any metal on them, so you can just drop them. Boom, and you can push onto your knees into your rest position. Uh-huh. Would you be able to do a half rest over there? Yeah. Good. So Sarah's not going into full knee flexion because of her knee.

So just to get a little bit of flexion out here. Mhmm. Is that okay there? Yes. Good. You did great. And then from there, Sarah, we're gonna slowly come out of that. Good. And then I'd like to just finish with a roll down again. So we'll walk to the the front.

Good. Yes. Beautiful. So arms along your sides again. So think of the shoulders where we had the scaps. Great. And then we're gonna take a breath in.

And exhale. Beautiful. Let the knees bend. Good. The strong legs, the foundation that you created for the upper Botha. And then inhale. Scaps back slightly good, and exhale start pressing up through the lower back.

And all the way to tall standing and one last roll down inhale. And exhale. So Sarah gets the extra roll downs because she can't go into a full rest position. So this is just nice for her back to get a little bit of a stretch out there. And exhale as you come up.

Well then, Sarah. Thanks. Good job. You nailed it. Excellent. Excellent. Thank you, guys.


1 person likes this.
What a fabulous class! I particularly enjoyed the serratus anterior and rotator cuff exercises, and the single leg deadlifts. 
Lori M
Can you please explain the strings before each exercise?

Amazing class
Brunna C
Awesome class as usual, thanks Ed 😊
Amazing class. Lovely cues and clear instruction. 
Sara S
What a wonderful class and I LOVED the single leg deadlifts combined with the single arm row. What a creative exercise! Thank you!!! 😊 
What an absolutely fabulous class. I loved the single leg rolldowns and all of the shoulder work.  Some great new exercises I have not yet seen.  
1 person likes this.
Fantastic class, Ed. The hip abductor/adductor exercise with the box is my absolute new favorite exercise. I will add this to my routine as I feel it will be very helpful to strengthen my weak side. Amazing the difference between the two sides. Thank you. 
Absolutely fantastic class! Love the variation on the RDL.
Kari H
2 people like this.
this is the best class I've taken on here for the glutes and upper back! 
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