Movement Potential<br>Danica Kalemdaroglu<br>Class 4382

Movement Potential
Danica Kalemdaroglu
Class 4382

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Melissa L thanks for your support!
Beverly L thank you for hanging out with me!
Michelle G nothing like a good unkinking of all the knots!
Karen M keep it moving all week long!
Cyndie K so glad you enjoyed it!
Géraldine A smooches! thank you for moving with me!
Janet R music to my ears! we can do so much if we are joust organized correctly!
Maryam thank you so much for moving with me all week.
Lina S
1 person likes this.
Thank you for this super fun class! It was a perfect mix of strength and stretch. Thank you!
Mirko Turla
1 person likes this.
What a great class Danika...lots of new and fun variations! Thank you!
21-30 of 49

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