Class #726

Mat Workout

55 min - Class


Amy begins with a shoulder girdle warm up using the Stretch Out Strap® then continues through an intermediate workout utilizing the strap to supplement the exercises with a different perspective. You may be surprised how the addition of the strap focuses your attention and allows you to explore the work and yourself in new ways.
What You'll Need: Mat, Stretch Out Strap®

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So let's face this way everybody, so that way I have a better view of you. Um, and yeah, we can just go ahead and stand on her mat. We're going to start all the way parallel with our legs and as we have our green strap tonight, we're gonna start with some shoulder girdle warm up. So I'm going to have us go into the first loop from the center, that little white label, of course, it's the center and we're going to start with the arms just long by our sides. Now, depending on broad shoulders, narrow shoulders, certain movements through here are going to feel maybe crowded on your shoulders and then more spacious as we go out. So, uh, you might even want to start one more over one hand over. Yeah. Okay. So arms long, let's just take a nice scan across your shoulders.

Take a good yon if you need to let the day go. Okay. And I want us to raise the arms. You're gonna right away, just coming up to shoulder level and then lower the arms down. So as we progress doing through the arm work, I'm going to just be cuing cause this a good place for me to see our posture. Very often when we're upstanding like this, we're leaning back with the upper back a little bit and as I glance through the room I'm seeing a little bit of that. So if I said bring your chest forward over your legs a little bit.

Yeah, that's right. The last few weeks as we've started class we've been standing and I'll say bring your weight a little more forward of your ankles. That's kind of the same thing there. So even right away the abdominal muscles you guys keep going. It's right there. That high abdominal area. Bringing that in, bringing that to your center and that's going to lengthen your upper back a little bit.

I know that probably feels wrong, but trust me that's better. Okay, a couple more and as you're raising your arms, start to connect the idea of pressing out into the outside edge of your hand as if we could rip the strap apart. Of course we won't. We'll someone might end down and then reuse the arms and hold shoulder level. Okay, so a broad collar collarbone. I'm going to have us rotate the arms to have your palms face up and rotate the arms. So palms face down and let's inhale as we rotate up and exhale.

Good correction, right? So already some of us have started swinging back with our posture. So yeah, it's gonna feel a little odd, but you want to keep that feeling of your ribs somewhat forward of your hips. Okay? Yeah. Inhale palms up. Exhale, poms down.

Wait lightly forward of the ankles and palms down. And notice I haven't said shoulder blades down the back yet because you're all doing such a great job of that. But ideally we would have our shoulder blades down our back. One more time, palms up and palms down and just hold for a minute. Does anyone feel some work in their upper back? It's C. Okay, good. It's between the shoulder blades. And then trust that as you lower your arms, keep well good and keep a lower the arms and feel that connection. Okay, we're all gonna move our hands out. One more loop, just a little warmup. Upper back and shoulders.

So two and two or you might want to, you're probably fine. Okay. Same thing. Shoulder level and lower and inhale, raise the arms. Good. So again, pressing out on the outside edge, finding a little kind of a rhythm. You may feel it or you might just need to think it that your shoulder blades are walking down your back as you raise your arms up and see if we can go head level with the strap. And exhale. Lower right. Where's your weight? Have your weight a little forward of your ankles.

You may have light heel connection on your mat. If I had a index card, I could put it underneath your heel. God bless you cause in tight, whichever works. And again and so as we're increasing the work of the arms and shoulders, take a bigger breath in. Raise the arms. Good Yvonne and lower. We're going to keep the arms up this time above our head and I want you to exhale, just hold right there. So if we had pockets for our shoulder blades that could slide down into the pockets on your back somewhere. That's perfect. Right?

And still press out on the outside edge of your arm and hand. Where's your abdominal wall? Could it? Yeah, could it go back towards your spine? Slightly. Good. You guys inhale again and xls lower all the way down. Okay. Raising it back up shoulder level. Now holding this frame there. I want us to bend the elbows and if we're reaching the elbows side to side now my elbows aren't behind me yet, so we're not going back this way. Yeah, it's just, and then hold your shoulder blades really nice against your upper back. Okay.

And that's going to be this. So arms are going to straighten and lower little pattern coming up and bend at your elbows and reach them forward and arms all the way down. And, and so things that will, I'll watch for and you can look at your own arm and your wrist. The risks like to bend sometimes this way and cock or flex. We're trying to avoid any, uh, anything at the wrist that should be straight.

It's the elbows and shoulders now, right? You guys feel different. Couple more. Be Tall in your body and lower. And our last one here, lift and I now hold actually so you've got this little bent elbow position, feeling the back of the shoulders, maybe the work in your upper back. And we're going to rotate so that the strap makes a horizontal line. I Sabrina and just hold, pull out again on the outside edge and rotate. Let's do inhale, rotate the arms this way and exhale, hop parallel. Good. So the upper arm bone, the humerus ball and socket.

Couple more. Stay working in finding those upper back muscles. I think you're all very aware of them now. Middle Trapezius and others and lower. Okay. And let's bring it all the way down. Good. I'd like us to step the feet a little bit of part now and the heels just a little wider than your pelvis. And once again, let's move our hands one further. Loop out. Okay. Okay.

I love it as we change like hunker in our posture. And then, okay, so have those arms straight out in front. It's those transitional moments again. All right, so with the, the legs in the turnout, a little external rotation at the hips are not excessive. We're not in a dance class. Um, if you can feel the inner thigh muscles p contracting toward your midline, that's supporting your balance and it's gonna. Yeah, support the knees. All right. And let's go ahead and bring the strap above the head. Now this is a little harder. We've got a wider reach.

There's more of vulnerability I think for the shoulders to go up here. So we're really wanting to find the upper back, the sides of the back, the abdominals. Now for a little change, press your hands, palm space out and same thing. Press into the strap. So we're going to go into the procrast of rhythm and just do a little, yeah, if you feel your arms, your shoulders, your upper back as if we could, uh, burst the straps apart, your shoulders working down the back of the ribs. Very nice you guys. Pat. Beautiful posture and hold. Now breathe in here. Going in a little bit of side bending little because we haven't done a whole lot of trunk movement yet or any, so just really small. Inhale, bring yourself up, feel the end points of the strap.

Exhale as you side bend and inhale, come center and exhale as we side bend. So we're looking for the motion to be happening in the trunk, but not the pelvis down to the legs. It's pretty tiny. Let's just do four more. Keep feeling the endpoints. Exhale, side bend. You're opening one side of the ribs and spine. Can you drop your shoulders at any moment? A little bit lower than they are now. Inhale and exhale. Side Bend.

Nice you guys and center. And exhale. Last one side. Been to your left and all the way up and let's lower. Yeah. Okay. Walk your feet in. Let's walk to the back edge of our mat. You can bring your strap with you. I'm going to go this way and you can go. Yup. Okay. And just hold it with you. We're gonna use it once we get down to the mat.

So take a good inhale here and exhale as you start rounding forward, let those arms hang loose. We're rolling down that spine. We're going to walk out so you know you might want to just toss it off to side down into your support position. So as if we had the hands in the first or second loop again and you're still working that pull out focus in your shoulder girdle so that the upper back muscles are still working in that integrated way that you found in the standing posture there and just a little longer. Get a little more length here in his sternum toward Yvonne. Yes, they're okay without drooping the pelvis too low. Let's pike our hips up now to avoid that hips up and just an enjoy that upside down. V Stretch for a few breaths. Okay.

Think about what you can integrate with through the rib cage. Can those upper abdominals come into your body a little bit more? Yeah. Nice. Secure cage and the ribs. Lower your pelvis down again or your hips and then come on down. You can jump or step your feet to your hands. Good.

You guys rolled down onto your back cold. Okay, we're going to use the strap for a few things. I want you to put the strap in your hands in the second loop and these just on the feet on the floor, separated feet, and let's take the arms back overhead. Okay. Now if you can keep your arms straight, if you want to bend your elbows a little bit in that angle, you can do that as well. Let's take maybe four pelvic curl to a bridge. Pull out on the strap, no matter where your hands are. Inhale, and here we go.

Exhale, curl through your spine again. Go right away. Stand and feel the feet. Push your hips up, take your inhale and exhale rolling down. Just again, keeping that integration in your upper back area through this inhale and exhale curl. Let me stand on your feet. Lift your hips, make sure you've got some integration in the inner thighs. Breathing in there. Exhale, rolling down anyone's arms and or fingers. Start to get a little tingly or, yeah, Tingley just set the strap off to the side and take a break.

Curl back up again. It makes sure we're not really grabbing with the toes. No grab down there. You're feeling the feet wide. Inhale, exhale and roll down. Chest staying. Very ope. Nice Sam. Really Open on this. Rolled up and down. Nice. Juliet. And again, rolling up to your bridge position.

Six. Really good. Feel okay with the strap. You know good. You guys get to stay there while I answered Pat's question. They could be on the floor if you have enough range in your shoulder, but if you're feeling any [inaudible] don't push it there. Yeah, good. We're all good. Breathed there. Roll back down. Great Question Pat. Yeah. Okay.

Now once you are pelvises down, go ahead and bring one leg up to tabletop. Then the other one, you've got two legs. Now I want everyone to bend the elbows now. So you've got basically that goalpost position and now pat the arms should be on the floor this best we can. Let's take some nieces. I decide. Inhale, knees to the left. Make sure you're not going too far. I want you to really pull out on that outside, right arm, that edge and XL.

Return to center other direction to the right. Inhale, good and exhale and come to center and to the left and make sure that stay right there. Guys advanced this Nice Diego, so your knees are on the same ledge there. Bring it more. Yep. There we go. Sam and exhale center and to your right, I think about those knees being on the same. Lovell, reach your left knee toward my hand. Good summer ankles though. Together. Okay, and center again. Inhale to your left. Okay. Right shoulder, open. Exhale, find center and one more time everybody to your right and exhale and find center.

Then taking your arms up toward the ceiling. You're going to have to loop the strap, reach it up. You're going to have to do a little chest lift and bring it down underneath your hips. So we're going to go into the 100 now in order for this not to kind of rub on the back of the legs, once you come up to chest lift, go ahead. You've really got to get that integration, that connection of reaching in a way from you.

Take your legs where you would like to hold them for the 100 relax your feet and let's pull out on the strap and pump. Inhale, three, four, five. Exhale. Inhale. Yeah, and it's a little odd. I realize props are useful when they help make a connection to something when they're just some arbitrary thing that doesn't make sense. So why I'm giving you this rapport tonight, this to help you reach right as well as to keep the chest open by pulling out nine [inaudible], something like that. Two, three, four, five x sale. And that's how teachers like to do that. Okay? And then bring your knees to your chest unloop and then stretch all the way out for the a roll up. So once again, I want you to relax your feet.

Connect the inner thighs. Now this is interesting because we have an inner word energy in the inner thighs pulling those in together. But yet on the upper body we have a pulling out. So kind of bringing in some oppositional direction here. Let's see where we go with the roll-up arms. Head follows, now pull out on the strap, wants you to think about this. At the crown of the head is following the strap, but you're still working in pulling it out, stomach his back, breathe in.

And then same thing, rolling down. Inner thighs contracted in, arms are pulling out. Lengthen and again, fluid, good long neck so your shoulders are good and low. Great. Inhale and pull back. You're pulling away from your legs, getting that nice articulated spine. Good. Giulia, two more you guys. Inhale arms. Exhale, contract, Crown Oh head following that, strapping those ribs back again.

Long neck and roll back. Nice. Last one guys. Inner thighs in, pull out on the upper body, going to wide shoulder girdle, wide shoulder blades. Hold that position. I'm going to have a state here for some pulses that bring your ribs back and so I'm pulsing a little bit of upper body forward but pulling out on the edge, squeezing the inner thighs together and four, three, two and one from there. Roll all the way back and take your body. Good and long. Okay, great. Now if you need to move a little bit more center on your Mat, do so you can just scooch in taking the strap on the feet one and one the first loop from the center. We're going to go into rollover there.

Okay. All right. And so I think it might've been last Thursday in the saw one of the recent. It was, yeah. And remember I said, if you're pulling out on something, I said, imagine a wall right there that your legs are against to create that barrier. Was it last week? It might've been. Here's the barrier.

Here's an end point for you to really connect to. So as your feet are up, I do want you to flex your feet tonight with this. You pull out, you should feel some lateral hip. Do you all feel that it should be pretty firm on the side of the pelvis that really gives a nice, uh, border, okay. Arms by your sides or if some of you want the challenge, cause some of you can roll over with your arms back. You're not gonna see me do it cause I'm not able to do it. Uh, and I can't do it with integrity. So here we go. Rolling over. [inaudible].

Do your hips up. Now keep the strap taught. Keep a taut. Breathe in there. You're rolling down. Slow and steady. Pull out on the ankles. Roll down. Now I'm going to have us go with a little challenge. Instead of stopping at 90 degrees. Lower.

Your legs are about 60 degrees without your back. Leaving the Mat in Hilton 90. Exhale up over. Yes. So right there, your sits bones are seeing the ceiling. Pull out. Inhale and roll down. Exhale. Yeah.

Well broadening your back should really feel like you're getting whipped and link at the same time. Nice. Elisa. Arms down legs. Ziana me two more continuous rolling over. You guys are there and your sits bones are right up to the ceiling. Excellent. Inhale, pull out. Exhale, roll. Soften that chest.

Yes. Evenly down that spine. Lower the legs again. We've got one more rollover. Ah, breathing in and exhale as you roll down. Okay. Just coming to neutral pelvis level pelvis. Let's take this strap away for a few exercises and we'll come back to it for a few more. Let's go into our legs. Circles, draw the right leg up slightly externally rotated, anchoring your hips and I want you to keep your foot relaxed. Okay, here we go.

Cross to the left. Exhale your leg around and up and we cross circle land up and cross round. Lift Dan. [inaudible] good. Two more this direction. Last one and oh other way.

Open down around Lyft. Open down, around and left. [inaudible] it's a lot of stability going on in the body to more round lift and last one around and lift. Nothing fancy. Just change legs tonight. Okay. Ready circles to the right doubt around lift. Lift three around, lift up four. I think I did six on the first side, so we've got one more.

Cross around and reverse [inaudible]. Let the bottom leg be your anchor. Three. We root those abdominal muscles down and into the body to more and up and last circle, round and lift. Okay. Pull your knees in, give your knees a hug and I want you, everybody bring your head and chest up. Nice and high lift. Ya know, right now if your pelvis is up off of the mat like Blaine is, it's okay, but let's not do that for the exercises. I want you to bring your pelvis down and move your hands even lower on your shins. I've done this before. I'm not sure if everyone has seen this, but so right now my femurs are close to my chest. Right?

You see that if I move my femurs away from my chest, my knees are now facing the ceiling. Can you guys do that? Yeah. Is that okay on your knees? Press your knees together. Good. Inhale, double leg stretch. Open the arms. And Anna, I want you to see if you can get those femurs vertical. Just a little different approach tonight. And lift. Open and in again, open and pool. Yes. Good.

Open and femurs up open and one more time open and oh, okay. Put your hands behind your head. Single leg stretch. Take one leg forward. Let's take our right leg forward. Change your, we go and change it over one and toes meet in the same space. The same object I should say out there in space. Yeah. Okay.

Let's pick it up a little faster for 10 and a one and a two and a three and four and five. Six, seven. Moving from the hips. Nice and whole. Bring it in. Scissors leg up. Now let's do a nice stretch. First Square the pelvis, so reaching your right hip towards your, just a quick change and just square the left and pull. Pull one to n. One, two again. The hand should be up here waiting for the leg.

That's it. You guys chest a little higher. Sounds good. There is your rhythm and three and two. Last one. Hands behind your head. Now hold up. Their lower your legs in itch. Cold. Oh, I'm sorry. Lower another inch minus moving more than an inch.

Another inch and then back up to 90 let's do that again. So we have a little couple inches. Really realistically, couple inches, couple more. And then we come to 90 and couple inches. We get heavier in the body up in the upper body when the legs go away from us. Okay. Two more. Sink in heavy like you're in quicksand and your upper body down and lift last time. Get heavier on the chest.

Heavier you feel the reason why? Yeah, and up. Now stay with me. Bring your right knee towards you. Twist toward that knee. Don't go anywhere yet. Twist two west. Come up off the back. Other side to where to hold and change one and change two and three. So if your pelvis is a teeter totter and right left, you're twisting too much.

Good. Eight more and one. So hips are anchored to this floor. Three, four, four, three. Gosh, you guys are great. You slowed yourself down, which is actually harder. Okay? Come on down and let your head rest. Hug, hug, hug, breathe. But I like that you slowed yourself down because I think you were working to keep your pelvis level right. You might've felt a little whoa going on there. Okay, let's do this for a second. Put your feet on the mat and arms down long, or I'll give you a choice. You don't have to hold your strap, but you could have your hands back this way. Okay?

Why don't you to peel up to the shoulder bridge, feet still together and lift your hips. Let's just lift them up. So again, concentrating on the strength on the inner thighs, the back of the legs. You got it. Stretch your right leg out. Legs are still on the same level. We're going to go up and down five times up with the lane down with the leg just at the level of the left and up and down. You can do whatever you want with your feet. I want you to move from your hip and down and up and down.

Last one up to hold it there. Bend this knee, cross it over the other knee. Squeeze tight with your thighs. Now roll down your spine. Articulate until you get to level. Breathe in, roll back up and use standing leg strength back and abdominals. Inhale at the top and roll it down to exhale. I'm also thinking, reach the hips toward the bottom leg. Inhale at the bottom. Exhale, peel up.

One more time. I'm going to take a look. There could be a little swaying on the rocky boat, right? And we're trying to keep from Wu, swinging around all the way. Peel back up. Stand on that foot. Lift now reach your right leg up, bend the knee, place the foot to the floor and reach your left leg forward.

I better join you for that so I'm not too uneven. And we had five of them. So lift lower, lift lower, moving again from the hip. Good Mobility and strengthen the hip and those deep abdominals associated there and up and down our last real lift. Hold. Now Cross knee over knee. Squeeze in. Inhale, roll down. Exhale.

So if you're feeling a little waiver left to right, it's normal, but try to minimize it. Roll back up. [inaudible]. Find what you need in the center of the body to get more stabilized. Inhale and exhale. Rolling down. What do you think of this one? You like it now anyhow and roll up.

It keeps this single leg honest, doesn't it really find that strength. One more time. Good. Rolling down. Inhale and exhale. Rolling up my Sabrina. Yeah, it's really pretty. Lift the leg. Step it to the mat. You can do ankle tangle if you'd like. Breathe and roll yourself all the way down to the mat. Okay, good.

Let's come up for a few things more with this strap. All right, so saw you may need to stagger a little bit. Yeah. How about we go feet in the second loop from center? Yep. That's going to be what I want. Puts me a little wide from my map, but that is okay.

Okay, so we're back on those end points right now. Look at your feet too and see that you're not towing in or beveling or towing out. You want your feet as if you're right up on the wall with the feet. You guys get that idea, take your arms up and put them behind your head and then do a different saw to wiz towards your left without losing where your sitz bones are right on the mat as well as your hipbones are facing the green strap. Now from here, round down. Ah, flexing the spine, getting your head toward that thigh and just stay right there.

So both hip bones should be on the floor. Both hip bone should be facing the center of that strap and heels are reaching forward. Good. Roll up the spine, open through the chest and return to facing front one. Slow one going the other way. So it's a twist to the right. It's a reflection forward. We've been working on this sometimes when we're twisting one hip pulls back, not allowed here. So reach. Yep. Roll back up your spine, open the chest and exhale. Find your center. Okay.

Now with a little flow, inhale, twist. I have to get to the floor cause the mats disturbing my new round. Yeah, really keep the awareness. Sitz bones are on the floor. Hipbones are reaching forward and roll up and find center. And twist and exhale over rolling back up and exhale center once again. Each side relaxed your heels to the floor. Yeah.

Yes. Heel should be on the floor. There we go. That's what I was doing to is our hyper extension. Sorry. Dancers. Bad Habits. Yeah. Ran Flex, flex, flex, roll up, up and up. And then find your center and rest. Okay. Keep your strap on your feet. Just can you reach out and just round. You can hold on to it if you'd like to and just get some flexibility.

You know what's coming next I think. I think most of you do or it could be going open leg, a rock higher. So open like rocker with this strap on the feet is wacky, wacky and fun. So come on up. Let's try that. Yeah, make sure you've got enough space behind. High End. You got a ladder mural there. Look back in Julio.

Me Hanging from the [inaudible] barrel. Okay. Open your arms out to the side. Now go into the contraction of your tummy and what you, this is a transition that's kind of hard. Now it's hard enough without the strap. On the feet, but you've pulled out on the ankles. Check it out and lift your legs up. Okay. Hot shot your onto your calves. Oh, so see, I just lost it. It's probably because I was watching. Let's try it again.

That was actually for me. You were great. It's just going way back so I should be more clear. Go to your sacred place. Yeah, just the back of the pelvis. Now hole there. So the upper body rectus abdominis has to stay engaged. Try not to move your spine anymore. Bring your legs to your hands. Yes, it's that last inch or two that count.

Oh my gosh, I'm losing it. Roll back, roll up. Try to balance, pull out on the ankles. Good and roll back. Look at your tummy. Come up and press out on those ankles and roll back. If you feel as though that your legs are too wide, stop and put one foot in air more narrow. We're going to continue rural and rule again. So now the strap is there is it's 10 it's teasing and taunting him wanting to make you go out of control.

It's just if it's just a different way to connect yourself, don't let it get too much. As you know in your brain. There you go. A couple more you found that's a lot better. Yeah, last time. Roll it back. Roll it up. [inaudible]. Cool. Good. Bend your knees. Come out of the exercise and rest.

Yeah, control the old principle of control. Get strength, flexibility, control. Okay, let's move on to some back extension things. So I'm going to actually approach this from kneeling. Some kneeling back extension, which actually is good for all of us. So let's come onto all fours. Yeah, all in due time. So as if we have the strap pulling out again, nice flat back posture, taking breath in, everybody. Exhale.

Now if you think of reaching your sternum, chest forward, shoulder blades more back to your pelvis and arch, your upper back only. Don't let, we're trying not to sag into the horseback. No heavy saddle there. Right? And then just lower your eyes and your chest, your back more into your flat position. There may not be a lot that we see. Inhale there. So simultaneously, shoulder blades peeling down your back as you reaching your chest forward in a nice long neck. Inhale and exhale, come back to your level position. A couple more, a couple mini classes go. We talked a lot about let the shoulder blades move around the back of your ribs.

There you go. Summer to kind of assist the mobility here in your thoracic spine and then come back into your level position. Okay. And one more time. Stupid. Uh, Yvonne, do that again only because, go back to your level. Try not to spiral your elbows.

Hm. Are we hyper extending our elbows? Yeah. Which would look like during woo woo. We try to stabilize that. So elbows looking in veins of your elbows, seeing each other.

It's your scalp. That's better upper back extension. Hold that position. Okay, now flatten it out a little. I want you to come back into your front support. Lift your right leg, couple inches and pulse for 10 slow pulses. One and two, three. Nice Sam.

Now add a little bit of that upper back extension here. Julia. Gorgeous. That's what it is. Nine and 10. Place the foot down and then come out of that. A little bit of upper back extension. Good. Let a left foot up. So start to pulse. The leg goes up, let that feed into your upper back extensors. Yes.

So the back of the body energize, lifted eight, nine and 10. Place the foot down. Level yourself out. Bring your knees to the mat and rest. Good. Yeah. And Go ahead guys and sit back for a moment. Kim, come off of your wrists. Very nice. Okay. I want you to do one on all the way down on your tummy and having your arms long in front of you. You'll probably need them on the floor and not the mat.

In fact, I know you will cause the mats are going to get a little [inaudible], but also I want you to feel some traction if you will. So on the reformer, there's sometimes as the exercise of pulling straps where you've got your hands and you're pulling on rope to bring your body into a swan. Let's pretend for a minute you're holding some rope in your hands or you could just have your palms open on the floor. Start to pull, bring your shoulder blades back to your back and feel your hands wide on the floor. Lift your upper back again into that upper back extension. So this way I want you to really, it's pure back extensor strength. Your hands are just moving back on the carpet.

Now sure your tummy is integrated with this, right? So we could all probably do this and just pop that gut out and just hang on the tummy really bad for the low back. Pull that up and see if you can get more in your back muscles. All right, Peter Down. Inhale. And as you exhale, reach long as you come forward. Down onto the forehead. Okay, and same thing. Now I'm going to watch your shoulder blades move first. There they go. And that good summer.

Then the chest is, you're working to come higher using those muscles of your back. Check the front of you. You might even check the legs. Could you stretch them further behind you inhale and then exhale as we slide forward and reach, even feeling that energy all the way through those fingers two more times cause really nice. Yeah. Good Sam. So organizing a shoulder blades first upper back. And so I'm just, yeah, that I've got my hand in, in us on a summers.

Upper back. She knows I'm there. If I run all of your backs you would know is there. Push against the back a little bit there. I don't want those scapula back here a little more. There we go. And coming [inaudible] down.

One more guys and Scapula think bring them closer to spine. There. Live right there for a minute. Bring it back. Nope. Nope. Bring it back there. Check your tummies. Good. And all the way down. And the rest a little bit. And so what started happening is a little that instead before you were had a really nice, it was all nice, but that started to get a little lost. Yeah.

And I know we've, that's one place we want to not get too lost. So stay right there. Summer. Yep. That's your, that's it. Does that feel really different? Good. Okay. Up on your elbows, guys in a plank, let's just hold it. Just hold it. What a discounting thing to say, because what could sag is the low back. No dips, no dips. So an old cue, one piece of steel through your head, down to your heels.

That's kind of an old one. If I took the strap and I put it at your heel and I drew it all the way up through the top of your head, the strap would be taught. That's you. Long, elongated, strong. Now I want you just to March your feet, just kind of up and down without bending your knees. Just changing your rhythm. All I'm is giving you a little bit of something different to play with. Four, three, two and one, and bring yourself down and rest. Okay. Nicely done. Come on over to your, uh, the side that's gonna allow you to face me. So it's, you're going to be a right elbow. I'm not going to use that. The stack, the feet again on that elbow, and it's right down underneath your shoulder. Oh, that's fine. So we're, we're different. Directions is completely fine.

There are different directions at home too, so it's all right. Uh, it's this side though. Reach under with your hand. Feel your muscles, the musculature solid right now. Let it drop. Go to Cabo or somewhere for a minute and then bring it back up. Now you're in class. That's just fun. If anything, it makes us smile for a minute and then come down. Now this is just a question out loud.

Would you want to bring your body weight up from there? Could you don't do it from this SAGD position. It's like a Hammock that has 12,000 rocks in it. You know, I don't know what the image, so bring that up. Yeah. And then before we even lift our hip off the floor, just raise your arm over your head and stretch.

That's it. Yeah. So then underneath side you've got this nice straight line and do this for some or just a little more lift here. You got it a little more. We've got it. Now that arm might help lead you into lifting your hip. Inhale. That was lovely. XL. As you come down without losing that quality of this upper arm, helping to support you a little bit or dropping that inside waste. And again, we reach and lift that underneath side is being asked to do a lot.

It's lifting your weight to helping lift your weight and lower the hip. I noticed it's not the ribs that lower. It's the hip that comes down. One more time. Okay. [inaudible] go on over. Go ahead. Let me, let me see, but if it's hurting, don't do it. No. Okay. All right, and come on down now. Stay integrated in your torso.

Let's put her hand behind her head. Everybody bring your feet slightly forward. Raise your lay. We're kicking front and back. Here we go. And Front and front and back and back. Front and front and back and back. [inaudible] I know you're wondering why isn't she saying anything?

Usually talking the whole time for rent and front and watching to see if we need to. If anyone's dropping their ribs, some ribs are dropping. Last one coming front and front and hold it to the back. Ruth, here. Now on the exhale, you're turning your torso, rotate. Now you're rotating, but you're not dropping. Your ribs are actually lifted higher above the floor. Inhale, face the front again. And two more. Exhale, twist. Reach your leg back, twist. Use Your glutes a little bit back there. Inhale, face the front. And one more time. Exhale.

This is beautiful you guys. So your pelvis stays stacked. The rotation again is from above the pelvis, just like you had in crisscross earlier. Find your center and come all the way down. Let's come up for a little mermaid stretch. Let's go. Hands on ankle. Two choices.

You could have your hand behind your head or arm straight up. Taking that nice inhale, stretch up. First tall side bend. Oh Mama, Mama. So I think on the side bins, this particular exercise, try to just let your tail come under or contract your abdominals to curl your tail a little bit because it won't go there on its own. Do you feel where the stretch just took a took over? Yeah. So let's carry this in. I'm gonna Save. Lower your arm, let your body turn and maybe you're going to put hand next to hand and just round a little more.

Beautiful. Good. Okay. And then just go ahead and come all the way up and we'll spin around the other way. So for stacked feet, you're on your elbow to have your body do the same thing. Feel the musculature on the side of your back. A Nice actually feel what it is. We're pulling them down all the time. You Miss. I'll feel what the result is. And then sync.

It's an opening. It's a stretch. It's different, but it's not supportive to lift our body weight up. So we go up again and sync one more time. Does anyone like the sinking? No, I, it feels good in a way. I feel a little stretch in my lower abdomen there, but some more bleak stretch. Okay. And last one. So you get that nice lift, that long flat line before you lift your hip. Go ahead and take your arm overhead. Okay. So again, it's, it's multidimensional. As you start reaching the arm, the hip may just float magically up off the floor. It helps you integrate into that, that side, that underbelly. Good you guys.

And then as you bring that hip down, you're still reaching that arm. That's it. And is there for you to go right back up again and you're looking straight out? Yeah, just that and lower the hip. And one more time. The reach of the arm can help you get that lift. Relax the ribs just a little so we're not bravado too much.

And then bring the hip down, hand behind head and adjust the feet and you're still working in that middle of the body. You still got that side lifted. Here we go and kick and kick and kick and kick. So you can go for range of motion. Okay. As long as this is all integrated together. So you're in balance, not rocking to front and back.

Nice. You guys open up, open up one more in front and front and back and back. Hold now the Yummy one without rocking your hips. We rotate her ring out. Inhale, return front. So the leg, the extended leg, glutes or squeeze. Exhale, twist, waistline. Really narrow.

Inhale, come back to facing front and exhale last one, twist and inhale facing front and then lower the leg. Bring them in for the mermaid. Stretch right up long with that arm. And exhale as you're going up and over to the side bend on the way over. Contracted deep low belly. Just enough to bring your tail slightly under [inaudible]. You can keep reaching with an arm and no counter twist from what you just performed.

[inaudible] breathe nice and broad into your upper back. Exactly. Got It. Okay. Nice. You guys. Okay. Come to face each other again. Cross your ankles. I'm not, I can't no boy. No, let's do it. I'm sorry.

We're gonna do because I didn't prepare you well enough. I went to seal and I went to boomerang and all kinds of things, but I didn't prepare you well enough for those that would not be nice or safe. So let, we'll go rolling like a ball with the strap. This is kinda gratifying. Yeah. Huh? So you're holding, you can do two holds hands. Face out. The band is that the strap is at the back of your ribs. He could barely get it around and ask the first.

Okay, wait. Oh Pat sees this as it'd be awesome. You know what? You're probably okay. They do make extra long steps. So this is one of those moments. So are, you might have to do this with your thumbs. Just be careful. You're not death gripping. Okay. Hey, it's great. Oh Gosh. Okay. So keep it fine. Oh my God, I'm not gonna I do. I'm sorry. That's fine. Make me laugh. Okay.

Lift your feet up cause they say it's going to happen. There's going to be someone who too tall for the strap, but we haven't found it yet. Okay. Focus. So we take your ribs back guys, reach your ribs into the strap. The strap is there to help open up the low back in the mid back. Your objective to roll with control. Right. Here we go. Roll back, be ready for it. Come up. Whoa, hold. Do it.

Open up the back and the laughing probably helped reach that. Good Sam. Good. And again, cool. Reach your ribs back into the strap. Wow there. Keep it going. Just check if there's any place you could let go of a little ounce of tension.

It's probably your neck, right? Doing well guys. Two more times. [inaudible] it's so hard and rest. Why is it so hard? Oh, I find that really, really hard for me. I had exposes my potential fault of kicking for me. Yeah, my Choo Papa. You're not a kicker.

You're not a kicker. I wonder why. Well, things are changing, right? It's also asking I think to help, uh, maintain a defined flection. A consistent flection. Yeah. Rather than having any of those little deviations that you know, that occur.

You guys, you can put your feet down. Sorry. You know those little bounces and stuff, but maybe the defined consistent flection. Yeah. You're, oh, you're welcome. Yeah. Okay. Let's find her way up. One more time to standing. Hey, you can face me again. Let's see what it feels like to go wider with the feet using the strap for last. Nice, wonderful side side. Bending your body's warmer now. Arms are way up.

Palm still face out there. A certain number. Oh, I'm sorry. Summer. Golly. Three. Three. Okay. Here we go. Arms up where? The shoulders, where can they go? Let's go over big generous side bend. Now as you're there, stand very firm in the opposite foot. The one you're opposite of, you know, away from inhale there. Exhale, come all the way up. Yeah.

Over. So the strap got my brain a little tousled didn't it? Hold right there. Stand into that opposite foot. Oh, all the way up in heel tall. And exhale going over. Inhale, come up and exhale going over. And again for more. I want to ask you, Ben Moore there. Yvonne, go for the bend. Yeah, you're warm enough.

You're anchored enough. You rooted, you guys down from your hips. You on your feet. Yeah, you can really play with that sense of coincide to side. Julia. Beautiful. Open that chest up. One more each side. Inhale and exhale ribcage and last one and exhale and up and lower your arms. So plot is, it does make the mood in no change. Okay. Can enlighten you and, and make you feel a little more invigorated and um, can make you smile a little bit. So that's where I went.


1 person likes this.
Amy, keeps me spending money on new products...sigh.. Now I am going to have to go out and buy the Stretch Out Strap!! You give such great classes Amy..
btw anticipating the extra classes on the Pro Roller.. hint hint... Thanks for all you do!
I hear you Jamie...I used the theraband for this class, but now I have to buy the SOS!
Thanks Amy, your attention to detail is wonderful. Loved the felt fabulous!
Hi Jamie!'re hooked on these props eh?! Happy to hear you're as interested in them as I am! Thank always Jamie, for such positive feedback and comments. Haven't filmed the next Pro Roller segment, but it's on the way. Just filmed a jumpboard workout, Mat and a foot strengthening class this afternoon! Not sure when they'll come up, stay tuned!
Hi Kerry.....OPTP is the source for the SOS strap, you'll love it I think. When you get your strap, be sure to check out classes with Pat Guyton and her workshop's all about the strap and she goes into incredible detail! She is a Master Teacher if there ever was one and one main reason why I call her my mentor. Thanks for taking class with me!
Tks Amy, apparently shipping to Canada costs more than the I'm going to wait until i get to Pilates on Tour San Fransisco, see if I can find one there!!
Love it...I use the poor man's strap....just a wide long black ribbon. Def miss out on the loops though. Great session - ESP loved slow dbl. straight leg stretch, olr, side series and RLB. As always Amy. Big ole thank you!
Kerry you should be able to find one at Pilates on Tour, good luck!
Thank you Jennifer! So great hearing from you, as always!!
Fun class. Loved the use of the strap. Will have to purchase one! Thanks.
Theraband makes a strap that's just like the SOS. I like it because it has a little stretch in it, unlike the SOS. I use both.
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