Movement Potential<br>Danica Kalemdaroglu<br>Class 4382

Movement Potential
Danica Kalemdaroglu
Class 4382

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5 people like this.
Danica, thank you!   You and your teaching method is a beautiful breath of fresh air.   I enjoyed this class and will do your other classes in the series.   Yes I know I believe I stared with the last aired class in the series.   We all just start somewhere.   Thanks again!
1 person likes this.
Good Solid Class. I wore 5 lb leg weights which worked for me. I had fun, got a good workout, and feel much better. Thanks Again Danica:) 
Maria P
3 people like this.
Great work out and beautiful moves!!! Danica, May we please get some similar series with props? Thank you!
Venus L
2 people like this.
i love your energy and choreography and fluidity in transition Danica.  Thank you for such an awesome class... 
Jennifer E
2 people like this.
That was so much fun! Thank you thank you Danica!
Laura Maria
Love your teaching style, Danica! Great week of classes :) 
2 people like this.
2 people like this.
This is so beautiful, Dana your grace, energy and creativity makes me so excited and ready for your next class.  Beautiful personality.  
2 people like this.
Loved the creativity and energy. Can’t wait to try this class tomorrow! Thanks for this terrific series:)
2 people like this.
Really nice workout for one hurting!!!  Got some heart,strength and whole lot of mobility and unknotting!   Your personality is warm and friendly.....will follow your classes!
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