Class #710

Traditional Mat Flow

45 min - Class


Pilates is a practice! Amy reassures you of this as she takes you through this Mat workout----almost all 34 exercises. Remember...progress not perfection! Relish in the challenges, delight in your accomplishments, keep working on the exercises that still may be 'the ones' for you that keep you coming back, and stay in the moment of the work! Enjoy!
What You'll Need: Mat

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May 20, 2012
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So we're going to do a matte workout this morning. I'm going to have a start just flat on her back and actually starting with long legs this morning and just taking a quick check through your body. So feeling the matte surface underneath you and feeling your body come closer to it. Your shoulders pressed back, back of the legs, engaged toward the Mat. Let's take about five deep breaths to the sides of the ribs. I want to make this class go through some a good flow, high intermediate level.

Some exercises. It might be more advanced for you than usual or easier for you than usual. I'll just stay in the moment. Say with your breathing. Ah, trying to have a full body full mind experienced this morning. Said. We'll take one more breath in as we actually, I'm going to have a slider heels in.

Bring your head and chest up and just pull the shins close into the ribs. It's bringing the body close into itself. Incur the shoulder blades. I'm going to take us right into the 100 and the fives [inaudible]. So thinking of those shoulder blades, really reaching down the back of the back into the back of the ribs, the abdominals in and up under the ribs in the front. Connecting to that beautiful spine in the body.

[inaudible] legs are engaged. They're not tense, but I do have energy in the legs a little bit in the seat. My feet are soft. Nice, broad chest, broad, upper back, [inaudible] nine to three or five to ten two, three, four, five. Exhale, press the Arrow way. I'm going to come in, squeeze again. I'm going to stretch the legs down, reaching the arms back over head and feel the opposition for just a moment. Down and out, the legs, out through the fingertips. Now I'm going to change my arm position, palms facing in so I can slide the shoulders down a little easier. Inhale, arms, head and chest and the exhale and pulling the body up into that roll up.

Position the opposition again through the abdominals going back and the arms and leg energy coming forward. Breathing in, starting the roll back. Exhale, working that nice sense of articulation and feeling the length without arching the spine. Inhale, [inaudible] pulling into the core of the body. Sensing again, the long energy through fingers and toes. Breathing in here and exhale, so keep bringing the mind into the motion of the spine. Working some fluidity, strengthen muscles, openness in your joints, Spansion and your breath and two more and how you feel on the mat. That is our partner this morning, working with your mat. Inhale, exhale.

Also working of course with gravity, working through it, pressing away from it into it. [inaudible] reaching into it. Opening my back. I'm just going to stay for another full breath in and out. [inaudible] and one more. Roll over or roll back. Excuse me. For the rollover. So taking the heels in her legs up to the ceiling. I'm taking an inhale.

Exhale up and over feeling those sitz bones and reaching them straight up to the ceiling. Easy on the neck and shoulders. Flex. Inhale, open. Now as I'm rolling down, I want to connect to the back of the shoulders, the back of the upper arms. Use that for a little bit of leverage to come down. I'm going to lower the legs slightly, bring them together. Inhale [inaudible] then over again, flex and open, enrolling down so my legs are in parallel. When will allow a little circle of the legs coming in together. Pelvis up, rolling through the spine, flexing the feet, hard flex, enjoying the stretch in the calves and the hamstrings and coming down, taking their opposite direction, rolling over legs apart.

Bring the legs and breathing in that nice sequential roll of the spine. Ah, again, using that mat and really pushing into it, pressing into it, reaching into his shoulders, spine long through the sitz bones. Once again, [inaudible] flex [inaudible] moving into single leg circle, taking the left leg down, right leg up overhead. Anchor the body and let's cross around in center and Cross finding that pendulum like swing in the leg and hip, cross around and lift last one around and lift other way. I'm allowing my hip to leave the mat slightly on that crossover, trying to get that nice long stretch on the outer hip. [inaudible] and switch. So big crossover. There's that lift to get that length.

And then e exhale, go around in him. [inaudible] don't forget the opposite leg. It's your helper anchored down through the mat. Last one and center open. Inhale, reaching in all directions through the leg. Last one, [inaudible] leg down. Now I'm going to bring myself in and up for rolling like a bone and hug onto those ankles. Taking a moment, taking a little check-in, inhale through the spine. [inaudible] Tryna to get that nice fluid bone by bone rolly.

Sometimes you have to kind of let go of the effort of this exercise. At least I do to make it more fluid. Going from one more, no. Now the transition for the single leg stretch, I'm gonna put my hands on this Shin and really press on that. Reach the opposite leg forward and then very slowly rolling down, pulling into that abdominal wall into the flection of the spine, pausing when I get to my shoulder blades and lifting that foot up so my toes are at that same line and I'm going to do a little double exhale here.

That little exhale is contracting the abdominals. And I'm also thinking of pressing my shin up into my hands for me. That's helping me stay up into my chest lift position. I'm trying to hit that 90 degrees with my table. Top leg [inaudible] last one here and last one here. Doe going into double leg stretch opening and hold for just a brief second.

Reach for the walls contract in four more. Get stretched. Feel the change in contraction and lengthen and feel the change in the abdominals. They're long, still long but yet deep or pulled in. And one more. The next one will be our scissor [inaudible]. I'm going to go for the mat with the bottom leg and squeezing that glute, getting that contraction in that hip extension and muscle group.

I'm going to bring this leg a little closer this morning. Worked to square the pelvis, softening into that chest, abs in under the ribs and pull, pull, pull Paul again, take a little moment. Travel back into your body that breathing [inaudible] and three and two and one straight leg. Lower lift three times. I'm going to go a little lower this morning. Ah, painting the opposite wall. Am I sinking those ribs deeper? Exhale for way down low. Last one, I'm gonna twist toward my left menopause for a minute.

Check in this shoulder in this side of the ribs. Want to bring it into my back a little bit more and twist other side. Take a moment, pull the ribs in and shoulder blade back and then change. Ah, last one in and all the way up. Spine stretch forward, not as many wraps.

We're going to go right here and breathing and squeeze the bottom and exhale. Let's get deeper in the flection. Deeper in the flection. I want you to go forward. Same time pulling back through those abdominals energy. Healthy, arms out the heels, full breath. Inhale, exhale up. [inaudible] I'm trying to maximize your work here. Flexing the spine, deepening widening through this portion of your back, back, and ribs for me is a very tricky place for me to widen.

Rolling up to more. It's almost like I'm trying to live my ribs up my back as I pull these front ribs down in opposition. [inaudible] an over. So yes, I'm going a little further forward into these exercises this morning, but I want to intensify things for a different movement experience. I'm going to bring myself up for hips toward the heels open like rocker, taking another moment, parallel lanes, rolling back to the shoulder blades because we inhale up. CX will come up in a hole. So rolling back, I'm going to think of sits bones up to the ceiling.

Crown ahead to the ceiling. Sits bones up crown of the head. So we get that rocking rhythm. Not Moment. It's a rocking rhythm like you are the legs on the rocking chair. Two more. Breathing wide, the back. Oh, and the last one.

Let's hold our legs up. Let's actually try holding the legs here when I have this roll down to the mat without letting the legs leave this position. Find your discipline and exhale. Hold going into the corkscrew. We're going to do the rollover version. Yeah, so I'm going to think of tracking down the right side of my spine to my hip and I'm going to enjoy exploring a little larger lower circle this morning.

Going around, getting up that left side, the spine coming down left side, so we're getting more fossette joint articulation around the right side and level down the right side [inaudible] but yet the shoulders are square [inaudible] and left side feeling the body warming up, loosening up in certain places. Who wants again, each direction. [inaudible] reaching out a little further but deeper back into the abdominals. Of course, that sense of opposition and keep coming to that word today. [inaudible] we're going to roll out of this position and just whoa right up into saw flexing this feet. Taking a minute again, I'm going to have us open the arms, a little wider sphere that's chest expand, so again, they're in the end points my heels, the fingertips, crown of head sits bones, like points of the sun. It's really raining out. It's deep in here and the sense of sitting tall. I'm just going to do four of them this morning. Inhale is a twist.

Now I'm going to go with reaching this back arm up higher. I want to get that sense of spiral and extension. Inhale is that come around an xes spiral with extension and again and exhale spiral or never seems enough. So I am going to go another one each side and reminders to keep the opposite hip back. [inaudible] and then all the way front, let's lower the legs and arms and turn us over for salon, hands by the shoulders, engage the legs.

Then feel that stretch from deep in the abdominals down the front of the front of the thighs and out the feet. Hands on the table or the your mat. Pull your hands as if they're coming down towards your hips. And then in opposition getting that reached through the head. So coming through, inhale and exhale. I'm it. Go through a stretch this morning and we'll look straight out engaging those legs, making sure those abdominals are zipped up and coming down. And again, yeah.

Where can I go into the breathing? A little deeper. Perfect. Okay. No, find a little less effort to actually to produce more flow. It's not Mike. It makes it easier. You've just lessened some of the hard effort.

I find a little more fluidity. [inaudible] one more time. Feeling the peeling of the front of the body, the strength in the lower half, peeling down the front of the body and down. So I'm going to come back up for a little dive. I'm going to go with classical from me, which is arms out to the sides, huh? [inaudible] pressing up and slightly through a cat position just to re stretch the lumbar spine when I actually walk the hands back, the like that feeling of pressing the shins and tops of feet down to pull up through the low back, dropping the weight of the head, taking a little bit further and then flipping right back over for the neck.

Paul starting up with the legs together. Alright, hands behind the head. So I'm going to do one version one with the rounded back to go down. Let's see, flexing through those heels, reaching my head into my hands gently and the heel is a come through chest lift. I knew what to [inaudible] coming forward. So okay, every day is a process and again, I'm going to think of opposition. Now, tail and head length between the two points.

Link between the two points a little better. Not Two with flat back [inaudible]. [inaudible] perhaps I need more lift here. Trust might reach through my heels coming up and sometimes that's just what happens. We roll over and we're coming up. Spine twist right from here. I'm going to stretch my feet forward. I'm going to breathe in to the left for three pulses, two and three.

Yeah, no, so again, through the top of the head, the legs aren't shifting. It's as if the base of the pelvis is narrowed a little bit. I'm not clenching the glutes, but I am engaging them slightly to my center line. I want my whole body to turn in a unit. My whole trunk. Yeah, go one more each direction. Now Open my chest, receive the stretch through this side two and three and down.

Sideline my left side, I'm getting my elbow, my waist, my hips, back, leg, slightly forward. I'm going to go in with my hand on my head, flexing the foot, reaching through the hip, breathing first. Now that opposite leg is there to push down with so we can get the feeling of pushing down as this one swings one and two and a stretch behind and overreaching long so each time that leg comes forward and a challenge myself to reach my sit bone, that direction in opposition. Last one I'm going to hold, I'm going to take my opposite arm forward. Five lifts of the back, leg one and two and 3:00 AM still quite long in the reach and fi and bringing the leg in, turning out, up and down and lower.

I like to point flex. Remember gravity now we're working through the air is if it's thick or if someone had their hand here and they're resisting you, you have to find that within your own body. Now keep it flexed, coming up, point to come down and flex and point to come down. Meanwhile, there's a lot of connection I have, right? I'm thinking do you my antenna through the top of my head. Last one up, up, up, up, and I'm going to hold the lift. My legs. They're both in turnout. Little Heel beats trying to beat both legs, although it feels like most is coming from my bottom leg.

Four, three, two, one and down. Let's go for a little inner thigh work. So taking a head down, I'm gonna bring that bottom leg up. Press the hips forward, reach the leg long and press the leg up. And remember if the Femur in the socket, we want that connection. High up near the pelvis, not just down at your foot. Let's just take the last one. Flex pulse for five, one two way up here, three and four and five.

Two circles of the leg. One and two other direction in one and two. And leg down. I'm gonna flip this over. [inaudible] heel beats again. Stalking the hands. Really lengthen through the lumbar. Hold up those tummies. Lift. Flex the feet and we pull four, three, two, last breath parallel. Now let's take a little journey into a front support.

So if you push up, just hold it for a moment. A little transition coming up in scratch. The calves, even if you don't have your calves fully down due to flexibility or mobility in your ankles. Work toward that [inaudible] elongation but also the coordinated lift of the sits bones. [inaudible] it's John will take the other side. I may have to move this lightly underneath me. Okay, like slightly forward. Got My elbow ribs hip on the same line, hand on the head and we're a little lengthening through that top waist. Here we go.

Annex sale a one and a two and each side of our body is so different. That's where it really starts to feel for me. Want to reach that sit bone that way and extend sit bones that way. Hip Bone along and flex and reach. [inaudible] and Lincoln [inaudible] and opening the top elbow.

[inaudible]. I'm trying to keep it relatively still taking one more flex and extend [inaudible] getting your top arm along, lengthening. Get on that heel. Five extensions with the pulse and two, three, four in point. Energy five and coming in and on the head. Again, turning out, up and down and lift. [inaudible] good. Remember we're resisting coming down.

You're pressing against a pillow or a physio ball, something that has some rebound to it. Of course as the legs spring on the Cadillac up with the flex, pull down with the point. Never feel like you're done. Lengthen it. Get longer, longer, longer out through the intent in the head. [inaudible] I always feel like I'm five, six after I do my mat work and then coming down, I'm five, three and a half to start bottom leg and I'm up and miss might be a chance to go back. Feel your breathing as your body warming up hold or your muscles vibrating.

One and a two and three, four and five. Excuse me. And circles for two each way. One Oh two other way. One and two and all the way down. Now let's go back onto her tummy and I want you to just to find your long arms, your long head, your long legs and reach long. Bring yourself up into a flight position.

So I'm thinking about raising my heart, raising my lungs, lengthening here, finding my muscles in my back, back of shoulders. Good postural muscles. Taking the arms out around underneath me. Lift up single leg kick. Can One, two. Wow. Wow.

Remember this as well? I'm going to pause this for a second. Is this straight leg that's doing just as much work as the bent leg and and not opposition. So kick and kick, kick and kick. Wow. The pelvis is stable. We're imprinting the mat. We're working the back extensors even into the neck.

Four, three, two, and one. Double leg kick, right cheek down, hands in the small of the back. I'm going with four repetitions and we two, three go for it guys. Lift the chest open other direction down, and a one, two, three. Inhale the heart. Other side. Exhale on one. [inaudible].

[inaudible] cool. This once again, release the hand. Bring him underneath the chest, tuck the toes and pushing up into a plank. Holding again. Let's take a one leg lift. I'm gonna take my right leg up just a couple inches. I'm gonna rock back to stretch that left calf. I'm gonna pull myself forward and step down. I'm gonna lift my left reach center down.

Now as I lift the right again, I'm gonna see if I can get my leg a little higher and longer and a little upper back extension and three of them. One, two, three and center left one to [inaudible] three center. Once again, I'm lifting up the pit of my stomach, lifting up, helping my heels come up, sitz bones come up and then a lengthening of the calves, stretching, hamstrings, breathing deep. We're going to bend the knees again and jump and sit back and let's come up for teaser position. [inaudible] I'm going to have us roll back down. Let's start in tabletop arms extended as we come into some teasers, we're going to try one, two, three versions. Here we go. Arms, head and chest and where those legs are, now we're going to try to keep them there and we pull back, pulling way back in the center, opposing by reaching the legs out long and extend coming up. See what we can do here.

Once again. Rolling. Okay. Like legs down down. This is easier for me. And then my arms. One more down. Little more flection. Flex. Flex. Flex. Now both arms, both legs. Let's open it up. Stretch your body. I'm going to come up. Inhale. Exhale.

I'm gonna try to touch my toes, but pull back with the abdominals and broaden my chest. And then back again. I'm painting a wall. Painting the opposite wall. Lengthening and coming through [inaudible] last one, going back. Coming up. [inaudible] okay, I'm going to brush my elbows near my ribs and I'll put my hands behind. Simply going to lift for a moment. No, I have the benefit of having the raised mat, so I've got a little advantage than the floor tic.

Talk to the right hip center to the left hip center to the right hip. So I'm slightly out of my comfort zone on this exercise open. Can I lift my chest? [inaudible] last one, two each direction and I'm gonna roll back. I'm gonna move my heels in, feet together.

Knees together and press the hips up in a hole for a moment again and go into some extensor muscles. Hip extensors, of course, back extensors. Shoulder extensors, elbow extensors, neck extensors. Ready? Extend the leg. I'm gonna have it up. Flex to reach out. Now go a little further and down and a little further end down and a little further and down. One more to go over and, and stepping in. And again, so we lift, flexing [inaudible] extend a little further this time up a little further and do more. Each one going a little farther and, and down. And stepping in. No one is to rule down bringing the legs up to the ceiling. Rolling overhead, catching the pelvis for some shoulder or scissors and bicycle. So I'm lifting the lumbar up into my hands when to bend those knees.

And for just a moment I'm going to sit. I'm gonna sit on those hands. [inaudible] feel the strength in the position I want to go into touching my toe. Just test it. How far forward is it? That's what I thought pretty far from me. It's still far. How come? That's an unchanging pitch. All right, so I'm going to go to scissors now.

For me this morning, I'm going to think a little more control in this and my flexibility. I want to get a relatively even split now. I can't see it. I'm feeling it. Now I'm going to focus on the front leg and that hamstring squeezing a little more. And can I get my back extends? There's a little more on there I am. And switch. Uh, this is an easy one to get very lazy in a posterior tilt and not explore the back extensors, those postural lumbar muscles that are so key.

And here's my last one on my right and my last room I left. I'm gonna avoid the bicycle because I'm starting to feel some stuff on my elbows that I don't like. And I'm going to stretch for a second. Good. I'm gonna go back down though for Jack Knife. So I'm going over. All right. My Jack Knife to similar. I'm going to touch my toes down.

I'm going to lift up showing one with my hands to support me. Now that feels good to me to use my hands. I'm not cheating, I'm not using my bat. I mean, I'm not not using my back, not, not using my legs. I'm going to flex it, my hips and try to control that and roll down from there. Uh, now can I roll over again? [inaudible] lower and meet that place. We'll see.

Get in there and down. [inaudible] sometimes things come in threes, my spine almost and down. We'll hug. I deserve that. You probably do too. Let's go for a swim. Okay, so swimming. We can think long. We can also think up out of the water. Let's go for both.

So the arms and legs, almost the same. Height, four, three, two, one and down again, another front support. Breathing into it. Now when up, stretch around anise. Walk your feet in a little bit and find more of a round, almost an elephant from the reformer and crouch down. [inaudible] and let's come into the side. I'm on my left arm since I've been taking that opposite harm to up lifting those ribs in.

I'm going to breathe through. Prepare, pressing onto the legs in the arm. I'm first going to enjoy a nice side stretch. Now I can think about the rotation coming from the pelvis or the spine. I'm going to try spine. So my spine, not my pelvis, it's a little smaller than the another version. Now here, if I take my spine back toward you and then to the ceiling to isolate my spine. Oh, that feels really nice. Right now back to facing front.

I'm going to come off my wrist and we'll do it again. Little transition and all the way up. So here we are wearing a couple points of balance. Feed an arm, squeeze the legs is going to help. I know all the way over. Now again, I'm thinking antenna out the top of my head, trying to twist my trunk, not my pelvis back through front. So here's my antenna, the whole thing. Twisting, kind of catching some sun and back to facing the front and then bending. Now, now I'm gonna enjoy a little mermaid tucking the hands on the foot.

One mermaid stretch to the right. Now just to oppose this side. So going up long and stretching over like I'm sitting on one of the rocks out there. [inaudible] so you've got your fin tech, Dan, you're really reaching down to this hip, into your mat and enjoying that length up from that hip. I feel that even into my arm, my fingers [inaudible]. Okay. And down, sweeping around the other side, breathing in and pressing up. So again, first establishing your balance on your arm and your feet.

Breathe, squeezing the legs together again, trying to keep that pelvis facing you facing front and turn the torso. It's a longer twist, a longer twist. Wringing out may not look like much, but it feels delicious in my back. And then the other one just as Yummy, wanting to reach into my legs, into my legs, out into that mat and coming facing you and then down a little sweep of the arm. Little breath back over again. A lot of strength here on the stable arm and lengthening out into the twist [inaudible] and reaching through center, reaching through the legs and off into the upward rotation.

Basic Front lift interiorly to come down. Tucking those heels in, going into that mermaid, reaching up and I'm going up first and then over arm on top. There's my opposition again, up this way. Following that down into the ground, that feedback of the two end points I can reach away from both of them. [inaudible] and up we go. I'm going to do a little fly stretch, probably two. Want you to reach your arms forward for a moment, squeeze the back of the legs, bring it into the inner thighs as well. That nice line through your ribs and your hips, just where you feel some stretch in your quad.

Some of us don't have to go very far. That line here and lift the arms a little to help us come up. Again, I think three is going to be better than two. I need to wrap my shoulders on my back more. There I am and a little lift. So going to help me and hopefully help you for the side kneeling exercise that's coming next. Just get a little bit of quad length [inaudible] so I'm gonna face you and put my left hand down and reach out through that outside leg, this leg as well.

Play with your angle of the bottom foot. I like mine behind me. You may like yours a little bit narrow and you take the hand behind the head and get onto that arm again. Lift the leg. Let's just hold it for a moment. Are you parallel? Let's try to be parallel. Flex the foot point. The foot. Elbow is high ribs or back. One more.

Flex and point. Let's do like five little lifts of the leg. One trying not to collapse on AARP underneath curve here. Three Oh four staying at five flex front, back just three times. We're going to have a front reach point and a back reach. Trying to stay on the same horizontal line again. I can't see it.

I'm trying to train that. I feel that line and square. No. Three little circles. One, two, three, one, two, three. Then the knee, lift the waist. Try to keep this leg up and we're going to lift up. Try to balance for a second and the other side.

Checking in, so the elbows app, we're lifting our leg, checking into it. You've got this leg back. Tried to take the leg a little higher or we go flex point. Open your hips, front and point, shoulder check and point back to flex three times we have a carrying of the leg reaching back. Objective, keep your leg up. Hip Height. If you can go out of your comfort zones and flex points.

I'm out of mine. You can see me shaken. I think little circles. One, two, three and one, two and three bend. Here we go up better on that side. Fantastic. Boomerang. Four of them. Let's take our right leg over her left. Shake your hips a little, an exhale. Legs overhead. That nice brisk change. See all those legs in? Whoa. Hmm. Sometimes energy is hard to contain. I suppose. Bend the elbows.

Now I'm going to try to lock the legs into that position. Let me get back into my brain a little bit. Stretch. Pull the abdominals back. Legs down. Arms Up. Work that stretch of the shoulders all the way around feely of dominoes. Come back. Mack Mack rolling up. Breathing in.

[inaudible] open close. Better elbows now to kick the arms behind without dropping the legs. Right. Chest, chest, chest. Just much better. Oh, and ladies down. That's why they call [inaudible] of practice.

Two more chances and a lot of these are the practice. Ah, elbows. Now I'm going to think chest, maybe not as much as I did before, since I fell back last and there is an legs. Then I'm down and I'm circling last time and yeah, [inaudible] you all the challenges, right? Otherwise it's not as much fun, at least for me. And Circle, circle and circle. All right, let's come around for some pushups. Now I want us to come into a squatting position for a moment.

Try to get those heels down. I'm going to wipe my hands off on a walkout into my friend support and just hold there for a moment. Opening up the fingers. Okay. Stretching the chest. Let's do three. We've got one push, two push, three push. Now instead of rolling up, crouch, back, crawl back realm that lumbar can your nose get to your knees, walking out. Two pushups and one, two, crawling back. One, push up. Next and down.

Push crawling back. Flip around. Crab. Holding onto those ankles says you wrote back again. She's going to yield into your c curve. Change come up and try to find the balance rollback back yield. I'm not sure if you noticed what happened there. When I lost my balance the first time in the role, my head was still here.

I allowed it to go here and it helped my balance. So I think we need to take note is that relationship of head and tail. We're gonna see curves so they have to be going toward each other. If this one's up here, we're out of balance in that curve. See more fun too and having a positive crab rather than a cranky crab back.

If there is such a thing, do more [inaudible] last one. What I want to finish with is laying flat on the mat rather than coming to standing, which happens often at the end of that roll up just my flat. If you have to run away at home and go on to other things, of course, thank you. But if you don't have to roll, walk away and run away, give yourself a moment to lay flat. Just let your body kind of resonate. Feel the senses that keeps you in your, in the present moment.

So maybe what you hear [inaudible] what you see [inaudible] what you feel very many things on my, in my body. [inaudible] what you can touch. Feel that way as well. And even what you taste, you know, let Leonard Taste mince or breakfast or coffee or that's part of your being. That's part of your being present. [inaudible] did you make more accomplishments in certain exercises? Did you come in touch with some new things that were harder for you?

Things that you normally float through quite easily to have a little struggle with? All of those make a difference. There's moments of awareness and observation. [inaudible] and remember it's a practice. So he had to 10 you come to it, there's something new. Let's take three more breaths together before the train rolls by. Maybe feel the ground. Feel the mat. [inaudible] [inaudible] Ah, and there we have it. Thank you very much.


Happy Birthday dear Amy! We love you!!!
1 person likes this.
HaPpY HaPpy BiRThDaY Amy :D
its your birthday but I feel like you gave the present !!
Amazing Class As Usual... intense work and your descriptions were fun, yummy and delish (hope you cake is too) and no grumpy crabs ! and I couldn't have run away even if I wanted to..gigglzzzzz
Happy Birthday sweet Amy!!
The words and thought process were deliberate but the transitions were swift. Lots of work on all levels. Thanks.
O Happy Day to YOu Amy! Yes, Yes! We've got the gift here!!

And Wow! Lots for us (me) to perfect here! Teaser and Side Knee series! Yowza!
Thanks so much guys! So nice to receive these birthday wishes....but more importantly, great to hear feedback from this class! Glad you enjoyed it!
Deliberate pace? ...not so much!! Great traditional mat workout, tons of work, feel much better now than before the workout! Practice is right.
Happy belated birthday and best wishes for a wonderful year! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Great class Amy! Thanks muchly :))
Hi Kerry......did you think the class was too slow/too fast? Not deliberate eh? Thank you for your feedback and glad you agree that this stuff takes practice!! :P Thanks also for the birthday wishes!!
Thank you Lisa!
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